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Foid can barely conceal her jealousy


Just a daily reminder that social media isn't real, and even the most picture perfect couples aren't thriving like you may thinkโ€ฆ

I kinda want to get this off my chest, but I have a beautiful mutual friend, she's absolutely stunning, and has the most perfect blissful smile I ever seen. Not only is she just beautiful, but so is her personality, but just a sweet utterly lit lantern in a night sky type of soul.

Mutual friend has a boyfriend, and boyfriend (ick, in my opinion) has โ€œTik Tok Cloutโ€. Boyfriend letโ€˜s call him Jason, tends to have a decent following on Tik Tok, about over 200,000. Cause of it, Jason gets a lot of validation from girls online, young or old, it's in between. That validation is never enough for him, because he still obsesses over himself, and thinks he's a movie star, when in reality (tbh, I don't understand the appeal) is anything far from charming.

Now Jason likes to hold up an image, his Instagram has not only photos admiring himself, but obviously some with his stunning girlfriend. These are the most happy, lovey dovey couple photos you'd ever lay your eyes on. You got the vacation pics, you got the cheesy adoration cuddling partner videos, big smiles, literally you'd think they're the โ€œperfectโ€ couple, romance isn't dead life breathers. Comments of her saying โ€œI love youโ€ in the post replies.

The reality? โ€ฆ.

Jason is your typical jerk, and cheats on her repeatedly, and even his girl best friend he grew up with (prior her)โ€ฆ He cheated on, was abusive and downright cruel. And he's far too old for his stunning girlfriend, who he met at 17, she's about 20 now, he's ~25.

You'd never know this, though, unless you knew Jason, cause men talk closely to one another and reveal their cruel intentions amongst each other.

What you see on social media, is almost never real, despite what people try to convince you. Sometimes we compare ourselves, but donโ€˜t ever do so, it's an illusion.

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And he's far too old for his stunning girlfriend, who he met at 17, she's about 20 now, he's ~25.

She give it away so easily :surejan:

20 year old girls don't care much about 5 years age gap and 17 and 22 year old is also not such big deal. But let hope for OP she will show her friend that the guy is bad for her by stealing him :marseyagreefast:

Edit: https://old.reddit.com/r/AskWomenOver30/comments/1btae34/is_being_taken_to_the_arcade_and_or_out_for/

She seems to be around 30 and getting quit often heart broken just like Swift :marseysoypoint:

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She's also "about 20"

In jealous :marseywall: speak that probably means 22, so only 3 years difference.

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Op probably had this age gap when she was younger but now don't want to date men 10+ years older than her so that's why she hates men dating younger

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Fr sometimes you see them posting about a guy thats 32 as almost 40 and foid whos 26 as almost teenager.

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My first bf was 24 and I was 19. (I told him 20 and he told me 23 :marseyxd:) (I was a late bloomer okay)

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I lost my virginity at 17 to another 17 year old who stopped hooking up with me to date a 34 year-old.


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youre such a p-do omg

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17 and 22 year old is also not such big deal.

Eh, 22 year old dudes dating down like that are usually completely cute twinks and there is a reason no one his age will date him.

Once I got over 21 dating under 21 was very unappealing to me. Obviously as an American who enjoys drinking that was a factor

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there is a reason no one his age will date him

This is woman brained cope :patting: The notion that men date down in age because women their age don't want them is cope made up by bitter older women.

Millions of women around the world date - or marry - immature manchildren who can't do anything around the house. Especially someone who's a somewhat known on TikTok would have plenty of women throwing themselves on him.

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It's a cope for women talking about high value 35 year olds dating a hot 20 something

A 22 year old dude should be able to pull a hot 19-24 year old. Your dating market is never better than early to mid 20s

If you are 22 and dating a high schooler than something is wrong with you.

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If you are 22 and dating a high schooler than something is wrong with you.


But it's not inability, just special scrotebrain telling them to go for the youngest kitty that throws herself at them - see every 50's-70's (and beyond) pop and rockstars fricking 16 year olds. They also could've picked the hottest 23 y/o but went for the youngest one :marseypedobear:

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Your dating value is ever higher than when you're a rich old frick, actually

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Men date girls that are younger because they are hotter, happier, and more fun, not because they have to. No man dating an 18yo is thinking "gee i wish I could take a jaded 30yo used up slag to a wine tasting with her friends where they all complain about how miserable they are. sigh"

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22 year old guys dating 17 years are weird.

โ€œHey, you need me to buy vodka for prom?โ€

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Not in most places on the planet, but it'll probably get you locked up in a few states.

But how does she even know they met then? Sounds like she's drawing wild conclusions or is assuming that being aware of someone's existence is evidence of a relationship

Who has this much fricking time to sneed about random acquaintances?

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In Europe 16 year old can date someone 8 years older if it's more than 8 years he can be jailed for p-do stuff if parents demand

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Yeah, that's what I mean. Most of Europe or Latin America or Asia or Africa wouldn't care a whole lot. France gave zero fricks about Macron having a wife 24 years older but the UK couldn't run enough stories about it.

Some US states would lock up a 19 y/o moid for it, though.

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