We DON'T HAVE BABIES BECAUSE MATERNAL MORTALITY/WAGE GAP/HEALTHCARE but in other countries like Somalia or Yemen it's because they don't have access to contraception! (and chuds or something)


Spicy pit-mommy thread, come get your hot takes before we go extinct.

(Also I'm not Cyberdick so idk what the frick is happening, but okay)

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The East has fallen :chudjakasian:


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I remember when people said the Japanese/Koreans/Chinese/Burgers had TOO MANY KIDS and MALTHUS WAS RIGHT BILlIONS must DIE

Now it's like "lol oops"

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Gooks deserve for how gold-digging and bitchy Gook Foids are and how incel and thin-skinned Gook Moids are.

Not me though. I'm hinged and Chaebol-pilled. :marseycool2:

Well at least until my liver explodes. But thats a problem in 20 years or so, I'm already beating most Gook alcoholics with superior blueblood gook genetics :marseydrunk:

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Rural areas have already been depopulated apart from geezers for decades. Next it'll be the cities.

@Redactor0 wanna be a janny so @Redactor0 can impress Korean women with @Redactor0's mop and increase their birth rate.

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Interestingly in countries that regulate for all of this they have a similar birth rate. The β€œcosts too much in America” excuse is just that, an excuse

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It's because burgers are inhuman

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Just ban contraception. Birth rates will recover and the pope will be pleased


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People always overcomplicate explanations. It's simply because they don't have to have babies with current year technology.

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I mean the real reason is just that there's so much entertaining shit to do in a stable, industrialized society that being chained to a screaming, pissing, pooping lump of anxiety for multiple years, and then having to continue coaching, teaching, and spending money on said lump for nearly two decades longer, is pretty unappealing for anybody who doesn't really want kinds.

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Yeah, at some point we're going to have to offer incentives for people to have kids and make it to where it isn't a huge pain in the butt like offering special parental vacation, stipends, free childcare supplies, free daycare.

Or change our culture.

At a certain point, one of the most valuable economic contributions moderately intelligent and well-adjusted educated professionals can make is having kids.

Although now we're getting pretty close to mitigating age-related decline, so that might stop the workforce loss, but society would shift dramatically. (Help, my boss is 350 years old and doesn't plan to retire)


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>Yeah, at some point we're going to have to offer incentives for people to have kids and make it to where it isn't a huge pain in the butt like offering special parental vacation, stipends, free childcare supplies, free daycare. Or change our culture.

Nope. Best I can do is import 5 million religious zealots from a stone-age desert that want to destroy their new "home"; take it or leave it.


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How about we take the 20 million Christians in the Middle East?

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religious zealots from a stone-age desert

A lot of Mexico actually isn't desert.

@Redactor0 wanna be a janny on the border wall.

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that incentive was dying alone and poor

before welfare you had kids to support you

now everyone expects everyone else to foot the bill to raise kids in order to pay their social security

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Yeah, however past performance doesn't guarantee future results so we gotta come up with new shit like robot caretakers

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It's not a major problem, give it a generation or two and everyone who has bucked the trend and has kids will have their genes proliferate, and there will be cultural and genetic selection against DINKs and NEETs.

I think overpopulation will come back around to haunt us again in four generations for this reason.

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That might happen, but it's not inevitable - birth rates have been declining for many generations.

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I am donating my antisocial gay coomer sperm to every spermbank I can find.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17146493335425022.webp In the grizzly darkness of the far future, there is only moid seethe.

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Although now we're getting pretty close to mitigating age-related decline, so that might stop the workforce loss,

Yes, I also hope the scientists grant us immortality, create unlimited clean energy, and build us robot servants.

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Yeah, at some point we're going to have to offer incentives for people to have kids

Not really, unless you actually fear that this will cause some sort of social collapse. It won't.

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this is a very reddit take and I'm honestly disappointed in dramatards.

entertaining? Yeah raising a kid isn't entertaining but it's also the cycle of fricking life. Your parents did it, now you have to do it. Having kids as opposed to being entertained is such a reddit way of looking at things :marseypuke:

You should have kids because you get to participate in the miracle of life giving, get to watch a little one grow and learn more over time. There's downsides to it yes but only for those shitty parents who either victimize themselves loudly at how much they've had to sacrifice or who are literally so bad at raising kids they need to completely abandon everything about themselves just to devote all their energy to it. Good parents will deal with it 100% for like maybe 2-3 years. Then it'll be 50% for both parents (possibly even less depending on the familial support during this) until teenagehood after which they get more and more autonomy.

