EFFORTPOST Steven (totally not gay) Crowder is legally harassing his ex-employee (not gay) Jared over NDA after his departure from the show


I don't really follow Steven Crowder, so I'll just sum this up to the best of my ability.

Here's an article that does a good job summing up all the details and goes a bit in-depth into it

Also has sources and quotes from other ex employees of crowder (aka more dirt and corroborating evidence).

Whoever wrote this did a good job at summing up all this shit

Unlike me, they paid 6 figures to go to journ*lism school, and it shows.



Crowder had this producer dude on his show for yearrrrrssss and he was like an essential part of it.

His name was Jared, and in this tweet he's making a long video sort of talking about his departure from the show (idk when this happened) in 2018

Apparently Steven Crowder made him sign a ridiculously restrictive NDA agreement and tried to make him sign like non-compete agreements and whatever.

Well this Jared guy is saying FRICK THAT, basically, and now Crowder is apparently using all sorts of legal shit to try and frick him.

Undoubtedly this is because this dude has all the dirt about how Crowder does coke and sucks peepees in airport bathrooms or w/e the frick else he's up to

I don't think any legal stuff has actually happened yet and jared is basically just e-begging rn because he's about to be legally butt r*ped

It's a pretty interesting development though and something to keep an eye on.

I'd love to hear about what kind of shenanigans this dude witnessed over his years working with that unfunny r-slur.

quote from video

"This place was and is to this day a workplace rife with sexual misconduct, degeneracy, and aggression,” he said.

“The things I saw, the things done to me, and the things I witnessed my employer do to others were disgusting, shocking, and utterly indefensible. I have the receipts."

wonder what he's talking about here :marseydetective:

how many peepees did he see go into steven crowders butt?

maybe Crowder and Puff Daddy were running gay child s*x rings together?

one can only speculate, but certainly the timing of both of these things coming out in the same week is suspicious :marseydetective:


Look at the replies under his post from other rightoid figures.

There's definitely smoke here


Candace Owens (herself currently embroiled in drama with the Daily Wire - see post here: https://rdrama.net/post/256472/jeremy-boreing-ceo-of-daily-wire )

"Wait til they find out what he's been doing to his wife…

I never edited my opinion on Steven Crowder because I knew that everything would eventually be revealed.

This really is going to be a year of revelations."



"I've already donated $3,500, I'll be sending more every day for the next week until I hit $50,000"

Apparently Crowder had beef with Daily Wire and shit talking them about their break with Candace Owens

Maybe there will be some rightoid infighting here

"I know something was horribly wrong when Dave disappeared. Steven should be ashamed of himself for calling out dailywire when he does the same thing- arguably worse."


etc etc theres tons of shit in the replies

:redlight: :redlight: :redlight: :redlight:



anyways, yeah


so there's that

ADDITIONAL :redlight: :redlight: :redlight: :redlight:

per soren, Steven Crowder is also a practitioner of domestic violence and someone who abuses his pregnant (ex?) wife

What an upstanding and totally-not-a-woman-hating-cute twink this guy is

>Steven Crowder seen abusing pregnant wife on Ring video after blaming her for divorce




January of 2022. I was sleeping on a mattress in my closet. The world was too big. The sun was too bright. My head hurt as I tried to distinguish what was truth from what was a lie about my life.I could no longer envision what my future looked like. All I saw when I looked ahead was a void and complete darkness.

I wrote down these words as a way to just get through the day. The days added up.

My future may look different than I had hoped, but now I can at least envision a future. The darkness is gone.



in the last couple of years (i dont remember when) Steven Crowder had a big blow up over contract negotiations with Ben Shapiros The Daily Wire

Daily Wire is big into creating its own conservative digital landscape and they wanted Crowder to join them

But, apparently Queen Crowder wasn't happy with the terms they offered or w/e and through an absolute b-word fit over it.

Since then, Crowder has been relegated to Rumble because he was banned from YouTube or smth like that for being too chuddy or smth

and I have a suspicious feeling that he's probably not raking in the money like he used to be like 6-8 years ago.

Maybe he has enough saved up from his heyday to just wage these long butt protracted legal battles or w/e

but idk, doesn't seem like a great use of his money to me

also idk what's going on with the ex wife he was beating or w/e but if he's fighting multiple legal battles while his current sources of revenue are floundering?

might be kind of fricking :marseyitsover: for this dude, tbqh w u famalam

Artistic rendering of Steven Crowder in 5 years time:


btw @A


the flood gates of rightoid drama have opened in the last couple of days/weeks/months

i have a feeling that there's a lot more to come on the not-so-distant horizon

esp as election draws closer

also effortpost this shit, i worked hard on it

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isn't he the one that hates his wife because he wants to blow dudes

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If you're talking about Crowder, that sounds accurate.

