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Sweden's :marseyflagsweden: Fertility Rate sinks to record low. Redditors at r/europechuds are concerned



Just to give dramacels some context, Sweden had a relative stable TFR of around 1.8-1.9 for the past 30 years, it even reached 1.98 around 2010. 1.45 is a very low number for them, and that's accounting immigration. I was surprised by the 1.49 UK TFR's, is also a record low for bongs despite over 1/4 of babies being born to foreign mothers there.

I blame my gaming computer making me not wanna waste any time having s*x and raising kids when I could be grinding in game

Some self awareness :marseysurftheweb:

Hm I wonder why all these nations around the world have such low fertility rates? Could it be that people don't want to get kids because the world is fricked up or because they can't afford it?

A bit too semplicistic, in Africa they are way more poor and fricked up than us in Europe but they make tons of kids :marseynoooticer:

Redditors learn that the global poor have more children :marseymindblown:

The fall of western society.



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1.45 children :marseychildclutch: per woman :marseyarthoe8: last year, according to the statistics :marseychartpie: agency.

White women :marseydarkfoidretard: only now :surejan:

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The whole world (the good parts at least) is basically fricked. Every country highlighted is slowly shrinking.


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Future :marseyremember: is Africa :marseyblackpanther:

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Black/Asian/Native/Mestizo birthrates aren't great either. Latin American birthrates are way down, too.

Burger race stricture makes this kind of r-slurred, too. I know a trad couple that has like 7 kids, they're both pretty white and act white (his wife does speak Spanish but whatever). His wife is LATINX and therefore all their kids are LATINE despite them being the same as other white kids

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Yeah fr even the birthrate in Africa is starting to slow down with a few outliers. We're reaching the stage in human development where population collapse is basically unavoidable.

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White :marseypatriot: women :marseysuffragette: path is: 16-25 I party :marseyhotep: 25-35 I build :marseyikea: a career 35+ I am strong :marseymacholegs: independent poor postwall :marseyeggless: why won't Chad approach me :marseykneel: :marseypikachu2:

Arab woman :marseyarthoe8: path is: similar to white :marseysouthernbelle5: women :marseygoodnight: but then: wtf Habdula imported a girl 20 years younger than him from Morocco? :marseypikachu2:

Asian women :marseyblops2chadcel2: path is: now also mostly similar to white :marseypepsi: women :marseysuffragette: so now you can see tons of Asian :marseychingchongraging: women :marseyblops2chadcel2: prositute around since in the past was just being white :marseypolarbear: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: but now they also chad only or nothing.

So only Arabs will prevail

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