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:marseyshy3: :I'm tired of being cute :marseycatgirl4: :marseycatgirl4: :marseycatgirl4: :marseycatgirl4: :marseycatgirl4:


I'm tired of being “cute”

I am a 20 year old male, and I am short for my age and have a young face. My whole life people have been not taking me seriously, from employers, to women, to friends. The reason being “aw he's adorable”. It's making me insecure about myself. I want to be a man

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I'm tired of being RIPPED and having a MONSTER PEEPEE

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Samesies. Life is cruel.


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>You are only 20, being cute is actually the opposite of being creepy, you should be happy with that.

Why are those the only two options :turtoisethinking:

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Short men are either equivalent to puppies or a barely noticeable obstacle to women, what else is new

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the thing about the cute aesthetic is that it instantly becomes creepy af as soon as you introduce even a small amount of sexuality to the relationship. those foids are expecting him to remain childlike and asexual

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Tons of women are interested in men who are adorably cute, believe me.

They're interested in things that activates their maternal instinct which is what you absolutely don't want to do if you want to be a man or be considered a potential partner.

Dude you're gunna be a stud at 40, just be patient and you'll notice you have far better results with women as you enter your 30s once people start to settle down and have families.

lol like that redpill comic. He won't be a stud, he'll just look like a 40 year old with a baby face and some grey hairs.

Some of the qualities of being a man include:

Recognize the cards you are dealt. Play your hand without getting down about it.

Don't be a coward when facing things you are afraid of. This takes practice.

Depend upon yourself- don't count other people's money / fortune / life achievements... count your own and you will get more.

Learn how to set worthy goals (these are things that pay you back for at least 10 years or lifetime) and develop roadmaps to them.

Execute on getting to your goals

Kind of generic and self-helpy but the first bit of advice that wasn't terrible 'just b urself' nonsense. Reddit has no idea how to teach men how to be attractive.

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He should become a green beret, or something, to cancel out the short twink energy.

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He just needs to wait 15-20 years then he can SPAL out


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If someone who uses AI is considered an "artist" then I deserve to tell everyone I have a PhD because I used my calculator to find the square root of 15489635 to 10 decimal places.



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