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who was the right-wing loser who took his wife's car keys

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What is it about wingcuck losers and taking car keys?

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you are such an obvious :marseyoctopus4: alt bro you make me sick....

plus I know you are gonna :marseyvenn6: accuse :marseynoyoupedo: me of being some right :marseyveryworriedtrans: winger, but I been making fun of Crowder since before :marseyskellington: you knew about rDrama. I for one don't have an agenda :marseyburgers: like the rest of the posters here, I actually :marseynerd3: despise Crowder because he's awful. Not because I'm an r-slured :marseypaintretard: woman :marseyarthoe2: named Soren :marseyteaparty: with a chip on my shoulder about White :marseyselfflagellation: Men. Frickin moronic b-word :marseyarthoe6:

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OK but do you even know when the soren assimilates into schizo??

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Yea I always had the theory :marseyrdramahistorianschizo: that @Soren, @UraniumDonGER, and @therealschizocel were the same person...

Whens the last time you seen @UraniumDonGER or @therealschizocel

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@S discuss

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You have no leg to stand on with your obsession of ted metashit, yes what schizocel did was gay but you are no better, I will r*pe you

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I will r*pe you

Don't threaten me with a good time


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no. you are doing the typical libtard :marseysoycrytremble: thing that ALL !nonchuds do. you all promote strags and gays and trans :marseychadfoid: then the minute a person :marseypennyboo: with any of those identities works against your POLITICAL :marseywatermelon: interest you sabotage or smear them. Ironically even with nearly or fully homophobic :marseyhatecrime: speech....

Soren you have a lot to answer :marseyconfuseddead: for more importantly I want to hear from libtards like @pizzashill or even actual cute twinks like @The_Homocracy or @Joan_Wayne_Gacy and why do they think :marseyoscargamble: this behavior is acceptable? Doesn't it kinda defeat :marseybritbongitsover: your point :marseytedsimp3: about gay pride :marseyhomohitler: when the minute someone disagrees with you, you go after their sexuality????....

wait now that I think :marseygigathonk: about it that is actually :marseyakshually: more of a !foidmoment thing.

Women are always SO down for strag rights :marseymicrosoftpride: and trans :marseyestrogen: right :marseyhesfluffyyouknow: and promotion of both, they don't even realize how much of a hypocrite they are when they follow :marseycursor: their natural instincts (and berate a man for being LESS THAN)

!chuds !nooticers

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Lol are you surprised by any of that (wingcuck) cute twinkry?

Almost all self proclaimed centrists of rdrama are perfectly described by this image


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Stunning and brave take but basing your entire personality on opposition to freaks and inserting it into every conversation does in fact make you a freak yourself.

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:marseyitsover: I have been depicted as the soyjak.

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Too easy


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I just chudpost but at least try to be funny or informative about it.

The problem with wingcuckery isn't that it's on the wing, it's just that they're insufferable cute twinks over their politics.

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yea tell @Soren to step to me and I'll knock him over and leave :marseypeaceout: him where :marseydrama: I found :marseymimic: him. that goes for you too, B-WORD :marseychonkerbutch:

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:#marseymeds: :#marseyschizotwitch:

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real tough guy huh? step to me and YOU'RE DONE!!!!

frickin tough guy

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deep down all nonchuds know being gay is wrong

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what the frick is wrong with you, there is nothing wrong with being gay. But Crowder is anti gay so it is funny that he sucks peepee!

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It really is extremely homophobic and is why I don't jive with progressives since they clearly don't actually like me, they just like my votes and my money. I've had people I've known since I was a kid try (and fail) to explain how it's okay and not homophobic (not true, by the way) because they're the bad guys, and if that's the case, I'd love to get a video of what they call Clarence Thomas in private

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Darn it I got bored 3 minutes in and searched his name in quotes and immediately found this Reddit post from 11 months ago:

I always wondered what happened with Not Gay Jared



with a fair share of people that act like they're in-the-know but it's all speculation.

But there's a few gems like this:


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Crowder tried to make Dave Landau, a comedian who makes money on the road, not tour on the road. And he tried to make Landau write bits for the show and clock in and out like an actual 9 to 5 job. Landau's job was to come in and make wisecracks off the cuff, and Crowder tried to make him put in way more work for ZERO extra money.

Crowder also tried to claim that Landau made more money than him, even though Crowder turned down $50 million from the Daily Wire.

