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Rishi Sunak announces 4 July general election


Rishi Sunak announces a 4 July general election in a statement outside Downing Street

The PM revealed the date in a rain-soaked Downing Street speech, as Labour's 1997 election anthem 'Things Can Only Get Better' blared from a nearby street



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Someone explain to me the logic of calling an election. Do you do it because you think this is your last chance to actually have a chance at winning? What is the strategy of calling an early election.

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I suspect it has something to do with Reform who are gaining quickly on the Conservatives. Either lose an election now or lose a party later.

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He's going against the Tory pollsters advice for an autumn election - autumn is probably a better idea tbh....

Truth is the Tories are stuck between a rock and a hard place. Waiting until november at their current trajectory of a scandal per week is also quite tricky, their numbers are reaching Liz Truss mini-budget level - this is untenable. Reform UK is likely to split the right wing vote if they don't come up with a deal (not gonna happen). And SNP meltdown in Scotland is going net Labour a ton of seats.

Rishi's personal ratings can't save him either:


Everyone has been expecting a Labour landslide for over a year now. Rishi is probably calling this election to at least salvage some seats instead of facing an unprecedented wipeout. This is off the back of recent good economic news: the UK has the lowest inflation out of the Eurozone and the US. There's also news about the British ecomomy forecasted to do better than Germany and France or somethn. He will be using this in his campaign to act like "Britain is finally turning the corner, do you want to squander all this work to Labour".. Unlikely to work.

He's probably also betting on at least one Rwanda flight (his stop the migrant boats promise) before the July 4th - but that isn't a sure thing either as there's a lot of legal problems. Labour is anti-Rwanda plan so Rishi wants to use a successful flight against them.

I won't be voting but I hope they get destroyed.

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Won't the labor nigs be worse for the economy? They both strike me as pansy butt welfare queens, but... :marseyshrug:

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That was the original Tory cope - maybe they are seen as the nasty party, but at least they can be trusted on the economy.

However years of economic stagnation under Tory watch (alongside Remainer hit pieces) have undermined this notion. The real kicker was the infamous Sept 2022 Liz Truss mini-budget - basically she was gonna cut taxes and increase spending without any fiscal headroom or discipline. This sent the markets into shock: the Β£ cratered, bond-yields went up, pensionfund assets got wiped out due to crazy margin calls, people's mortagages went up... the BoE had to step in and buy back the bonds even though they were supposed to be engaging in quantative tightening. It was an immediate and forseeable disaster that hit future homeowners (future tories) - that's why they immediately reversed the budget and Liz soon got booted out of the top job (an entire 49 days as PM).

That sham (along with 14 years of economic mismanagement) put a nail in the "Tories are competent when it comes to the economy" line.. You can see from the graph, since the Sep 2022 minibudget, Labour is now seen as more trustworthy when it comes to the economy.

Also Kier Starmer went terminator on the corbynistas, another crazy story. Anyway, they are mostlty destoryed and now the Labour party is Blairite again. THey've been watering down all their lefty policies, courting business and are fighting for the Tory's centre ground.

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tfw the leftists only ever get into power when they pretend to be rightists

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In 2002, twelve years after Margaret Thatcher left office, she was asked at a dinner what was her greatest achievement.

Thatcher replied: β€œTony Blair and New Labour. We forced our opponents to change their minds.”

(Conor Burns, April 11, 2008)

The Labour party seems to be more popular with business lately. They've been courting high finance, industry and lots of big figures.




The lefty purge in Labour was wild, even as a lefty myself, you have to be impressed at how skillfully he wrangled and ejected the new Corbynista far left. Not to mention kicking out Corbyn (his old boss) from the party. Kier himself was IN Corbyn's cabinet, he snaked them so good. He was very shrewd. Now he's brought back all the old Blair wonks to the party, not to mention quietly plugging Labour into Tony Blair's new think tank.

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>next election you get to choose between tories, blairites, or schizo rightoids who don't know that brexit is over


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it's so disappointing. clown country.

i hope labour wins their landslide and fricks up the country. meanwhile, nigel farage runs and wins the tory leadership contest. then we can have a loony tunes election in 2029. it's what br*tain deserves.


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The economy really isn't everything. While they've managed to control inflation pretty much nothing else works properly. Every public service and utility has been mismanaged to the point that people will take a chance with Labour.

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Reform are gaining on them and the public are getting more pissed the longer they leave it. There was positive news on the inflation rate today so they're figuring this is as good as it's going to get.

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His party was about to kick him out, so he kicked the party out instead.

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