Not giving up your seat on the plane is white privilege.

Clearly not an annoying Karen on planes:

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PSA: I'm drunk as frick, I plead immunity

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Darn boy, you've been drunk for like a day now.

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this will go on until tuesday

easter b-word

PSA: I'm drunk as frick, I plead immunity

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is this some new evolution of the chud award?

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it should be !noalcohol

PSA: I'm drunk as frick, I plead immunity

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Why'd aev do this to you?

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he disregarded my groomercord advances


PSA: I'm drunk as frick, I plead immunity

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She looks like minor British royalty lol

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She's pretty idgi

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The foid in question is Casey Anthony. She was the subject of a high profile child murder case in the US.

Rumor is that the crazy b-word didn't want the kid and offed her because she was cramping her party girl lifestyle.

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I forget who here was posting about it but IIRC the rate of "sudden infant death syndrome" is like 5x higher with single mothers. Either this mysterious disease is capable of determining the martial status of a child's mother or bitches be murdering their kids left and right.

I actually suspect infanticide is 5-10x more common than reported, probably one of the most under-reported crimes, at least in the US.

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Yeah, I can totally believe some % of SIDS is foids going crazy post-partum and killing their kids.

It's not exactly unheard of. Other mammals do it all the time. We're not that special.

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We're not that special.

Nuh uh! My mommy said I am!!!

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For once i can understand the i was tired excuse. SIDS is usually the child sleeping wrong. An exhausted single parent is more likely to go "eh good enough" when putting their baby to bed

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Not to mention single moms are usually poor and dumb and don't know any better

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And black :marseyracistgrandpa:

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Oh man shots fired

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Things you hear every day in black neighborhoods

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While I don't really believe SIDS is real (probably just the mother smothering her child), a single parent is going to be way more exhausted and less likely to check up on the baby when it's quiet because β€œfrick yes, I can finally get some rest”.

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I remember in my city there was a scandal when some old storage locker was found with like 6 baby skeletons in it, some foid was offing her kids one after the other without telling anyone they were even being born

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Wheres the pro choice :marseydarkspez: ping group :marseymarseyloveorgy: for this queen :marseykingsmug:

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Oh ok you said dobbs decision so my mind went to lou dobbs? Thought it was his daughter or smth. Thats fricked. I don't like her anymore.

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Did you see the latest documentary? It came out maybe like a year ago. Pretty good evidence her police dad helped her cover it up.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Didn't they have Google searches for like β€œhow long does a body take to decompose” and stuff?

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Yep. I forget the evidence pointing to her dad but it also makes sense if true since she tried to turn on him and pin it on him.

It's wild how she got off. The latest documentary tried to be empathetic to her but there is plenty of coverage on her story. It's fascinating. Psychiatrist post their opinions about her and one thinks she's an actual sociopath. She's charming, and she talked to the cops like it was nothing because she has no guilt.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Yeah I don't believe for a second that her dad actually killed her kid. I do think he disposed of the body and covered it up for Casey but she was killed by either Casey or by some preventable means that Casey let happen more or less.

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I'm convinced it was an accident but the dad helped cover it up. I'm not convinced on the "fell in the pool" theory, because it seems to me that you would just call 911 instead of covering it up. The dad of all people knows she wasn't going to jail if her kid fell in a pool accidentally. I'm convinced she gave her kid drugs to make her sleep and it killed her, and that's why they didn't call 911.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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That's a bunch of bullshit. She was a very loving :marseyhearts: mother :marseygiftboxmarseyhug: who didn't party :marseychingchongpirate: because she didn't want to be away from her child. Kaylee drowned herself in the unlocked pool and Casey freaked out and hid the body because women :marseyharpooner: are dumb.

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She's pretty hot but I wouldn't want anyone to kill my baby. I'm more into Jodi Arias because she would just kill me and it would be so worth it.

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As a teen I felt guilty sexualizing women so I just imagined hot chicks murdering me.

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You can do both at the same time.


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Oh, so that's where it comes from

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Jodi is a god darn black widow. Knows 100% he's making a booty call and frickin some other girl. Goes to his house, fricks him, takes a pic of him in the shower, and then murders him. lol

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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I've noticed that every woman blames her and every guy blames him.

He was exploiting a mentally ill woman for s*x. I have zero sympathy for him. This is something men understand that you don't do.

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Yeah, my XX opinion is that she's a c*nt but he knew 100% she's crazy and was stringing her along. I do the only reasonable way to break up with someone and just tell them I'd rather stay home than see them and they dump me so then I feel less guilty.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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>being passive-aggressive to force the other person to actually make a confrontation

literally peak femininity lmao

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I'll give you the "true" on this one. It absolutely is. lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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Her worst crime was reading The Secret and believing in the "law of attraction". White woman nonsense. :marseyyikes:

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I was impressed by her crazy when she offered to help the police catch the killer. lmao That's just hilarious.

I watched the interrogation videos of Casey and I find hers fascinating too. She wasn't nervous, and just answered questions with lies so naturally. She must be incredibly charming IRL. Her attorney took her into his home, and you'd think a criminal attorney would identify bullshit. lmao

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister.

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She's so perfect :marseychefkiss: :#marseyadmire:

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