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Honest to god advice for this guy is to careermax and gymcel for a few years then try again. No good will come from trying to online date and more likely than not he'll get jaded and depressed.

Edit: reading the thread surprisingly most Redditors are being honest about it.

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This guy is never going to be a chad but he could be a 6 or a 7 if he was jacked, shaved his facial hair and dressed like an adult.

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Chad is a mindset(ed: ok maybe half a mindset): one of the chunkiest guys I went to school with never let it bother him, has a petite wife and a kid on the way

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Fatlet cope. You can have a happy life without being a chad, but you're not going to be a chad if you weren't born with some potential to begin with.

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"You need to be BORN with chad powers!" - tiny peepee energy

Man its like you people WANT to be depressed xD

Edit: Sorry I take it back- not you, you dont want to be depressed obv im js theres more to chadness than inborn chad potential. I just feel like believing only some people can EVER be chads because theyre born that way is quite a virgin mindset. Imo

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If you think your only options are to be depressed or to be a chad you're r-slurred. There's more to life than trying to embody a 4chan-tier meme.

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I agree and have adjusted my comment accordingly. Thank you πŸ™

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Dramaphobic comment. Jannies, do something!

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keep yourself safe cute twink ill post how I want

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Keep yourself safe cute twink :marseyfemboy:

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This guy's never gonna be attractive. Doesn't have the genes, doesn't have social intelligence. At 22 he should know why his hinge gets no matches.

Careermax and gymcel is good advice, but he also needs to give up on catching the eye of strange foids, and socialmax. Hobbies, communities, environments where women can get to know him, not settings based on snap judgements of attraction. Definitely not online dating.

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He's got giant wrists (no idea how tall he is) and a wider build. He can probably lose the weight in 4-6 months and look at more muscular development later. If he's in a hurry cut out alcohol and take rad-140 or test for a few weeks to build a decent physique.

It's amazing how many problems would be solved if kids listened to their boomer parents when they told them they were fat and gay

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If he lost weight he'd be decent to good looking. Good on him for hitting the gym

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>your photos don't say anything about your hobbies or interests


If you've ever watched an average foid swipe through tinder (I have) they immediately swipe left on about 80% of guys within half a second without even looking at the first pic properly, let alone any of the other ones. And their inbox is still filled to the brim with matches and guys that would bend over backwards for a crumb.

If your first pic doesn't immediately hit perfectly, no amount of min-maxing your profile and communicating interests through photos will help.

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So you decided to self dox

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In 2024, his looksmatch is the Eraserhead baby.

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These beardlets are wild. :marseydicklet: It's like their bodies know that they're meant to be neckbeard losers. :marseykekw:

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1. He's ugly

2. He looks like and dresses like a fat lesbian

3. He's fat

4. His vibes are more like a 50-year-old widower rather than a 22-year-old

It's basically over for him. Best bet is to keep up the gym and get slim and then wait until everyone his own age starts getting divorced and pick up some sloppy seconds when he's forty.

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Needs to lose lots of weight and dress better.

Maybe plastic surgery to fix his jaw.

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Toothless. :marseyitsover: And at the very worst spot too--the very front.

Might as well delete if you're not getting dentures, because no one gets laid on OLD without a full set of teeth.

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Looks like it's just the two central incisors, so maybe they can make em believe they're a gangbanger from Cape Town :marseyhmm:


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Darn, you're really mad over this, but thanks for the effort you put into typing that all out! Sadly I won't read it all.

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Dude sucks at taking photos too, the β€œlooking downwards” selfie never makes a person look good, only makes them look worse.

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Neighbor looks like Grimes

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