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Wolfdog and pitbull mix breeder wonders what's the fricking issue

I don't even know if that's an actual wolf mix, but the guy's showing off his “accidental” litter.

[–]Xxeuropean-messxX 38 points 2 months ago

>Why the heck would you mix a pit with a wolf dog?? If that even is a wolf dog. That is completely irresponsible and dangerous once it matures.

[–]themikeyme1[S] -14 points 2 months ago

>It was a total accident and the pitbull was really small for her breed and we worried about the surgery to abort possibly killing her. Both parent are very well tempered and the pups went to people with plenty of room and experience with bigger breeds. And dm if you're that skeptical I have the embarks from the parents of the wolfdog.

[–]Xxeuropean-messxX 31 points 2 months ago*

>It doesn't matter we don't need anymore darn neurotic Pitbull mixes, you are a completely irresponsible person for doing this. And why the frick didn't you spay your dog before hand? Wolfdogs and pit bulls are HIGH MAINTENANCE BREEDS who can cause a lot of issues for innocent people.

[–]themikeyme1[S] -10 points 2 months ago

>Welp good thing nobody asked you 👌👍

[–]Xxeuropean-messxX 19 points 2 months ago

>I'm sure your parents are glad they raised an irresponsible piece of shit, Just like your shitbulls.

Another pitbull and wolf mix(allegedly) breeds


[–]Pissypuff 5 points 7 months ago

>Nobody is impressed or proud of you. You're a stain on rescues and rehabs, and you shouldnt own a dog.

[–]themikeyme1[S] 0 points 7 months ago

>Go suck a fat peepee. What do you have to be proud of? A couple lizards in a tank? Go lick your lizard or whatever it is reptile people do. Better yet! Go rescue a dog since you feel so strongly about it. Me taking pride in what I do doesn't mean I have to impress anyone, obviously. And as someone who is actually housing rescue dogs I'm actually doing my part you hypocritical frick

Incidentally, dolts come into /r/wolfdogs regularly wanting a hybrid wolf for the coolness factor (too hip for pibbles, I guess). From what I know, wolf hybrids are generally skittish, need a ton of space, plus good luck ever getting them in a dog park or getting to board them easily. And yet because they're “cool”, people still feel compelled to get them as house pets.







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Yeah, wolves don't really bark, are actually super smart and therefore escape artists, require and respond to only one dominant individual, and have a super high prey drive. Most people are absolutely not equipped to deal with a wild animal. Plus it essentially works out to torture for a wild animal that needs to have a huge amount of space. They can absolutely form strong bonds with humans, but our ancestors that tamed them were much fricking tougher than we are today.

This site actually shows a Pit Wolf, which admittedly looks very cool.


Living in a house, a little wolf-dog pup can be very cute — until it reaches about three months of age. In the wild, the pup would be ranging well over 20 acres daily. Confined to a house, it becomes responsible for trashed furniture, shredded carpets and curtains, and lots of other messes. At four months old, the pup finally makes it on top of the kitchen counters and the term “wolfing down your food” comes to life as the kitchen pantry is raided.

As the owners attempt to relocate this pup to the floor, they soon discover that you never take food away from a wild animal — at least not without paying serious consequences. When exploration of the house becomes a boring daily ritual, it soon starts waging war on the family's personal belongings. When the pup starts marking the house (e.g. peeing on the couches), most house-breaking attempts turn into dominance struggles. With the pup now confined to the backyard, it is only a matter of time until trees, shrubs, and plants are destroyed (along with all unprotected garden hoses and furniture). Playtime becomes a roughhousing experience that leaves welts, scratches, and bruises. Children are no longer able to endure these roughhouse sessions. A very frustrated animal now howls uncontrollably, paces relentlessly, and starts to escape repeatedly.

Many people begin experiencing even more serious problems when their animal reaches one or two years old. An animal at this age is trying to determine where it fits into its “pack” and nearly has the abilities and strength of an adult wolf.

Owners are often told to treat them as a dog rather than the wild, independent creature that it is. The unwitting owner ends up expecting the animal to act like a dog. When it does not, they no longer know what to do, and no longer want to deal with it. The wolf-dog's frustration can come from lack of companionship (wolves are very pack- or family-oriented creatures), lack of space (wild wolves need roughly 15 square miles of land each, so putting a wolf or wolf-dog in a 100×100′ enclosure is like putting a small child into a closet), or it could be that the “wolf rules of life” have been violated to satisfy the needs of the master.

Wolves and wolf-dogs see you as just another part of their pack (a funny-looking, really tall wolf), so they expect you to understand and live by the same rules that they do. Wolves and wolf-dogs have a natural instinct to protect their territory, their mate, and their pack; so when you go in and out of their enclosure, approach their mate, or take them out if they are sick or need attention, you can leave them feeling confused, frustrated, and threatened.

Once removed from their territories, wolves can lose their social standing within the pack hierarchy, and thus are extremely nervous while away. By approaching their mate, you are potentially challenging your wolf-dog for leadership and mating rights. When your wolf-dog is happy and playing with you, it can easily sprint toward you, hit you at 20 mph, sink its teeth into your hip, do two somersaults, and expect you to say, “Wow, that's fun!”

