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Throwback Thursday: Guy decides not to give a girl a free ticket to a concert and goes on a date instead. AITA determines he's an butthole


Background: guy asks girl out, she says she's not interested in him but would like to go to a concert. He asks out a different girl and she says yes. When he takes the other girl the foids of Reddit say that he is an butthole.

It got raided by non-r-slurs later which is why a lot of the top comments are NTA but a few years back when it got posted it was only seething foids. I remembered it as a reminder of how dumb Reddit advice is

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"wanna go on a date because I like you?"

"I'll take free shit but I don't like you back"

"Oh I wanted to go on a date so I asked someone else"

Pretty easy

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:#marseyraging: YOU CANT DO THIS

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Found the incel

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YTA. You don't rescind an invitation because you won't get laid at the end. 'Only guys understand' is an example of toxic masculinity. Don't be surprised if you lose a friend over this.

And foids aren't owed free shit if they don't put out either.

Edit: Leave it to a bipolar :marseywomanmoment2: to decide what is and isn't toxic masculinity.


A bipolar wagie who works at Olive Garden, active on eating disorder, antiwork, and snark subs. This is the ultimate reddit foid.

!fellas !foidmoment

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Sweetie pumpkin, would you consider not eating that 5th sleeve of Oreos and taking a shower instead?

WOW thanks I'm cured :marseyeyeroll:

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I'd :marseycumplosion: in her.

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When I told my sister about what happened, she said I'm being really douchy. She says her friend is a huge fan of the singer and I should take her instead of my coworker who doesn't even like the band but only wants to go because she likes me.

lol. lmao.

"ugh she only wants to go to that concert with you because she likes you that's so lame"

edit: also this exchange


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Source on that claim? Do you have a verified, peer reviewed source of these 2 people dating?

Sorry scientific rigor demands that I do not accept anecdotal evidence nor suppositions based on previously determined facts.

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I often wonder if it's annoying or blissful being as slow as that Redditor

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4 years... That's plenty old enough to do a word-for-word gender flip and go unnoticed. :marseytroublemaker:

AITA for giving my concert ticket to another guy after my friend said he only wanted to go with me as "friends"?

I am 24F and I have a friend who is 21, he is really nice and we've known each other for a year. He is my brother's acquaintance and we met at my brother's birthday party. I have a crush on him although he isn't exactly my type. Lately I feel like I've been getting vibes that he likes me back.

Last week I won a raffle and have 2 tickets to see a famous singer perform next month in a nearby city. He also happens to like this singer so I asked him if he wanted to go with me as a date. I said I can book us a hotel room and we can spend the night together. He said he'd love to go, but only as friends. He says he's alright with us splitting a hotel room as long as it has two beds. He told me he doesn't feel ready to date anyone at the moment, and he doesn't do flings either, so unfortunately we can only be platonic friends. I said I'll think about it. I was quite hurt because honestly I don't have much experience with rejection, and I was annoyed that he turned me down.

Today, i asked my male coworker to go with me to the concert as a date. He immediately said yes and seemed quite excited about it although he admitted that he never listened to any of their songs. Still, I'm taking him out for drinks on Friday. But just now, the friend who I asked originally asked if we were still on for the concert. I told him honestly that I already asked another man, and he seemed disappointed but dropped the subject.

When I told my brother about what happened, he said I'm being really bitchy. He says his friend is a huge fan of the singer and I should take him instead of my coworker who doesn't even like the band but only wants to go because he likes me. I said he can't understand because he's not a girl. Because let's me honest, if I had the choice between going out with a guy who only wants to be my "friend" versus a guy who is super into me and wants to take things to the next level, then obviously I'm taking the second one. AITA for just being honest about what I want?

EDIT: Because a lot of the hang up is over the hotel room thing: YES I would have been fine if the first guy agreed to go with me as a date, but wanted separate hotel beds/rooms. Nowhere do I even say that we have to share a bed...

