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There's no such thing as a "bad" school : Teachers | Askually "bad" schools are black so calling them bag is segregation


As a teacher and a parent, I've noticed this dichotomy a lot. Parents I know talk about how this school is "good," and that school is "bad." One parent I know once said, "there are good schools in our town, you just have to look for them," or, "we're moving so that we can be in a good school district."

But this dichotomy is not related to education -- it's about socioeconomics. The "good" schools are all in wealthier, whiter districts, and the "bad" schools are in lower income, majority-minority districts. So believing in the idea of "good" schools and "bad" schools simply exacerbates segregation, since parents with the means to do so will move to the wealthier school district.

And so what? Why is black children access to whites more important than my children going to a good school

Are there poorly run schools? Sure.

Which would make the school bad.

Are there teachers who should maybe find a different career path? Yes.

Which would make them bad teachers.

But that's not what makes a school "bad."

It literally is you soy overdosing loser.

I've taught in a "bad" school, and it had dedicated teachers and administrators who worked very hard to give their students the best education possible.

And they failed.

I've also taught in a "good" school that has high turnover, burnout, multiple administrators over the course of a few years, etc. The difference is that one has mostly poor kids who don't test well, and the other had a lot of wealthier kids who do test well.

Which makes the latter better. !nooticers I've noticed this is where most teachers fail, they having gone to grade school, to go to high school to go to university to go back to high school have little understanding of the real world. You're not learning much in high school that you'd ever need. It's prep for college where you actually learn what you need to know (plus more unless trash gen eds). Testing well is all that matters.

When people talk about "good" schools and "bad" schools, they're not actually talking about education or even the schools themselves. They're talking about income inequality and de facto segregation.

Kay. I don't my kids going to a bad or black school

As a parent I find this post kinda outrageous and mildly offensive… To suggest my desire to provide my children with the best I can afford is even remotely racially motivated…. Seems like you have your own biases to work through.

Liberals more racist than the working class, news at 11.

Right! The school district system is the #1 factor pushing economic and racial segregation. When the revolution comes, bussing will come back.

JFC. I would've never allowed myself to be bussed. I'd've quit school then and there. No good person would ever allow their children to be bused.

!chuds I Actually support busing from a accelerationist point of view. Nothing made me hate blacks like going to school with them

That said, no way would I let my own kids go to the shitty Title 1 school I work at.

Lmfao average commie

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When the revolution comes



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future tarot card reader in the commune gulag

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If :marseysmug:

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Please don't leave please :marseycomradecry: your kids must be dragged down for equity

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After a real marxist revolution r-slur reprobates would be made to mine for salt with spoons, troublemakers would go to gulag, and redditeachers would be liquidated for being bourgeois subversives :marseyembrace: maybe communism isn't so bad

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The culture of the schools isn't talked about more. It's not that it's a "black" school, it's that it's filled with angry violent r-slurs that don't even value their education to begin with.

Crabs in a bucket doesn't make for a productive learning environment. It's really hard to thrive in your education when you're constantly bullied for reading a book or getting a good grade. Successful black people from the hood talk about this shit all the time.

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"its not that its a black school, its that its a black school"


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real talk if you kicked those blacks out, the rest of the blacks would do a lot better and actually have a shot

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Agree. Hyperwarped racism :marseyblackface: is bad

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I'd say rural whites can have a similar culture.

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So would Thomas Sowell.

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he's pretty based tbh

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I'm sure there's tons of wiggers to disprove your counterargument. !BIPOCs look at this r-slur

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White people emulating black culture being BIPOCs isn't helping your point...


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majority minority


majority minority


majority minority


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When the revolution comes, bussing will come back.

Read as "When the revolution comes and after I'm involved and not engulfed or imprisoned after the years-long internal political disputes, I've decided I will focus first and foremost strictly on racial matters, even though my ideology says class is what ultimately counts."

Liberals more racist than the working class, news at 11.

Nothing made me hate blacks like going to school with them

!nonchuds laugh at this chuddy little man decrying that the DEMONCRATS are the real racists while being just as racist himself

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Dude, until you see it you just can't comprehend it. There truly are bad schools. Great teachers, but god awful schools. A bad principal can completely change a school in 2-3 years. We have a school in southern Oregon that had 3 sexual offender teachers in 5 years. All hired by the same principal, and now he works at the district office.

lol this is the most PNW thing of all time

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I would send my kids to a small town white school in the north where they get half the funding of urban district students before any city school with more than 20% BIPOCs.

OP, you sound adorably sheltered

I'm really not, but assuring your kids always go to the best schools possible in the wealthiest neighborhoods is a good way to shelter them.

Oh. One of “those” types where people need to put their kids on the line to make a political point that won't change anything. This guy 100% does not have kids.

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New Orleans gets better test results than Atlanta. It's purely culture.

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thats because new orleans went 100% charter after katirna

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These types didn't have kids and they usually shut up pretty quick when they do.

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>minority schools bad white schools good

They never ask if majority asian schools are bad schools because it destroys their bullshit every time.

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Asians are white.

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Is there anywhere in America that has majority Asian schools outside of like Chinatown in NY and LA?

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Yes. Bay Area has a few. There are a few articles complaining about wypipo moving out of these districts as well, even though the Asians don't give a shit about white flight.

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TJHSST in virginia is pretty consistently the #1 school in the US. Goooooooo Colonials!

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Integration is only a problem when they try to axe the honors/GT/AP tracks in favor of "equity", which will force any good parents to pull their kids or move.

Honestly they just need to let teachers use corporal punishment and mandate that phones/etc be taken away at the door.


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I went to a majority black and Latinx school. All the white kids (aside from maybe a handful of really trashy ones) ended up taking AP or advanced classes. So did the black kids from decent families. We were put in our own building on campus and rarely had classes with the regular kids. We all got decent educations.

But those BIPOCs in the regular classes, man they were like animals in a zoo. Every day at lunch without fail someone would get into a fight and all the lunchtime rowdies would swarm the combatants to watch and exacerbate things. Often times it'd turn into absolute anarchy and multiple police officers would have to come break things up.

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Diversity is our strength. May the baddest motherlover win.

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It's ignoring that BIPOCs are dumb. Of course majority BIPOC schools are worse, of course we should have segregation.

I fricking hate liberals. Right to the camps.

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Activist teachers pretending it isn't 🏀 constantly interrupting their classes and tanking the quality of education for everyone else will never not be funny.

I went to public school, and I figured this out in the first week. But when you can't fail a single student and have to handle persons of low socioeconomic status with kid gloves, the teachers cope with literally any excuse for why their school is so shitty. Redlining (80 years ago), white flight, gentrification, "spatial inequalities" (huh?), are supposed to explain why "good" schools exceed all state metrics and "bad" schools can't despite equal, if not greater, spending per student.

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They still pretend that bad schools get less funding.

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Desegregation might've been less damaging to America :marseybacktousa: if they hadn't gone all south-africa on it. The way it is now, we'd be way better :marseysaulgoodman: off with no-BIPOC schools.

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Your kids are influenced by who they interact with, that's why you should get them on rdrama early

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there are no bad :marseytrans: only bad owners :marseyindignantwoman:

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