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Boys are not defective girls. Minimoids can never be expected to behave in class. Asking an XY to refrain from sharing all of its thoughts all of the time is abuse.

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True. Girls are made to listen and bow to authority meanwhile boys are made to think for their own and take initiative.

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One cousin went to an all foid school, and she'll swing her foid-peepee around and snatch people's jobs and promotions with a vengeance so she can get that cushy corner office with a view of the Han River.

One cousin went to a mixed school, and she'll play up the "aegyo" and pretend she's dumber than she actually is to get her way.

Thus in conclusion girls should go to all foid schools so some of them become moid-adjacent.

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Not a girlboss if she can't do this 🤏 in public

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Which is why capitalism is busy slowly destroying the moid gender :marseyagree:

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Minimoids can never be expected to behave in class

What is it with the proliferation of referring to things as "expectations" in acedemia. Call it a requirement that when not met results in punishment/shit grades. Also a big problem with bpys not behaving in classs stems from cuts to Gym/PE/recess time.

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We've also offloaded raising men to the worst women for decades now, they're going to have the dumbest requirements for minimoids.

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offloaded raising men to the worst women for decades now

this is the biggest issue imho. This and the rise of single-motherhood, more and more boys in this cpuntry are being raised with no positive male role models. Meanwhile the schools treat boys like deffecrive girls and actively tell them that theyre simeltaneously toxic and privileged.


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How awesome would it have been to be raised by a solo dad

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boys are defective girls. we should treat boy/manhood like a poison destroying society and stamp it out with effective treatments such as literal castration and cross s*x hormones

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Father will always be the more important parent than mother but foids can't accept this.

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It's single mom's fault now? :marseyxd: Not the dead beat dads who have zero motivation in raising or being involved with their sons?

Moids truly deserve their downfall :marseypraying:

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>woman divroces man, takes half his shit.

>sues for child support

>sues for alimony

>man must work extra to pay for it all and still afford a comfortable lifestyle so his kid will still want to see him.

Women: Why are these fathers deadbeats???

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>woman has kid with husband

>husband cheats on wife, beats her and the kid, and becomes unemployed scrote

>woman gets promoted to CEO after returning from maternity leave

>woman has the audacity to divorce him

>dusty husband attempts to kill both wife and kid

>woman fears life and moves across country

>dusty scrote uses court to waste time, dusty has weekend with kid

>still doesn't make time to see kid or get a job to pay child support

Deadbeat dads: Why do women ruin the nuclear family?!? Why does my kid hate me?? Why is my g spot in my anus? This is all my ex's fault, I will kill everyone she loves.


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It takes two to tango in many of these cases.

Women reproduce with obvious deadbeats and are surprised that he skips out on their bastard children. That's a large portion, maybe even a majority, of single parent households. Some single mothers find 3 or more deadbeats before they settle down and raise the kids, all half-siblings to each other.

The problem is that Poor Culture glorifies this sort of r-sluration so now more and more people think this is normal behavior.

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No, teachers.

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pretty sure he was referring to teachers.

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alpha fricks future single mom. she is too mid for him to see her as wife material, so she's got the brilliant idea to make him stay by getting "accidentally" pregnant. upon hearing the news he immediately tells her he's not gonna stick around. after a month of stress-eating (making her proportions more realistic) she decides to have the baby anyway, her consolation prize is copious amounts of gibs.

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She gets us!

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Peepee :marseysperm: Envy

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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As if every thought that tumbles through your head was so clever it would be a crime for it not to be shared.

my motto

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the "just don't be neurodivergent ❤️" posters

Yeah the world would be better without you.

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Also because a year of internet deprivation and a job involving physical labor would cure 90% of self appointed internet autists of their “condition”.

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Everything worthwhile in society is done by r-slurs who can't sit still !r-slurs

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Everything worthwhile was done through God.

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Starting to think the Greeks had the tossing the r-slurs off a cliff thing right

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It literally sounds like propaganda

Emphasis is put on certain words

All text is aligned, and the main actor is clearly visible, making it easy to communicate the message to the viewer

Said text is written in a very direct way, calling for immediate action

This is propaganda

Lmao “noo you can't clearly communicate what's expected of me or else it's propaganda!”

Are street signs propaganda?

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I'm a patriot and that commie red light isn't going to stop me

:#marseyhmmhipstalking: :#marseysteertalking: :#marseydrunktalking:

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That looks like a a green light to me let's fricking go :marsey#colorblind:

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Well yes by the definition of the term but this is on the same level as "wash your peepee"

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Zoomers are terrible with knowledge retention. I think alot of it has to do with them not needing to commit anything to memory because they're used to having all the answers on their phone.

