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It's the fricking "Tiktok Rizzler" here. Some lies have been told about me.

It all started when young :marseychingchongchild: @Patsy sent me this.


In less than 2 minutes I bust this out.



I received few responses, but it was fricking early morning :marseycoffee: when I posted it. The fricking responses I did receive were fricking hysterical.


The fricking "Pointing a fricking gun, fake or not doesn't matter, at a fricking disabled :marseyblind: chick to see if she's really :marseythinkorino2: blind :marseyeyemixer2: is fricking crazyyy" is fricking in reference to this reddit :marseynoyoupedozoom: post I made a fricking while ago.



I am about to go to sleep :marseyhatman: but I expect to wake up to more responses tomorrow. There :marseycheerup: are fricking posts in the fricking front :marseyviewerstare: page of that subreddit that have been there :marseycheerup: for 11 days because it is a fricking small :marseyminipixel: university :marseycyclonesmascot: subreddit. I may pin this post at a fricking later :marseywave2: date if it gets funnier responses as time goes on.

!ghosts !verifiedhot


I have been suggested a fricking meeting with the fricking campus counselor.


A fricking nice guy gives his opinion.


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Why do you hate blind people??

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I don't hate them. I just wanted to see if she were fricking really :marseythinkorino2: blind. If she were fricking faking she would :marseymid: jump at the fricking gun so I had to test to make sure.

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Wait, did you actually do this? This isn't creative writing?

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Yes, but it was a fricking prop gun. The fricking cops quickly set me straight, don't worry.

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