Many people let their young pups free run on weekends, thinking they are being kind and helping the animal. In reality, all it does is tease the pups. As soon as it is put back in a cage or on a chain, the animal paces, digs, chews, and does anything it can to get loose again. If the animal is successfully contained, it waits daily for a chance to free run again. This just encourages them to try to escape. Along with free running, the other most seemingly innocent mistake is to start playing games with your pup. Your new little pup sneaks up behind you and grabs your hair or pulls on your socks. It's just so cute! But what happens when your pup grows up and wants to keep playing these games? Your 100 lb. wolf-dog will pull you over backward and rip out your hair. As it reaches for your socks, the wolf-dog's huge mouth will grab your leg and pull you around. Wolves and wolf-dogs have thick fur and tough skin to protect each other from roughhousing like this. However, you aren't fortunate enough to have the same protection.

Also I guess it depends on what kind of wolf, but Timberwolves can get up to about 220lbs (not verified though). Good luck trying to deny those pibble kisses.

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that dog looks fricking sick. i can fix her.

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Wolf dogs are not aggressive, but would be very dangerous if they were. So obviously it makes good sense to mix them with the most aggressive dog breed you can find. For my next trick, watch as I turn Newfoundlands and St Bernards into aggressive monsters.

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What if I mix a Timberwolf with a Bully Kutta? Surely this dog will be easy to manage! I could sell them to the knowledgeable people outside of my local Wal Mart. They'd be great with kids.

(Honestly if your kids survive growing up with giant wolves they're probably destined for greatness)

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1712702891063427.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17127028913163183.webp

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Just like my game of thrones :soyjakwow:

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From what I know, wolf hybrids are generally skittish, need a ton of space, plus good luck ever getting them in a dog park or getting to board them easily.

More or less, yeah. They are extremely shy, and they'll hide if you have guests so they're fairly worthless as guard dogs. They're not aggressive at all, which is good because they're dangerous if given sufficient reason. They are MUCH, MUCH smarter than dogs. If a wolf dog sees you open a door, he knows how to do it. He will never listen to you, either. They're extremely destructive too.

They're awful pets but they aren't an actual threat to the safety of the general public like a pit bull is.'

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God reddit unmoderated is so based, just feels so much more real and alive. This is what jannies took from you bros :marseycry:

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You posted this twice

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Thanks will fix

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I saw a coyote dog hybrid once. It had wild animal eyes and it was pretty unsettling

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The hybrid types are why eastern coyotes are larger than western ones.

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The Feds should absolutely kill everything alive in this person's apartment.


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Lmao that is not a wolf dog these "people" are r-slurred. Every now and then you get some absolute mongoloid that's convinced any spitz breed is a wolf because blue buffalo bags all have these stupid cartoon "wolves" with blue eyes. God we need eugenics back so bad man

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I raise/stud a specific cousin breed of blue bay shepherd that'd doxx my wife's family if I revealed probably but they all have certain wolfdog percentage in them and there is nothing, nothing more risky than a medium-high content wolf dog. Multiple gens later are generally ok but that wolf blood will be there.

Most wolf dogs are massive bowls of anxiety and autism. They will pace, destroy things and can snap to pibble levels of aggression at a moments notice. They are prone to destructive separation anxiety and need constant socialization. Its really a shame bc yes they are pretty but modern canines have been so heavily domesticated for thousands of years to remove the negative traits so bringing them back for the coat and size is not a good medium.

Anyway that's why very speciial breeds like blue bay sheps exist anyway.

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I've never heard of this breed before. They look almost mythical. So cool.

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Ya. There's one instagram influencer who spams pics of her blue bay everywhere that kinda overshadows how varied the breed can be but it's amazing after only a few dozen generations how unique they can look.

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Hey, I saw that you just joined rdrama and a group of people who hate me are trying to smear my name by calling me a date male feminist. I just wanted to let you know that it's not true. If you want all the receipts proving it they're right here.

The TL;DR is that I hooked up with one of the hot girls on rdrama, and since I was twice her age, a lot of the guys here who wanted to bang her got jealous and assumed that the only way I could have managed that was by raping her, even though she herself said both before and afterwards that it was all completely consensual. So now that you're the new hot girl on rdrama, I guess they think that I'm going to somehow seduce you into flying all the way across the country (or some crazy shit like that) to hook up with me and they're trying to talk shit about me to make sure that doesnt happen. I don't understand it either, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a nice guy and I hope you'll look at the evidence and make up your own mind instead of listening to all the jealous haters.

Anyway, with that little intro out of the way, welcome to rdrama! The culture's a little rough here and you're probably going to get tons of requests to •show boobsU but if you talk to some of the women here first before engaging with all the creepy dudes, they'll give you some good advice to avoid stalkers and predators. Or (If you haven't been scared off by the rumor mill) you're welcome to ask me and I'm happy to help.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find this place?








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