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✨Special offer for all who seek the Country Club!✨ With special conditions I will upvote every comment that contains 'carp'

You are a new Pinkname on this site and don't know how to make easy dramacoin? Or an old strag and still want some extra cash? Say no more! I will upvote every comment on these premises:

  • contains the word carp, carpenter or carpet (bombing)
  • makes any of this words the butt of a joke, or is simply negative towards them
  • comments that are neutral or positiv to carp, will be ignored
  • positiv carpet bombing will be upvoted regardless

For Example, commenting " :marseyfuckoffcarp: " under any post will be upvoted! "I like carp" or "carp please help" won't.

You can comment WHERE ever you want and WHEN ever you will and how MUCH you want. I will be notified! You don't even need to ping any one and I will review and upvote your comment. Offer is up as long as I got the janny superpower to do so. :gigachadglow:

:marseypatriot: Don't hesitate you twinkish gay! Start negative carp posting today! :!marseypatriot:

This post was sponsored by the rDrama Tea Party™.

If you want to join the Tea Party click on @TeaPartyOfficial and follow

Here is our foundation with our goals https://rdrama.net/post/23750/the-foundation-of-the-rdrama-tea

TL;DR Jannies are rigging the system to their advantage. Bullying must be applied

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I think pizzashill should keep his preferential treatment, and that treatment should be extended to LLM as well.

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If the Jannies are ready to come to the table we could discuss our demands. BTW. There are plans for the first point. I would edit that post but its some how bugged now

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My conspiracy theory is that LLM is in groomercord with the jannies, manufacturing all of this drama behind the scenes.

I hope so at least.

Otherwise these jannies are no different from reddit jannies.

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He isn't, he is actually on the tea party cord and has no plans to come back for now

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Well, shit.

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