Crowder is a deranged cute twink. He hates weed but passed around pills at work. The video of him verbally abusing his wife came across as a catty gay man doing an impression of what a "real man" would act 70 years ago.

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>Crowder is a deranged cute twink

factcheck: this claim is verified true by real american patriots :eaglebikiniflag:

i hope this is the final nail in his coffin

i hope that he turns out like lowtax from SA or something like that

it would be hilarious to watch

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Crowder is old which is a cardinal sin for twinks.

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He's also :marseyflagfrance:-:marseycanadian: which is even worse

Fun fact: he voiced Brain on Arthur!

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How many lives have been ruined because Steven Crowder wasn't subjected to a brain-scanning AGP detector and given estrogen as a teenager?

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definitely double digits. at least.

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Crowder and Billy Eichner look like the same gay guy to me so this is unsurprising.

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never heard of that dude but 100% they look like identical twins

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Billy is probably what Crowder wanted to be but isn't talented or smart enough to pull off

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Crowder always came across as a huge cute twink to me even compared with other rightoid internet personalities from circa 2015. He was rarely funny and very bitchy. He got scared when a flabby, non binary, lesbian showed him a swiss army knife when he "infiltrated antifa" at some university protests. He tried to report them to a cop who just seemed annoyed and ignored him. To Crowder this was proof that the police supported the leftist.

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Lol holy shit.

Jared always seemed like a bottom, but now he seems like an available bottom.

Poor dude got fat tho, lol.

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Crowder always had a frat boy vibe that he never grew out of. I'm not surprised with this and DW infighting coming to light

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And if there's one thing I learned in college it's that frat boys love getting topped.

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Ohhhhhh nooooo im soooo suprised crowder is gay and a s*x pest as well.

The left wing griftosphere would be better but with vaush diddling kids and destiny cucking out its really the same story

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I used to like Crowder 8 years ago. :marseyrain:

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His tone was annoying, and taking culture war nonsense seriously is so boring. It always reverts to malding or being smug about it regardless of their ideology.

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Yeah I realized that pretty quick and got bored and moved on.

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South East Asian food! :marseysoypoint:

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You don't even have adobo. :marseysmughipskorean:

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there are pinoy restaurants here :marseyindignantgook:

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is that boom boom :hump:

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no we dont serve pagpag we're not a third world country :marseyagree!:

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It's good!

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This shit's delicious actually.

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Should have stayed on Arthur

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Socialism is when you have :marseytrain2:s, and the more :marseytrain2:s, the more socialister it is

-Karl Marx



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This but unironically

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17115249756785722.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17115249758742855.webp

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>Apparently Steven Crowder made him sign a ridiculously restrictive NDA agreement and

This is a really weird way to spell

some jared goon chose to sign an NDA even after deciding to leave and now he's big mad it's being enforced

the video is straight up hilarious though, even aside from the lol depictions of these contracts as something he signed at gunpoint

>"my boss is choosing to interpret this clause as a non compete 😭"

neighbor your ex boss doesn't make that decision.

either a judge agrees with him and you're wrong or a judge doesn't agree with him and who cares

>"it's unconstitutional 😭"

neighbor you signed it

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steven crowder is a piece of shit? who would have guessed that?

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He kisses Jared who smiles and turns his head toward him, and his ex-wife lived in a closet from where she bitched and moaned about indoor lighting and the first world being so hard.

That's it?


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Steven Crowder maybe a hypocrital cross dressing cute twink but this guy is an r-slur for signing this contract. He can b-word, moan, seethe, cope, e-beg and invoke God it doesn't matter. You signed it now deal with it.

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Not gay Jared was actually a decent co-host and was great for the skits. When he left the show was not the same and it's clear why and it's clear it was the first cracks.

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yeah i haven't watched in a long time but i remember jared being like jamie is on rogan.

or for old strags like fred/robin on howard stern

like, he was a pretty important part of the show.

it's crazy that he's dragging him this hard and they're having a falling out like this

it's like a band breaking up and the ex members all wanting to kill each other or smth

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i do read books tho

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Wait, you're telling me grifters are bad?

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not just bad

le bad

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Le bad? OK, OK, but they're not le epic bad, surely?

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Went on my shit list after crtv was bought by the blaze.

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whats crtv

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Conservative review tv, what mugclub was originally on. When Glen Beck and the Blaze took over they shitcanned Gavin McInnes show that was on the network.

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This is the guy who cried :marseytears: about a little :marseymaoist: playful :marseyplaying: teabagging lmao

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Its pretty gay to be the teabaggee, you'd probably cry about it too.

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