To adapt to this I've had to start doing open note tests for the classes I teach so it forces them at least to take notes.

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You can do open notes and tell them explicitly what will be on the exam, but zoomers will still manage to fail.

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Nice thing about working with youngsters in the military is they believe anything you tell them.

I let them know I have to report results to their XO, I don't. And when going over the material I tell them this going to be on the exam.

This forces them to remember to remember the important shit. Also, I throw in some this will save lives, keep you from getting killed and help the boys down range kill the bad guys BS to give them some unwarranted self importance.

This all saves me from 2am phone calls, which is the most important thing.

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Am I the only one that doesn't remember most of middle :marseyteamepic2: and elementary school :marseyeric: at all? Maybe I was not traumatized :marseyschizoshaking: enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: idk

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I blocked out everything before age 19 from trauma. My earliest childhood memory is getting blotto off Mike's hard lemonade to Tik Tok (the Ke$ha banger, not the CCP mind control tool) and this stoner guy trying to explain Platonism to me (I think so I'd sleep with him).

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!oldstrags this imposter was born in the 90s. :marseyzoomer:

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'90s kids are !oldstrags now. Get with the times, gramps.

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She was only 35 you sick frick

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yeah I blocked out all my memories of rdrama from trauma before the year 2000

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Are those your heart medication?

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Born in the 90s or got their driver's license and their first blowjob in the 90s?

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Marty McFly going back to get to first base with his own mom is the same time gap between now and when BritBrit made you feel some kinda way about Catholic schoolgirls. :taymindblown:

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But not as far back as when Jessica Rabbit made me feel things about skinny redheads with huge tits

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Unironically I think that movie has a lot to answer for in terms of fricking up moid sexuality. Jessica Rabbit is patient zero of the "2D >3D" plague.

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if you Google "Jessica rabbit plastic surgery" and similar terms, it's mostly :!marseytrain:s

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Jesus Christ if Kesha is a childhood memory for you, you really need to not have opinions about anything

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>and this stoner guy trying to explain Platonism to me (I think so I'd sleep with him).

Did it work? If so, would you like a refresher course on Platonism?

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It didn't work but his explanation was crap, either because he was too high, or too horny or too inattentive in PHIL202. Regardless, I'm pretty sure the erection is a lousy example of The Form of The Good, and if his dorm room is the place where all the glorious truths of the universe might be revealed to freshman coeds, then I think that makes it the opposite of Plato's Cave.

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So if someone managed to explain it well you'd be dtf?

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I mean back then, maybe yes? Less so now. When I was younger I used to really fetishize a certain kind of male brilliance and I always was very taken by extremely bright, emotionally unavailable men. Not neurodivergent robots, mind, but closed off in a way that suggested he contained vast inner depths accessible only to the right girl (it's me! I can fix him!)

Now I'm older and I realize that beneath that guy's sullen exterior there's usually a sullen interior and a bunch of dumb ideas he stole off the internet and adopted in place of a personality.

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>extremely bright, emotionally unavailable men

:marseyme: :marseycool2:

>beneath that guy's sullen exterior there's usually a sullen interior and a bunch of dumb ideas he stole off the internet and adopted in place of a personality.

:marseyme: :marseyspecial:

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Post SAT scores & angsty Livejournal poetry.

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In high school, I scribbled little edgy 2deep notes into the margins of my final exam papers. My perfect 15/15 scores in German and English were accompanied by marginalia like "Arise and frick your muse" :marseycool:

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Now I'm older and I realize that beneath that guy's sullen exterior there's usually a sullen interior and a bunch of dumb ideas he stole off the internet and adopted in place of a personality.

Being “dark and broody” (successfully or not) is also mainly a young guy thing, so hopefully they grew out of it as well. Also a surefire way to make your own life more miserable than necessary.

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My earliest memory is of me running to the potty and pooping my pants while doing so. I'm pretty sure the moment i became concious was when my hand was on the doorhandle and shit was halfway out of my butt.

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Jimmie you write so girlish

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Do you suffer from an anxiety disorder and/or depression? :marseynotes:

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I use rdrama :marseylovedrama: so yes, depression :marseywardeadinside: :marseyfedpostglow:, but my meds work well enough :marseyitsallsotiresome: so my life is fine now :marseyshrug:

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Read back in the day that those two can frick with your memory big time. :marseydepressed:

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I remembered a lot apparently bc highschool and undergrad felt like a lot of review. I think I got lucky with teachers that actually gave a shit.

