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Will my explicit, politically-inspired fanfic about a personified USSR and USA having gay s*x affect my security clearance?


Will writing explicit, politically-inspired fanfiction raise a red flag?

I wrote a 20k fanfiction about the (personified) US and USSR having gay s*x.

I wish this was satire.

I already deleted the work, but I really miss it. Will republishing and continuing it be a red flag for my SC?

Edit: Yes, I'm aware it's cringe. I came here for answers. If I wanted to be judged I'd go talk to my parents.


Unless you're asked if you ever wrote gay s*x fanfics, there's no need to bring this up and there's nowhere on an SF86/equip where this is asked. Worrying about this is a colossal waste of your time and nerves.

You should repost it because I think that shit is hilarious and no one cares about that kind of stuff.

If by some insane miracle your investigator finds out and asks you about it, just be honest and open. I promise they don't care, they just want to make sure you can't be blackmailed over it.

Assuming the US is the one taking topsies in your fic. Otherwise there may be questionable loyalties. /s

Ok, this was extremely helpful. Thank you!

And if that's the case my country getting creampied may be a dealbreaker. God forgive me for writing that.


I need to read this

They're switches, if that gives you enough imagery. NATO walks in on them at one point.


You're fine, even if you post it. One thing that may be a problem, although you didn't address it, is whether you have a problem with anyone finding out about it. If so (for example if you were "outed" publicly, to your mother, other family, friends, employer, etc.), how much of a problem would that be for you? Would you "do" anything to prevent it? Blackmail is a big concern when it comes to embarrassing pasts. If you're simply embarrassed but would just accept it, you're fine.

Would I be embarrassed? Absolutely. Would I be embarrassed to the extent that I would sacrifice any info to keep it from being released? Absolutely not.

My biggest worry is the idea that any future employer would take my 3 AM thoughts and think it's how I feel about all countries mentioned. WHICH I DO NOT.


Whatever you're ashamed of, whatever fears you possess, can be used against you.

North Korea is a dom with a thing for latex, though, right?

No, he's a teenage little shrimp that likes sucking up to the USSR. But West Germany does get pegged by Belarus at one point, though.

Ok, I'll admit, now I'm kinda curious.

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It should raise you to a Q level clearance tbhimho

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The Globohomo explicitly looks out for people like him :marseysnekglow:

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INCREDIBLY on-brand glowie behaviour.

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Ok now one of you internet sleuths (aka losers sorry don't be offended) needs to post this so I can gib you all my dramacoin :marseyblowkiss:

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WWTD? :tracenote:

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Who cares you get fired, just sell the script to the horny weebs who like Hetalia and retire comfortably

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All the white :marseychuddance: matter :marseykneel: in this mf's brain :marseymindblown: is actually :marseynerd3: c*m.

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If anything id let him thru

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Depends on who was the top.

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The he should be tried for treason. Uncle Sam would clearly be a top. And he would only frick effeminate twinks and would call them a cute twink afterwards :#marseypatriot:

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