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How to butcher a human

I recommend you choose a youthful, physically fit, healthy specimen for best results when butchering a human body (My personal favorite is a young Caucasian female). You will need a spacious workspace, a large table for a butcher's block, a central overhead support for hanging the carcass, and access to water. A variety of tools, including sharp knives, a cleaver or hatchet, and a hacksaw, will be needed. Before starting the butchering process, the subject should be stunned or killed and bled out to flush the system and purge toxins and bodily wastes. The carcass should then be hung by the feet, with the head down, in what is called the "Gein configuration". (You can find images online).

You will need to be careful to avoid cutting into muscle and viscera when removing the skin and should score the surface first before reflecting the skin to cut away connective tissue. The external genitals present only a small obstacle and can be dealt with by pulling the skin away from the body and severing the connective tissue.

It is not necessary to bother skinning the hands and feet, as these portions are not worth the effort unless you plan to pickle them or use them in soup. The skin can be disposed of or made into fried rinds by boiling the strips, peeling away the outer layer, and deep-fat frying them in boiling oil until puffy and crisp.

Bleeding is an important step in the processing of the human body. Place a large open vessel beneath the head. With a long-bladed knife, start at one corner of the jaw and make a deep "ear-to-ear" cut through the neck and larynx to the opposite side. This will sever the internal and external carotid arteries, the major blood vessels carrying blood from the heart to the head, face, and brain. If it is not yet dead, this will kill it quickly, and allow for the blood to drain in any case. After the initial rush of blood, the stream should be controllable and can be directed into a receptacle. Drainage can be assisted by massaging the extremities down in the direction of the trunk, and by compressing and releasing, "pumping", the stomach. A mature specimen will contain almost six liters of blood.

Beheading is an optional step in processing the human body. If desired, make a cut behind the Achilles tendon, and insert a meathook into each ankle for hanging support. Then, with a sharp knife, cut through the spinal cord at the base of the skull to remove the head. The head can be kept as a trophy or skinned and placed outside in a wire cage to allow small scavengers to cleanse the flesh from the bones. After a sufficient period of time, the skull can be retrieved and boiled in a dilute bleach solution to sterilize it and wash away any remaining tissue.

The next major step is complete evisceration of the carcass. First, make a cut from the solar plexus, the point between the breastbone and stomach, almost to the anus. Be very careful not to cut into the intestines, as this will contaminate the surrounding area with bacteria and potentially feces. Then make a cut around the anus, or "bung", and tie it off with twine to prevent contamination.

Next, remove the inner organs. Start by cutting through the diaphragm around the entire neck, from the jawline to the back of the skull. This will allow you to remove the head and neck muscles in one piece. Then, remove the internal organs by cutting through the connective tissues and muscles surrounding them.

The final step is to butcher the carcass into manageable portions. Some prefer to cut through the spine from buttocks to neck, while others prefer to completely remove the entire backbone by cutting and sawing down either side of it. After this, the halves may be taken down, and the carcass can be divided into ribs, shoulder, pelvis, and leg portions, and you can begin to carve servings from each portion, from which you can season and cook as normal (ie grilling, braising, or roasting)

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!edgelords promising new user :marseyshadow:

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hey how about you DONT do that???

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needs photo examples

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Check DMs

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I'm associating this with @ILIKECATS :#marseyfedpostglow:

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I'm prepared to embrace my new identity

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Shut up cute twink

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Kill pingers, decapitate pingers, slam dunk a pinger baby into the trash, ect

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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You left out the most important part.

Lemon and herb or peri peri?

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Hey, I saw that you just joined rdrama and a group of people who hate me are trying to smear my name by calling me a date male feminist. I just wanted to let you know that it's not true. If you want all the receipts proving it they're right here.

The TL;DR is that I hooked up with one of the hot girls on rdrama, and since I was twice her age, a lot of the guys here who wanted to bang her got jealous and assumed that the only way I could have managed that was by raping her, even though she herself said both before and afterwards that it was all completely consensual. So now that you're the new hot girl on rdrama, I guess they think that I'm going to somehow seduce you into flying all the way across the country (or some crazy shit like that) to hook up with me and they're trying to talk shit about me to make sure that doesnt happen. I don't understand it either, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a nice guy and I hope you'll look at the evidence and make up your own mind instead of listening to all the jealous haters.

Anyway, with that little intro out of the way, welcome to rdrama! The culture's a little rough here and you're probably going to get tons of requests to β€’show boobsU but if you talk to some of the women here first before engaging with all the creepy dudes, they'll give you some good advice to avoid stalkers and predators. Or (If you haven't been scared off by the rumor mill) you're welcome to ask me and I'm happy to help.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find this place?

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