But the part where he says he's not ready to date anyone essentially means he is not interested in me. He likely said he'll go with me as friends just to be nice and not hurt my feelings. So why would I make the experience awkward for the both of us when I could bring along someone who actually is interested in dating me? EDIT OVER

I could make the post, but honestly, it only really works if you also keep an eye out for similar comments and use a gender flip of OP's comments to reply. That's way too much effort for me. :marseyantiwork2:

!effortposters, 1,000 DC if you manage to both get at least a couple hundred comments and keep anyone from realizing it's a gender flip for at least eight hours. You'll probably want to post it on the same day of the week and at the same time of day as the original was posted. And remember to wait a bit before putting the EDIT in, !r-slurs. :marseyoctopus2:

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I can make it for you rn, flip every YTA to NTA, done.

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It works better with a different writing style and the story being the same but trivial details changed. Remember, neurodivergent redditors will look it up and immediately start commenting all over that its a gender switch

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I understand what you're getting at, but I think you're focused on the wrong thing. Changing things up makes it harder for them to cotton on, but the fun isn't seeing their inverted responses, it's laughing at them post-discovery as they attempt to weasel out of their hypocrisy. Leaving the post and comments completely identical with nothing but the genders changed is the best way to maximize entertainment. :marseylolcow:

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You can still do that just by referencing the original post later on

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You're misunderstanding. If there's any changes other than gender, they'll latch onto those with their excuses and never let go. If gender is the only alteration, no amount of handwringing can get them around it, and it will eat them alive. They'll spend ages arguing about it. :soysnootypefast:

Take these two for example. Do you think the top comment on the second post would have an edit like that if a single word other than gender had been changed? If you sort by controversial, it's nothing but slap fights where people try to wriggle out of admitting hypocrisy while others try to force them to. :marseynoyou:

And frankly, that OP kinda half-assed it. If they really wanted to ramp up the drama, after their ruse was discovered and the /r/AmItheAsshole jannies shut it down, they could've used sock puppet accounts to crosspost to /r/TwoXChromosomes, /r/MensRights, /r/BestofRedditorUpdates... There's so much potential drama to be milked if you can get a post like this big enough. :marseyokaymilk:

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Well i wont care if no one does it :#marseyindignant:

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The majority of seething harpies in that thread post on /r/datingoverthirty /e/scott.webp

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Why would you even want to go to a concert with someone you know has feelings for you that you don't reciprocate I can't think of anything more awkward

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Free concert + gloat on a scrote :marseyyass:

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:#marseyattentionseeker: and :#marseyvibing:

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:#bloomer: hey, can I take you out on a date to dinner Friday night?
Sure! But, just as friends; I don't want to date you :) :!#marseywomanmoment:
:#bloomer: Oh, uh, that's okay I'll, ask someone else
No, you still owe me this free dinner. This is toxic masculinity. YTA. :!#marseywomanmoment2:

Meme gender.

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This is the sub that called a waiter an butthole for not giving booze to a heavily pregnant woman because she might be planning to abort it anyway and WAHMEN ARENT JUST INCUBATORS!

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You got a link to that becasue that sounds like the type of histrionic reddit popcorn i enjoy? :marseypopcorntime:

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Many doctors say otherwise so maybe don't say "we" as though you speak for all doctors. Not defending drinking while pregnant, just stating a fact that all doctors do not say this. I've specifically had doctors tell me to have drink while pregnant.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17105202664882255.webp :diddykongdoctorupset:

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And that's a good thing



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I know it was probably just decent bait, especially given the name and account being banned. But just the same I wonder how it turned out if it were real. People that do follow ups always do them like 3-6 months later, I want to see a 5 years ago I ignored yalls r-slurred advice, check out my adorable child with the girl I smashed after that concert.

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Honestly could probably generate some seethe as a follow up on a different account. Claim to be the guy from it, you and the girl you went with are happily married and expecting. Throw some more salt on wounds by adding in you're buying your second property together

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This is a top example of comments in this thread that makes me think redditors are mostly lobotomized

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