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Chuds have been ABSOLUTELY funko-popping off the last decade


Okay my fellow !commies and !nonchuds, how do we pump up our numbers? We're being completely outdone!!! :soycry#:

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>Kenosha Shootings (August 2020): During protests following the police shooting of Jacob Blake in Kenosha, Wisconsin, a 17-year-old armed with an assault rifle killed two protesters and injured another. The shooter, a self-proclaimed militia member, had affiliations with right-wing groups.

They (ADL) and Medium listed Rittenshit as a right-wing extremist attack lmao.

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Well yes. Regime sanctioned race war is apparently what democracy looks like so interfering with a race riot in any sort of way is literally fascism.

Edit: I should specify I don't believe blacks and whites in the US or the West in general are in a race war, I'm not an actual nazi. I believe racial resentment among minorities is used by the liberal establishment to get their way. One glaringly obvious example of that was the summer of love.

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>One glaringly obvious example of that was the summer of love.

Racial resentment helps smelly hippies get laid??? :marseyhmmm:

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!nonchuds do chuds really think the US government is sanctioning race war?

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No, I'm saying the current vice president said up a bail fund for blm rioters and the media ran cover for the violence 24/7. All in a shamelessly obivous attempt to dethrone cheeto benito.

Also how do you have 5 updoots in 2 minutes? Did they give you pizza's automatic affirmative action votes?

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Yes. 5 random chuds upvote me instantly

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Im gonna kick u in the frickin head

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What did he mean by this? :marseyhmm: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Chuds think if you don't just quietly let cops choke your fellow citizens to death then you're fueling a racecar. :marseyracist:

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Regime as in the liberals who captured all the important institutions over the past few decades. What donald and the NYT refer to as 'the deep state'.

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All the courts including the Supreme :marseyelliotrodger2: Court :marseykrayongrouns: have been packed with rightwing :marseypendulumright: judges, the Democrats are basically Bush era Neocons trying to start WW3, Labor at home is completely decimated but yeah the liberal :marseyleftoidschizo: deep state :marseylouisiana: is trying to stoke a race war :marseyeyeroll2: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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the Democrats are basically Bush era Neocons trying to start WW3,

I fricking wish

labor at home is completely decimated

Yeah and made way for libtard blm chicanery and DEI lol :marseyl:

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I fricking :marseytom: wish

You will get your wish if the Bush Biden :marseyliberty: admin :marseymerari: gets their way in Ukraine :marseysoldierrussia: (they won't they got owned)

Yeah and made way for libtard :marseysoycrytremble: blm chicanery and DEI lol

How is that even connected? R-slurred :marseyshitforbrains: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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3 letter organisations aren't liberal. :marseyglow:

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They do whatever :marseytippinghand: maintains there :marseycheerup: power :marseyzeldaganon: and budget D or R doesn't matter :marseykneel: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Sheriff Kamala? The one known for being merciless in prosecuting black people?

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Yes, she is a massive hypocrite.

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Yes chuds believe :marseyparappa: that rich whites want to have the Blacks and Mexicans kill off all the poor white :marseychuddance: people then they can have permanent underclass of people branded by skin 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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Shit, that's a good plan. Why didn't we come up with that?

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It's a Stalinist-esque long march if the institutions. You'd be surprised by how many of them have either marketing degrees or were radicalized by Something Awful.

The rest are chuds conflating non-prejudiced libertarians with leftists.

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Stalinist-esque long march

!commies made me lol 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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A good chunk of the intellectual/media apparatus are already on board with your style of LF social accelerationist ideals. Yall just mad they didn't want to go full Soviet.

CPC is economical fascism btw

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:marseyschizowave: 学习雷锋好榜样忠于革命忠于党爱憎分明不忘本立场坚定斗志强立场坚定斗志强学习雷锋好榜样毛主席的教导记心上全心全意为人民共产主义品德多高尚共产主义品德多高尚

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I think governments are mostly trying to do what they say they're trying to do and I'm tired of pretending to be cynical In the grizzly darkness of the far future, there is only moid seethe.

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they're trying to incite one every four years. luckily most people, black and white, are reasonable enough to not fall for it.

better luck next time, feddie!

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Killing domestic abusers and s*x offenders is right wing, sweaty. :marseynails:

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I wonder how they counted the people Darnell Brooks (I mean, the red SUV) killed.

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