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In my first economics class when I was 16, my teacher tells the story of an economist on a ship that sinks. He is trapped on a deserted island with some other passengers and no food. Everyone cries out of desperation. Then they see a chest from the ship floating towards the island. They excitedly open it, and see metal cans of food. The passengers collapse in tears, the economist cheers in happiness. Economist: Why are crying, we have food. Passengers (screaming, crying): We don't have a can opener. Economist (elated): We can assume we have a can opener!

Contrast Shakespeare with 3 Printing Press and 3 Drama v Bach with 3 Operas. Analysis assumes:

No other leaders/wonders

Autonomous Territory comparative values (4S=5R=6F=7C)

Both are operational for 6 turns

Population: Shakespeare's 3 extra pop means 6CA, about 12 food and 1.5 happiness. Shakespeare provides an extra happiness. 12 food = 12*(7/6) = 14 “Culture” equivalent. Opera = Journ*lism = 2S 2C = 3C H -> 2S – C = H = 2 * 7/4 – 1 = 2.5C per turn. 0.5 H * 6 = 7.5 C. 3 extra pop = 14 + 7.5 = 21.5 C equivalent through games [Bach better] CA will be considered below.

Science: Shakespeare: 3PP = 3S per turn = 18S. PP is tech cost 3, Drama (with Shakespeare + PP) = 0, total = 3. Total through game = 15S. Opera (with Bach) is 5S, no science per turn. Difference = 15 – (-5) = 20S = 20 * 7/4 = 35 C equivalent throughout game. [Shakespeare Better]

Rocks: Shakespeare: 1st building is full price, rest are 2 rock discount (10 total). 3 * (3+4) – 10 = 11 rocks. Bach (before offset) = 3 * 8 = 24. Offset is worth a CA (considered below) and some rocks. More than zero, otherwise you wouldn't do it, less than full price (philosophy/religion have some value). I'm calling it 1. So 21 rocks. 21R-11R = 10R = 10*7/5 = 14C though game [Shakespeare better]

CA: Bach is better by 9CA through game. An AgeII CA is hard to put a value on, as the best yellows are taken for 2 or 3 CA. Let's say you can also get Reserves for 1CA, with 1CA to cash for 3 rocks. CA = 3/2 * (7/5) = 2.1 C. 9CA = 18.9 ~ 19C. [Bach Better]

Culture per turn: Shakespeare gets 6, Bach 5, so Shakespeare is better by 1 per turn or 6 total. [Shakespeare better]

Shakespeare is better by (35+14+6) – (21.5 + 18.9) = 55 - 40.4 = 14.6C equivalent through game.

Other considerations:

PP by itself is maybe the worst card in the deck, strictly worse than Alchemy (which isn't amazing either), but can be taken early for a little help since you need to pay full price for it even with Shakespeare. It especially helps for science when in despotism. [Shakespeare better]

Gutenberg is fantastic for a Shakespeare game. The first PP is no rush, so you can get a CA, culture and discounts each turn, milking him for all it's worth. Leonardo is also better. [Shakespeare better]

Shakespeare only works as a long-term leader. Bach can do a lot to pivot your civilization in just 3 turns. [Bach better]

Lmk what you think!

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Hey, I saw that you just joined rdrama and a group of people who hate me are trying to smear my name by calling me a date male feminist. I just wanted to let you know that it's not true. If you want all the receipts proving it they're right here.

The TL;DR is that I hooked up with one of the hot girls on rdrama, and since I was twice her age, a lot of the guys here who wanted to bang her got jealous and assumed that the only way I could have managed that was by raping her, even though she herself said both before and afterwards that it was all completely consensual. So now that you're the new hot girl on rdrama, I guess they think that I'm going to somehow seduce you into flying all the way across the country (or some crazy shit like that) to hook up with me and they're trying to talk shit about me to make sure that doesnt happen. I don't understand it either, but I just wanted to let you know that I'm a nice guy and I hope you'll look at the evidence and make up your own mind instead of listening to all the jealous haters.

Anyway, with that little intro out of the way, welcome to rdrama! The culture's a little rough here and you're probably going to get tons of requests to •show boobsU but if you talk to some of the women here first before engaging with all the creepy dudes, they'll give you some good advice to avoid stalkers and predators. Or (If you haven't been scared off by the rumor mill) you're welcome to ask me and I'm happy to help.

Just out of curiosity, how did you find this place?

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