All in all it's REALLY not that bad. Especially if you get good at it which anyone with half a braincell can manage. We have tards who raise tard kids that haven't accidentally killed their kid, you can manage it too ya tard.

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>filtered by the is-ought distinction :marseycringe2:

Your rambling thoughts on why you think people should have kids, are irrelevant to discussing why they aren't.

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If they aren't having kids due to the above justification then they are reddit and don't deserve to inherit the earth. To cringe with them.

However I suspect that's not what's happening here and the above commenter is reddit and they should be condemned to the cringe factory.

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u speak reddit

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If they aren't having kids due to the above justification then they are reddit and don't deserve to inherit the earth. To cringe with them.

Thats basically whats happening at a systemic level, though.

Of course there will be a share of westerners still having kids in globohomo times as part of having a fulfilling life. However, if you look at things from a material and cultural perspective you'll see that children are now a net drain on a household thanks to child labor laws and the academic/cultural class instilling a message that everyone FoLlOw ThEiR dReAmZ instead of making it their primary mission to provide for the household.

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Honeslty I think the dating apps have had a real negative effect. Lots of ppl say they don't want kids until they're in a good relationship and see some friends start to have them.

But ppl now are single longer and alot just give up. Either you get alot of matches, which means someone new comes along every 5 minutes so you don't really focus on one person, or you're a person who sucks at it at gets 0 matches and you just give up. It's not just a bunch of losers, alot of the ppl I know like this are successful, have hobbies, and are social. They just hit mid to late 30s and give up on it

I don't have a very positive outlook on our culture in a few years filled with single 40 somethings who never buckled down to have a family. Only living for yourself is a pretty dreary existence, imo.

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I'm not saying that I don't want to have kids, but I do think that's the reason fewer people have kids in an industrialized society. The notion that it's 'too hard' or 'too expensive' can't be it, because poorer people have more kids than their wealthier counterparts (at least, last I checked). It's middle class and upper middle class people who somehow can't find time for it, and I think the reason is that they're so comfortable with their current lives and so buried in their interests and their hobbies that they don't really see a reason to do so.

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Why do you give a frick if a bunch of internet randos make kids? Eyes on your own work.

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Yeah in places with multi generational homes, or even places where families fricking talk to each other, responsibility is shared and everyone gets time to do stuff

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Gender wage gap, gets worse when you take time off for child bearing and rearing.

Child bearing is one thing, child rearing is another. Find yourself a scrote with nothing better to do than stay home with the kids if that's what you want (no foid wants this).

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Obviously the solution is state gibs for SAHMs.

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This but unironically. Having women go out and work some shit job in order too earn the money too pay for someone else too raise their kids is incredibly wasteful and bad for kids.

@Redactor0 wanna be a janny because it pays better than caring for you're own kids.

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Also kinda related but what do you predict for these future autists.



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i mean scandinavian countries are well known for having all those things and they still have very low birth :marseychestburster: rates lol

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Le wholesome move-to-in-case-of-Trump Canada is even lower in the same picture.

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Oh shit you're back?

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>No paid maternity leave. No paid childcare. Worst maternal mortality rate of developed countries. Little to no postpartum medical care. Gender wage gap, gets worse when you take time off for child bearing and rearing. Average cost of living is almost double the average salary.

No statistical education. You can't explain a change from a level effect, unless you want to argue that we've actually backslid on all these metrics in the past 20 years, which is obviously absurd. No one actually believes that these are meaningful root causes, it's just the usual "we can solve every problem by catering to my politics" post hoc bullshit.

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No, it's because if you die of a car accident within 42 weeks of being knocked up, it gets added to the maternity mortality outcomes

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In what fricking world do these failfoids think there is no paid maternity leave or paid childcare in the US workplace??

...oh, nvm, they work at Walmart, don't they?

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Sal spotted because grammar.

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(I'm not Sal)

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Because they have not access


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Lol that does sound like an ESL-tard sentence, maybe I am Sal?

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Vely implessive, ahow didua knowa it wasa me?


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The votes.

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Today I was taking a jog and noticed a landwhale on a scooter. I laughed.



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