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just so @Sasanka_of_Gauda doesnt feel bad/ embarrassed by herself, heres a rdrama fanfic i wrote after half a bottle of whiskey (its awful and doesnt make any sense and super gay and over written to heck):

The sun was a pale disk, hung against a paler sky. Bundles of asphyxiated cotton would occasionally drift over, smothering the dead god. This was the sky that greeted us as we reached our weekend home. The absurd little car we rented pulled into a “driveway” in front of this old cabin, crunching a thin layer of snow. Sitting squat amongst a smattering of bald birch trees, the cabin completed the bone tableau. What a dingy little thing. But, as we planned, remote, quiet. Away from that stupid site he runs. Same stupid site we met on. Oh well, we're here now anyways. I glance over, he's still hunched over in this tiny car, his face scrunched up like it always does when he's annoyed. About to bound into another one of those cute rants that I can never decide whether to soothe or encourage. Maybe I'll tease him this time. “This is what I paid for?” “What's wrong hun?” patting his lap and giving him my best doe eyed look. Pout a little, my lower lip drooping, dangerously close to an r-slur drool. He starts up, an engine bigger than the car he's stuck in. “A weekend in this shithole is what I paid $500 dollars for?” He turns his head as if to continue his attack, brown fur falls aimlessly around his dark eyes. Something unlike words tumble out as he realizes my little game. “Why i oughta…” he says in a mock-mobster accent as he reaches for my face, planting a kiss on my cheek. I lift a hand to his cheek, “It'll be lovely dear, I just know.” True enough, I suppose. “And how do you know that?” I give my chin a saucy toss, “I just do”. “What was that?” “what was what” “with your head” “i gave my chin a saucy toss, that's what.” With pretend indignation. “what the heck does that mean?” i shrug “dunno, read it somewhere” He squints, as if this were his first time watching a cat get stuck in a plastic bag. “Ok then.” a slight head shake, “help me unload” I smile, another point to me.

We shuffle out, careful to find some purchase on the wet earth. While he begins to stretch his back, trying to force some mobility back in, I cross around the front so I can slap his butt walking by. “Dont forget to stretch this too” i wink to him. He scoffs. Then he realizes and his mouth widens into a smug grin. “Yeah, you'd know about stretching”. My eyes roll involuntarily and I blow a raspberry. “Psh ok whatever. Give me the keys” He digs for them and tosses them to me as I reach the back. The trunk opens with a stoic thunk, no chirps for this ancient beautiful b-word. Inside are only a couple bags, we've only a weekend before we go back to our wives. Back to old obligations, more rotten molasses I'll have to stuff into endless boxes. Just more shit we'll have to deal with. Oh well, I shrug, two days of freedom is enough. So I grab one of the bags and throw my thin frame backwards, forcing it out in a ballistic arc. It lands, skittering a bit on some ice, almost taking me with it. “Take the lighter stuff, i got this” He lifts two of them effortlessly. You might assume he's doing this to show off. But, really, I know better: he doesn't consider these little things as showing off. Watching as he carries the load, I see my Conan carrying some beast carcass home. I smile and turn to the little things. Pottyries, guff, etc. Taking them all ( I'm a big boy too y'know), I crunch my way towards the front door.

First thing I noticed was a lack of difference in temperature as I crossed the threshold. “Oh goodie”, half sarcastic, “I guess we'll have to snuggle up” He tells me to not be so dramatic (a delightfully supreme irony) and points to the fireplace. “There should be some firewood out back, I'lll cut it after we unpack.” I press my wrist to my forehead and swoon-stumble over, falling in his arms, (actually im aiming my face at those lovely man muscle tits he's got ) Before I eat can shit on these old wooden boards, he catches me. “My hero” crooning, a southern belle suffering the most vexing vapors. He stands me up with an eye roll (another trophy). “What evah shall I do without you sah?” With raised eyebrows, he drops me. "eat shit lol" my laugh is muffled by the floor. I turn over, catching my darling ashley wilkes escaping to some office. "give me a second babe, i gotta return a email to my boss". His boss. The Piscene Freak. That motherless frick, that whorey b-word. The endless sewer piping shit directly into my capybara love's face. One of those c*nts that somehow end up in PR despite (or maybe, because of) being a massive peepee sucking r-slur. I wouldnt mind God's jokes if they weren't at my expense. I ain't laughing at this b-word. Despite His humor, I swear to God, If she mentions her sub 22 in waist again, I will kill her. Pathetic really. Everytime I pick up my love from the office, I hear her hitting on the poor pizza boy. She must know the owners of that place, because every Friday the same boy arrives. A pink Sabbath, the round faced boy is paraded around while she teases him. i think he works at a target or a Pistachio

shop or something.

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Needs more s*x scenes.

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its in the reply

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You can type 10,000 characters and you decided that these were the one's that you wanted.

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