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High school girls with fake woman disorders not accommodated for their “disabilities” at graduation; Redditors cry about it



"It felt so, you know, degrading to like, like have to sit in the crowd and look at your own classmates rather than be sat with their own classmates," she said.

Lee lives with two conditions. She first was diagnosed with POTS, postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome, which is when the heart rate increases very quickly after getting up from sitting or lying down. She was most recently diagnosed with F.N.D, functional neurological disorder, which she said causes her to faint.

Two very much disabled women


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I had the symptoms of POTS for a while, long before I heard anyone else talk about it. Never went to the doctor over it because that's not my style. I think it had to do with just being really out of shape. After doing things to get me off my butt, it went away.

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Kinds of showing how sendentary foids can be.

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I'd guess that like 10% of men actually regularly exercise, which is pathetically low, but it can't be more than like 3% for women.

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It has to be a bit higher than that. :marseydeadinside2: I know some chicks are really into pilates nowadays.

!biofoids do you work out?

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Anyone of either s*x who doesn't work out is a weak fricking cute twink.

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100 lbs squat hands typed this

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I was gonna post some sort of 1v1 me irl strag ill frick you up shitpost but then I ran across this variant and decided to respond with it instead. you're welcome.


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Do you workout?

I think among my friends, only one of them really regularly exercises. She runs a lot and is quite fit, though. Also her husband doesn't really exercise to my knowledge.

I'm counting like, minimum 3 sessions per week. Could be weightlifting (rare), could be running or cycling. But not "I do spin class every other Saturday".

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I'm not like a shredded body builder or anything lol. I just run 2-3 times a week and do the rowing machine or weights for at least half an hour every other evening. I'm doing a 5k in July with my sister too :marseydance: and that's about it.

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I'm not like a shredded body builder or anything lol


Do better.

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I will for you :capychad3:

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I think that definitely counts. I just lift weights 3x/week and ride my bike whenever it's nice out (thank fricking god winter is finally over here)

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Biking sounds fun :marseyfluffy: I'd like to try getting into it when I graduate. I like running best since I don't need like a complicated routine I can just stretch, start a podcast/song, and go lol.

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My cycling got much more fun when I bought a JBL Clip bluetooth speaker and attached it to my bike (kinda jerry-rigged w/ zip ties lmao).

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i think it depends a lot on your circle tbh. i know a lot of women that do the whole 40 hour work week + come home and do 95% of the childcare and take care of everything in the house aside from the lawn and they rarely work out cus there's just no time

the housewives i know are more into working out regularly, plus when you don't get out of the house every day it's a good opportunity to go see your friends

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Oof I don't blame people who work that much that sounds sucky. But working out can help you manage a stressful schedule better imo. Even if they did just like 1 hour in the evening while watching HGTV like my mom lol :marseytradpat:

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100% plus this is gonna be me with my babies so they can join me anyway https://i.rdrama.net/images/17164957978842056.webp cus this is already my cat https://i.rdrama.net/images/17164957980932906.webp i put dbol in his kibbol !fitness hows it feel to get mogged by a cat

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That baby is a lil chad :marseybib: :marseylifting:

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I did Pilates for a time. It was fun but the studio was small and sometimes they'd cancel classes since they didn't have enough people. Got frustrated and quit. Pilates is fun.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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>expecting women to be honest

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:marseyeyeroll: Just because you are an incel doesn't mean the average woman is a liar.

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no I'm an incel because the average women is a liar

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:marseylaughpoundfist: So you are an incel because of your lack of personality and social skills?

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People on rdrama would never lie :marseypearlclutch:

Every man on here is a 6'6 surgeon with a hot wife + sidepiece

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Ignore my vote, wanted to see what the yes marsey was #moidmoment

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I had symptoms like that in high school and got a blood test and they said it was just anemia. Eating more iron cured me.

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POTS is when your heart :marseyblowkiss: races in response to position changes like standing :marseyoverallenthusiasm: up for people who don't know. Lost weight, body doesn't need as much burst energy :marseyreactor: to hoist your weight, heart :marseymaidgeisha: doesn't need to overclock to get O2 to your muscles. Go figure. Also umm have you tried not standing :marseyoverallenthusiasm: up so quick???

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I got it after recovering from sepsis, I guess my autonomic nerve system was all fricked up for a while. Just went away eventually.

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"Your brain has different sorts of triggers. And it gets, you know, kind of upset when these triggers happen, such as, you know, silence for me, or, you know, anything where my brain is not being stimulated, it, you know, causes room for any sort of dissociation," she said.


Lee said Principal Doster cited safety reasons as to why she couldn't fully walk around the gym and sit with the other graduates. Lee said despite getting clearance from her doctor and practicing, Doster still didn't allow her to fully participate.

So it was a liability to have someone who claims they randomly faint to be walking around. Probably could have just given her a wheelchair and avoided this.

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Crazy how the mysterious disease that only can be felt and not detected randomly disappears when convenient

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17092367509484937.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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>Are my dopamine receptors destroyed due to constant simulation

>No I must have a disability

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Separating yourself from people you fear is as southern as grits

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Oh shit l think that b-word over there might pass out if she stands up too fast. I better get outta here that shit is scary.

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Like the goats who faint if you yell at em suddenly.

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Is POTS not real? I know two guys whose lives had basically reset when they started getting symptoms.

Edit: one guy was incredibly active with running and kayaking


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It could be real but for my own narrative I'm trying to push, I need to pretend it isn't.

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Gotcha king, not trying to encroach on the hustle :marseykingcrown:


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It's kinda real in the same way fibromyalgia is real. It exists, but for every 1 person that actually has it there are 10 white women that claim they do

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You've got good passion and have some sense of what the big issues are. Unfortunately you're combining that with absolute shit for brains.



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theyre disabled alright :marseywomanmoment2:

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