[Effort post] [OC stats] - Rocket Daddy finally succumbs to the dog pill

It's raining pibbles. In case you're concerned about what the above image represents, let's start this post by clearing the air with this reply to Elon's dog, sorry pibble-pilled post:


That explains it sufficiently. The parachuting velvet hippos in the above image love kids. The Lord, in his infinite wisdom, provides.

With that out the way, let's get to the main matter of this post which is Elon has finally taken the dog pibble pill:


The double exclamation mark says it all. Elon can't wait to tell the world that such dogs are genetically inclined that way, stirring the hornet's nest. We've heard it all before, but a few include:

What a lie! All animals have their own personality. The owner needs to assess the mannerisms. Lord, would one do the same evaluation about human breeds. Wtf


It's 100% the owner. And more specifically a certain culture of a certain demographic of owners. But feel free to come and try to take my dog from me.


Junk Statistics - https://www.avma.org/resources-tools/pet-owners/dog-bite-prevention/why-breed-specific-legislation-not-answer

I found that last reply to Elon's anti-pibble crusade most enlightening. Who more qualified than the American Vetinary Medical Association to inform us:


End of.

None of the above makes this post qualify as an effort post, but I think you'll find the below chart I compiled does. I don't think I've ever seen an extensive collection of dogs sorted by death/maim rate with per capita taken into account, so I took the source of Ian Miles Cheong's post / Elon's repost and found the study linked here. Unfortunately, Ian's post (and others) never seem to bother with "per capita" (even though it would help their cause!), so I made sure to factor that into the stats.

Anyway, I took all the stats from the study and compiled them into a spreadsheet:


The orange titled columns I extrapolated and added myself. Deaths are more important than maimings, so I gave them a semi-arbitrary factor of 5x in weighting. For that crucial per capita, I divided the evilness/violence stats by the breed percentage of the total dog population, and stretched all numbers to start from one, to arrive at the final "Dog Evilness Per Capita Normalized" stat.

From here, I created a table to show the least dangerous breed, to the most dangerous:


And will you have a look at that, the most dangerous breed is around 2000, I REPEAT TWO THOUSAND times more likely to injure/kill someone than the least dangerous. I stretched the chart so that the innocent Greyhound and Pug (joint safest) were given a SINGLE PIXEL of height to their name. These bars are not exaggerated - they are real, at least to the extent that we can trust the original study.

Yay to Greyhounds, Pugs, Pointers, Poodles, Portuguese water dogs and Border collie terriers.

Boo to Pit bulls, Bull mastiffs, Rottweilers, Akitas, Dobermans and Malamutes.

I'm a little surprised Border Collies were rated so far down at 26.4x base, but even they are around 76x safer than the pits.

There's one other thing to consider for now:

I find the 6% stat a little hard to believe when there are FIVE different breeds that are considered pit bulls. American Pit Bull Terrier, American Staffordshire Terrier, American Bully, Staffordshire Bull Terrier, and sometimes the American Bulldog.

So one of those five "pit types" may be better or worse than the other four.

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The sun will feel warmer on the skin with cool winds blowing the day all pitbulls are exterminated

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What made you dig up this post then?

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It was in my notifications.

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"it's not the dog, it's the owner"

How can you say that about yt foids and Black moids

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I'm actually surprised that it's this big of a disparity that virtually any other dog is 100% safe compared to a goddarn pittie

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>Sheep dogs are compulsive herders? :marseypikachu2:

>Greyhounds are apex runners? :marseypikachu2:

>A breed bred specifically for killing other dogs in a pit is psychotic? :marseypikachu2:

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Does seem a bit odd.

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How do you must piss a Husky to kill you :marseyxd:

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tfw you post a barely-concealed racist dogwhistle, but then everyone just starts talking about dogs

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I'm curious if Elon's mind was going down that path. Funnily enough he also recently brought light to the IQ of our chosen: https://twitter.com/eyeslasho/status/1772623676648669578

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Nooo! Stop engaging in good faith!

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17132860030441194.webp In the femme darkness of the far future, there is only rightoid seethe.

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you can add me to the list of dachshund bites :marseyfacepeel:

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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A Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not a pitbull. Absolutely not. They're short and squat and adorable.

I don't know about the others.

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