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Catholicism is responsible for way more evil in the world, than the LGBT community. Catholics have been genociding so many with different faiths, and their priests have been molesting kids since thousands of years. It makes sense to protect your children from this evil.

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!Christians !Catholics he's at it again :marseyjerkofffrown: :marseysatanworship2genocide:

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Hi @Corinthian :marseyembrace: You're a good boy, according to my system of ethics :marseyklenny3pat:

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:marseyandjesus: :marseyembrace:

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How does that passage interact with Exodus 34:7 ?

Follower of Christ :marseyandjesus: Tech lover, IT Admin, heckin pupper lover and occasionally troll. I hold back feelings or opinions, right or wrong because I dislike conflict.

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Exodus 34:7

keeping loving kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and disobedience and sin; and that will by no means clear the guilty, visiting the iniquity of the fathers on the children, and on the children's children, on the third and on the fourth generation."

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Religious text is inconsistent :marseymanysuchcases:

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I realize you might have negative associations from Mormonism but this isn't a strong example of inconsistency. It's pretty straightforward that if your family lives without virtue that can/will pass down ramifications. And all Christians believe in a concept of original sin passed down from Adam and Eve.

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I don't really I'm neutral :marseygrilling2: i just like bullying.

Atheists and religiouscels are both fair game

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I thought she identified as female

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They would be better off identifying as subhuman

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Frick off Christ denier. I will pray for you but this filth will not stand.

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This is like the 10th time you block me, this why I like that blocks expire after a month, you always have to block me again :marseylaugh:

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Is @HailVictory1776 not a bit? I always thought he was joking

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He's a former marine iirc :marseycrayoneater: explains a lot

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who is is chris denair :#plarsy: is he your platysfield OC? :#toadhype: i omly worship platy :#marseyplaty: !downvoters chris denair :#derpthumbsup:

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If you're gonna put Catholicism on blast like that, I never want to hear you say anything positive about muzzies ever

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  • SnappyIsMyWaifu : Muzzies are the awful chocolates in the box that are there to make you appreciate the good ones more

Tbf I can't think of a single positive thing to say about muzzles.

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They have cool scarfs


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Catholics have been genociding so many with different faiths

like who

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Good answer tbh

but !historychads I thought cathars were like not real and anti-cathar sentiment was like hunting for "devil worshipers" ie shit nobody actually did am I wrong :thinking:

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It's one of the most debated topics in medieval history, there's no consensus. There were genuine heretical movements and there was a strong desire to organize and stomp it out. Dominican Inquisitors at the time did not have the best practices and would often ask leading questions, which helped to form an early consensus in the Church that it was an organized movement rather than potentially disparate groups.

As far as the extent of the violence, it was bad but it was normal in the era.

!historychads feel free to add if you want but I think that's a concise summary to my understanding.

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Cathars were medieval wackos who got :#marseymaid: by the Church, they were the /r/christianity of the 13th century. Retorting to violence against peoples of different beliefs was normal and encouraged up until recent centuries, I see it as an historical event, nothing more. Don't forget the French monarchy took part on the crusade as well.


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They definitely were real. A lot of the nobility of southern France were converted and they openly had castles and armies and stuff. But it's really hard to know exactly what they believed. And even harder to know how much they actually practiced the stuff they believed.

They were believed to be an offshoot of the Bogomil sect from Bulgaria, which actually makes sense since this was the golden age of Bulgaria when they dominated the whole Balkans.

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Thats Fr*nch noble/catholic cope to pretend they didnt kill a frick ton of people mainly so they could legally steal the land of a few nobles

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>Let us starve ourselves and our children to escape this world of illusion

Surely you could've chosen a nicer group for the side of "heckin christoids are le bad" ?

:marseysoycry: :marseyc!onfused2:

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After receiving the consolamentum, a believer would sometimes take no food and rely only on cold water, a practice eventually resulting in death. The procedure was typically performed only by those close to death already.

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The Cathars later founded /r/escapingprisonplanet

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The native Canadians

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Catholicism has provided moral guidance to many millions of people around the world. The LGBTP+ community has provided the world with AIDS, p-dophiles, degeneracy, domestic violence, and has contributed to low birth rates

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The catholic priests that molested kids werent priesting in good faith. They were LGBT members that were participating in the church as bad actors.

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Lol requiring priests be moids who take a vow of celibacy...who would've thought that would attract a bunch of wierdos?

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and their priests have been molesting kids since thousands of years.

What is the sexuality of those priests?

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Yeah, a gay p-dophile.

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The majority of p-dophiles are straight.

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religion is a backwards idea and the average christian would be better off without it. freedom from sin. freedom from shame. a whole new life and goal aside from "plz sky daddy plz" uwu

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:quote: i'm a 14 year old redditor and this is deep :quote:

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the average human being is a fricking r-slur who turns mentally ill without some sky daddy to believe in

the things they start worshipping instead of gods are incredibly degenerate and harmful to society

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Its become pretty obvious either you worship Christ or you worship some fake and straight demonic rntity who wants you to live as cringe as possible

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Your praydar is broken.

