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Male health advocate wonders if we gave women too many rights


Why is dating so much harder now than in the past? What Changed?

Was dating just as hard 40 years ago?

Is it that women work and have careers now so they aren't reliant on men? When less women worked, their life was dependent on looking pretty and finding a man. Now they can support themselves. Is that why it's impossible to find dates?

Finding out what changed in that time may help point to a solution to the male loneliness epidemic that is really hurting men right now. Men used to be the gatekeepers for relationships but now women have that and they are being withholding and borderline cruel. It is really damaging men and I think we need to come up with why it happened and how to solve it.

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Look he's not wrong in that women working and having their own income has made a lot of them more picky in choosing mates, but whining about how mean some of them are to you because you have nothing else to offer in a relationship beyond also having ✨A Job✨ is such a hilarious L to admit to as a man. And I see it a lot.

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Women have always been picky, it's just in the past they didn't make much money so they knew all they had to scale with was looks. Now that they make money they think their attraction is Looks + Money and expect equal or higher in that regard…

The 30+ single women are learning men don't really care about their money or careers

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The 30+ single women are learning men don't really care about their money or careers

aaaaand I see this cope too look if they didn't like you in their 20s they're not likely to have a change of heart and beg for your attentions in their 30s either. Sad terminally online complainers are not the demo you should be looking to

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Lern 2 reed, r-slur. He said women in their 20s with good looks and a career assume they are more valuable than they are. They tend to be too picky with their relationships, and prioritize β€œhaving fun πŸ€©β€ over genuine love. Once thirty rolls around and their age becomes a factor, they find that a 30-something woman with a decent career isn't really valuable to men.

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Being valuable to low value men isn't really on a normal woman's radar tho

Also no u

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Neighbor they aren't valuable to any men at 35.

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This is a very sad way to look at women especially if you're a straight man I wish you well.

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>categorizes men as high and low value

>gets mad when women are categorized as high and low value

Cope and seethe, roastie. If you're a 35 year old woman your value comes from the home and family you've built, not how many excel sheets you have on your hard drive or clients you've acquired. I love my foid because she is a wonderful and loving wife who I want to spend my life with, and will make a great homemaker and mother to our children. I support her career and her goals, but it has no value to me romantically.

Good luck with your reddit bf tho, sweaty 😘😘

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:holdupjak: good lord you're mad

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I downvoted the comments of everyone you were arguing against in this thread and upvoted all of yours, my princess.


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I love all gender warriors it's all in good fun :marseyblowkiss: :marseyxoxo:

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They don't have a change of heart and date losers, they just have extreme standards and think their career adds a lot to their attractiveness (it doesn't) and that their age has low impact (it does). They then go on to Reddit and complain about age gaps and how there's no suitable males to date (actually true)

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That's fair but a lot of times the β€œextreme standards” aren't even extreme it's just β€œhave more of a personality than your job/wealth” which a lot of guys young and old have trouble with for varying reasons

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Honestly it all comes down to projection imo.

Women (generally speaking) care about their husband's career, both in terms of it being respectable ("high class", ie. office work over manual labor), and especially in terms of the money he earns. Obviously physical attraction is there too but there's definitely a focus on the career of their husbands. So they assume that men think the same way about women. But the truth is that most men don't give a darn what kind of career their wife has as long as she still has plenty of time for him.

I see this especially for doctors. Female doctors think they're hot shit in the dating market because they make good money and it's a respectable career, but what potential dates see is someone who'll spend far more time at work than on the relationship. Unless the guy's looking to be a house husband (which most women find quite offputting) then why would he care about this?

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So they assume that men think the same way about women.

Do they really? They scream down when men say what they really want, which makes me believe intuitively, they've always known what men actually want. I feel like it's other women that are judging them for their careers, making catty comments about other girls being poor, etc. I feel like what men think factors little into their actual lives and they only really care about what other women think. I'd even go as far to say that they select their boyfriends and husbands based on what other women think.

I feel like the aspect they project is that men's opinions are as malleable to social pressure as theirs. They think if they can meme fat into being beautiful, men will find fat beautiful, because women are susceptible to those sorts of messaging, they assume men are too.

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This is mostly true but imo there are a few female careers that are pluses. I used to date a ballerina in a major prestigious ballet company and it was legit magical to see her perform. Sad it didn't work out πŸ₯Ή

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I have three jobs and a side-hustle and the ladies still dont respect me. I even ride a bikr instead of driving to lower my carbon foot print.


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have you tried not chasing them down on your bike in the middle of the night

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I work all day, how/when else am I supposed to meat people?

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meat people

WHAT a slip you can't eat them either!!!!!

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