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I think I got lucky with teachers that actually gave a shit.

I think it's also a lot of people are just r-slurred and don't pay attention.

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I remember writing cursive and miserably thinking about what a giant waste of my time it was.

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tfw I actually liked middle school

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I barely remember anything :marseyshitforbrains:

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This kid looks like those show me where he touched doll


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He touched me in my perfectly smooth high-speed low-drag aerodynamic ridge, which is nestled between two of my airfoils

He then threw me across the room at 500 mph (my entire body was designed for this). I generated enough lift to enter the stratosphere

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Sorry, I agree. Doesn't matter if the people saying it are cringey. Most adults either forget how shit school is, or just shrug because they don't have to worry about it anymore. Being an adult is easily 50x better than being a kid.

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The way youre saying this makes you sound like you're still in school :marseyhmm:

@Aevann ban him to be safe

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Lots of "adults" online think childhood is better, because they're anxious r-slurs with stunted development who are afraid to talk on the phone or have an actual job. These are the ones bitching about "adulting."

No matter how shit your job is as an adult, you get paid and you have a choice. At less formal jobs you can express yourself pretty freely. You choose where to live, how to live, what to do with your time, etc.

Obviously kids need to be kept under some control, but the school environment is dogshit and as adults we shouldn't forget how soul killingly boring it can be.

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Sounds like you went to some poor people school

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Poor schools tend to have the opposite issue, normal kids are trapped in heck with the "bad kids" who make learning impossible and can never be removed. These are the ones you hear about on /r/teachers.

The schools the OOP is complaining about are mostly "nice" and well-funded. I remember my suburban elementary school didn't let people talk during lunch (??)

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Nooo I have to go to school for 7 hours and I can only spend half that time talking with friends :soycry: :soycry:. I have to do 30 minutes of homework nooo :soycry: :soycry:

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Yeah you have to be pretty r-slurred to believe school is something good despite you never get paid and have to go through things that are really uninteresting.

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What the frick is "stimming" and convince me it isn't some bullshit made-up by neurodivergent zoomers who think "fidgeting" needs a fancy name

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Its fidgeting even more r-slurred

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Skirt go spinny.

Hand go stimmy.

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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Stimulation of any kind. You can stim on audio like AMSR without fidgeting.

You go to a concert, play, or other live performance. The song and visuals hit just right and you get that shiver up your spine. Stimming is the autistic zoomer equivalent that everyone talks about, similar to how everyone totally can't stand the word moist or look at pictures of objects with holes in them (trypophobia) without an over-the-top negative response

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Its just compulsive fidgeting often very r slurred. When im alone I hop in circles and slap myself and do all sorts hand movements to help me think.

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that's cute

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its pretty offputting so its why I hate having a roomate since they will catch me doing it and I can tell they are judging

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I sort of stim by having background noise when I'm doing like literally anything.

I have an inability to not fidget with my hands too but I think it's a medication side effect?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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I cant focus with noise it breaks my concentration

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If I'm really focusing it can but it usually keeps me on task.

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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This is why you let them use your hole instead

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It pretty much is - I'm a huge sperg but I was only formally diagnosed recently so I avoided all this r-slurred terminology

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Stimming is fidgeting except you're visibly r-slurred while doing it

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Me in class


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Emphasis is put on certain words

All text is aligned, and the main actor is clearly visible, making it easy to communicate the message to the viewer

Said text is written in a very direct way, calling for immediate action

This is propaganda

This is neurodivergent

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The zoomers:marseysjw: are right. Total Teacher Death. Only post-wall hags disagree with this policy.

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Unironically seeing the word 'stimming' being used unironically makes me write whatever it is off as coping for being mentally r-slurred

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content is fine but I fricking hate the :marseyglobohomo: art style

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You are not wrong but I am unwilling to give credit to a cuck like you.




This is not my meme I just haven't seen anyone reply with it yet:


they had absolutely no reason to do these they fr just hated kids:

this poster made it feel illegal to have adhd:

the "just don't be neurodivergent ❤️" posters:

Every single bit of repressed elementary school trauma bubbled to the surface when i saw this shit:

It literally sounds like propaganda:

bunch of zoomers pretending like they have autism in the replies:

Posts from the 3rd grade home room:

All you need next is armed raised and yelling seig hail:

Me when a black woman is speaking:

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what's his PEEPEE for

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