I'm an atheist and actually pretty smug about it, just like every r-slur who's got a problem with the rosary. :marseyshrug:

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Ill pray for you

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i have hope we can overcome it and "degenerate" is a dogwhistle so im not falling for that

people are having fun now. exploring ourselves now. exploring what we can do with society. you prob cant breed so ur pissed

:#chudseethe: <<-- thats u

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Thnk what you want, pervert.

I'm happily married with two kids. I just recognize that you are a subhuman parasite and ought to be physically removed from this nation because you insist on supporting threats to my children.

Death to America? Nah. Death to Progressives and their NeoWeimar Republic.

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"this nation"

bragging about having kids :marseyxdoubt:

"threat to muh kidz!1!"

ur chudiness is showing


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I have a job, thanks. And friends with land. Land that they have already volunteered as being suitable for you to be deported to. Everything's ready, we just need to defund/abolish the pigs now. :marseyshrug:

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You can worship God's design without going mad :marseyindignant:

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What about the tens of trillions of dollars in charity work them have done, or the fact that they reduced the amount of war in Europe to almost none for about a thousand years :marseyhmmhips:

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what faiths got :quote: genocided :quote:

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fake religion and your example is 1,000 years old :scoot:

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That's when the Catholic Church had the most power, so getting away with genocide was easier.

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can't genocide a faith when that faith doesn't even really exist. :smoke:

The lack of any central organisation among Cathars, regional differences in beliefs and practices,

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By your logic Protestantism doesn't exist either.

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there's no central organization and no region has the same practices/beliefs?

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That's hardly fair, Catholics had a huge head start. Give the pidors some time before you write them off.

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Redditors when you shove down your gay flag (based). Why should any one be against this!

Redditors when Christian shoving down rosaries (based). Reeeeee!

Dramatards when I want to replace chuddism with homofascism (beyond based). :chudtantrum: My bussy hurts!

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Kill all strags

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You're welcome. :marseyhomofascist:


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For real, like why would anyone be so gross as to be straight?

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lol this r-slur /u/Frosty-Brain-2199

Many Catholic practices especially Latin American Catholic practices are pagan to an extent. I dropped the salt once and my mom bathed me in holy water. She constantly lights candles and does offerings to the saints

Ah yes those inscrutable brown people don't really worship God like those other chuds they ackshually pray to the Aztec God of Cactus Fruit. I know this because I'm have a Latrinx abuela and was raised in Sacramento, super sabbiyo about things us Latinx do (like be heckin valid Pagans) That why I parrot Black Legend horse shit.


Why is everything Redditors say wrong and r-slurred?

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They act like this is the biggest gotcha, that everyone should recognize the terrible hypocrisy of the church and quit right now because it's really just pagan rituals...

Has it occurred to any of these r-slurs that the early Christians still acknowledged the existence of the planets? Those are all "pagan gods". They kept the Four Elements. I mean ffs, they incorporated stuff Aristotle believed and that guy was really pagan. The entire foundation of their view of the universe, the basis for all their science, could all be called "pagan" by a reddit atheist but it never bothered them a bit. Maybe because they weren't r-slurs who have to follow whatever imaginary rules atheists believe they should follow.

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Religion is so interesting :marseyfluffy:

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I've lived in Italy, the east coast, and the southwest.

They might all be Catholic but they are not the same religion.

As the religion influenced a region, the region back-influenced the local variation on the religion.

@ACA love sucking peepee.

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As a non-Catholic the saint worship does seem pretty pagan lol but I don't know shit about Catholic culture so I don't judge. :marseyshrug:

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Don't the LDS have saints in the name?

Anyways, !catholics don't worship saints, they pray to the saints so the saints can intercede on their behalf before God, same thing for Orthodox Christians. Saints are also supposed to be role models of what a good Christian should aspire to become.

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:#marseypills: wut?

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LDS* :#marseymormon: :#marseyspecial:

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Mormons have a β€œHoly Ghost” who basically does that in reverse. He's like God's messenger to us. And yeah LDS call themselves saints but don't worship or pray to dead Mormons. (We baptize dead non-Mormons though :marseyghosthappy:)

Also I'm not a practicing Mormon I was just raised that way haha.

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Holy Ghost? Is that a different :marseyvenn3: name yall have for the Holy Spirit :marseyghost2: or something?

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Nobody worships saints, if you keep a memento of your Grandma, are you worshipping her?

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If I prayed to her picture maybe

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Before :marseyskellington: I became catholic :marseyklennypriest: it threw me off as well until I realized that prayer :marseysalat: does not equal :marseyjustice: worship :marseyquadsconfused: to Catholics. It's more like making a request of a very righteous person :marseypennyboo: who has passed.

Think about it like when someone may talk at a graveside to a dead family :marseyeeriedeathpose: member or friend. The idea is you are asking a member of the church :marseypastor: to help you.

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Latinxers are absolutely 100% pagans because it's genetically hard wired in them from their Med and Indio blood (both populations are inherently paganistic and cruel and violent)


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Hey, I'm cruel and violent but I'm not a fricking pagan.

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Not a real Mexican then smh


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