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All capeshit and franchiseslop

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We took Henry Cavill for granted


indeed we did. I just love his superman

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Man of Steel was bretty good. So quaint that people back then thought that was bad capeshit.

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Kinda excited about Riddick 4. Chronicles of Riddick wasn't a good movie, but it was fun. It's like a movie that went straight to VHS in 1987 but with a big budget. Also, Escape From Butcher Bay ruled. :marseyboomer:

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Chronicles of Riddick was very fun! Great cast too. The sequel was good too but shame they randomly abandoned Riddick on that planet. Would be cool to see him as a king but prob no plot there.

Recently rewatched that and Firefly. Both still good.

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I honestly skipped the 3rd Riddick because it seemed like Pitch Black 2, which was ok but I wanted the series to get even weirder and dumber. If they're doing the Furyan stuff this time, I might get my wish.

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women and nonwhites shouldn't be allowed on screen. all minority and female characters should simply be played by twinks, as god intended

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until the early 2010s, the movies with minority/women leads were just as good as the stories with white male leads.

the problem isn't minorities or foids, the problem is writing shit stories in order to fill quotas, and another problem is hiring imbeciles.

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The problem is that foid writers are the majority now

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incorrect it was all downhill when we started letting women be actors

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It's weird how so many moids feel the need to be able to coom to every piece of media all the time

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"Ugly people don't belong on tv"

-my mom

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Blade Runner 2049 would have been shit with Michael Cera as the lead, and that's not because I want to coom to Gosling (god has doomed me to straightness).

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I dont even need her to be pretty.


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oh wow... another blade runner... and another swordshit spin-off ... and more capeshit.

pitch black was good at least

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ASOIAF stuff at least has actual source material behind it. GOT was shit when there wasn't

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I hate ugly people in my media

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For real. If I wanted to see ugly people I would just go for a walk on some poor neighborhood. But Michelle Yeoh has some MILF energy

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Like holy hells i want people in my media an porn to be at least MORE attractive than myself, not fricking uglier - that's such a low bar :marseyyikes:

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The Ugly guy here is handsome compared to where ever they dig these subhuman from Hollyweird

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imo The Bad doesn't fit conventional standards of attractiveness either

I like interesting looking people

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There's strange looking peeps and then there is modern Hollywood protagonist :marseybeansick:

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Frick chinks. Also idgaf because I'm not watching this cute twink incel shit anyway

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Say what you want but it doesn't make me any less right

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Replies are cringe. Michele Yeow owns.

Reign of Assassins is some of the best modern chink kino around

Also The Hedge Knight is a fairly straight forward short story so 6 episodes should do it fine. The Dunk and egg stories own

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It says β€œfirst season” of Hedge Knight though, which to me kinda indicates they are going to drag it out.

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Not really, it says the first season of Knight of the Seven Kingdoms. I think they wanted to adapt each as a season. I imagine they want to do them chronologically so I bet we'll probably see GRRM's as of yet unpublished story about their time in Dorne

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yeah she's cool, it's possible it ends up good despite DEI bullshit. but it's been a long time since an Amazon series wasn't shit.

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>He say you Brade Runne

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Wait you think I am a liberal? How r-slurred can you be. Well then again looking at your post history I can see that you certainly type like your IQ is in the single digits. I already told you that a couple thousand people is not representative of 10's of millions of people and you keep on insisting that the study is believable because it's made by pew. Like the idiots who buy Apple devices because they have an apple sticker glued to the front. You're the r-slurred fricking ape that replied to a thread that no one had replied to in a week. You're the one who started throwing around names when I replied back to you initially. You want to be like that, then so be it. Go frick yourself you r-slurred piece of shit. I'm done talking to the likes of you


In the future stag moids must choose between chink bitched and robots::

Ok but why don't we get rid of the peepee and make xer a brave trans hero instead::

A straight aryan Superman in current year? This is racist coded::

28 years too late::

It'l never make up for GoT failing tho::

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