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Reddit Thread About Woman Who Encounters Black Bear and Runs Back to Her Man Turns Into Neckbeard vs. Legbeard Shitshow and Then Gets Nuked by Jannies

A user on /r/SweatyPalms recently posted a video of a woman encountering a wild bear on a trail, then running back to her man at the end:


Previously, there had been a trend among moid-hating legbeard femcels :femcel: on social media to say that they would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man. The trend very much pissed off large numbers of MRA neckbeard incels. :marseyfedoratip:

Well, this Reddit thread provoked exactly the kind of comments that you would expect. :soysnootypefast:











...and so on and so on and so on, endlessly. :marseybearsleep:

Eventually, the entire thread was, of course, nuked by the jannies. :marseyoppenheimer:


Protip: if you don't want discussions about completely unrelated subjects to turn into neckbeard circlejerks of infantile political shit-flinging, then definitely don't post them on Reddit. :mladyfedoratip:

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A foid's worst fear - being trapped between mortal danger and admitting she might have been over emotional and exaggerated.

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Here's a tough one: Would you rather encounter a man who identifies as a bear...


...or a bear who identifies as a man?


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The latter. mf looks clean in that suit

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Everyone asks whether a woman would rather run into a man or a bear, but no one has bothered asking whether a bear would rather run into a man or a woman. :marseyquestion:

:#marseybearhappy: :!#marseygigachad:

:#marseybearsad: :!#marseyfoidretard:

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No one has asked whether I'd rather the woman run into the bear. The answer is yes :chudditorseethe:

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>Be me

>Run into a beer

>No more

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the best part is the comment that links to that /r/wtf thread about women banging sticks in the woods and realizing the fricking mods yeeted that post even though it's more than fitting for that sub

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Previously, there had been a trend among moid-hating legbeard femcels :femcel: on social media to say that they would rather encounter a bear in the woods than a man

And also for people who arent up in the news, there's this former celebrity running for president and Redditors don't like him

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The Bear was herding her toward the man, much like Injuns herding Buffalo off a cliff to their doom

Together, Bears and Men are unstoppable

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A bear ran at me once but I waved my arms and told it to frick off :hammerbear:

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Reported by:
  • The10thMan : After you off yourself, or in exchange for the ping group?
  • ACA : Validate my womanhood with 100K DC or else I'll kill myself

I really hate that I understood every goddarn word of this


Also who wants to fund !suicidepact for when we realize that we hate ourselves because we saw our souls in the mirror?

@The10thMan do you want my stereo?

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Don't worry eventually you lose the ability to feel hate or joy

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Friendly reminder that if you can't taste coriander you are literally missing out on the most complex tastiest freshest spice in the world. It's literally culinary impotence you will never enjoy food like normal people. The media and cooking channels and even your friends will not mention this because it is a social faux pas. But trust me people secretly laugh at you if you have the inferior gene. I even knew a girl who broke up with her ex for this reason. Can you imagine passing this gene on to your children???




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Nature is le helling

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