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Dumped every dollar I have into nvidia

I had a decent amount I got into at 100 something a share back in the day, but I have to decided to go all in at 125 a share post split.

I sold everything - the amazon, the voo, every single asset I have was sold and dumped into nvidia. I will either retire in a few years or move under a bridge.

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Now I really hope AMD makes a comeback, and beats nvidia.

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Good joke, but I think amd will be 200+ a share soonish. I might buy some of that too.

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Ohmfg you're literally the shoe shine boy. @collectijism is dumping it all now

Trans lives matter

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If Nvidia was imminently and obviously going to be $200/share, it would already be $200/share.

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AMD already made their comeback in 2017. They're fine now, but won't be catching up with Nvidia's graphics any time soon

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They decided to beat Intel instead, you're asking for the moon

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!goomblers there's a new king


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!poll_voters Which will be the next pizzagod thread?

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>You are now looking at rdrama's first billionaire


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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he doesn't count since he's not here on the site and just because he's a "mod" on the subreddit doesn't mean he's active in any of it

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Moving the goalpost I see. !chuds !nonchuds


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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how about i move the goal post right up your bussy, homo


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>He doesn't count because... he just doesn't OK? :soycry:

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To the moon


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This is undeniable proof :marseygraze: it'll work @pizzashill remember me when you're eating :marseymandela: caviar with your 4th supermodel wife

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Buy high sell higher?

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Watch out, neighbor. The crypto bubble is gone, soon enough companies will realize AI is rslurred and expensive (WSJ is already calling the top on the AI bubble) and then all you'll be left with is g*mers and coomers making muppet porn.

There's plenty of stupider meme stocks but nvidia has basically gotten lucky catching two out of control hype trains. What are the chances they get a third?

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I think nvidia is heading for 6 trillion value.

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k. I guess I can't tell you to put your money where your mouth is, but how's that saying about eggs in one basket go?

I don't think you'll lose your shirt on this bet, but it's entirely possible nvidia's growth is already priced in (for sure you're not the only one excited) and it will lag behind those lofty expectations.

That's the tricky thing about investing: to win really big you don't just need to be right, you need to be right when everyone else is wrong.

!remindme 1 year is pizzashill still a wagie?

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I think its more long term than 1 year lol.

My logic is: nvidia has a 10 year software lead at the very least, has no competition, and the price of taiwan semiconductors is suppressed due to a looming china threat, so anyone looking to capitalize on the AI train is going to pile into nvidia.

I dont think AI is a bubble, or if it is it isnt near the top.

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It's like electric lights. They were a big sensation at first and then people were like “eh do we really need this?” And the demand cooled off for a bit when they couldn't ramp up enough. Electric lights still eventually dominated everything just not as fast as people first expected.

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There's also been an AI war between China and the US for years now, and if that heats up you can expect even bigger runs.

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If you'd had this thought like a year or even a few months ago you'd have made some good money

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I will be messaging you on 21.06.2025, 17:30 UTC to remind you of this comment

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Ethereum and bitcoin will never have another ATH but the crypto VC market is red hot right now

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BTC's last ATH was 7 days ago.

You think it won't ever go higher than it was 7 days ago?

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why, what happened?

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I wonder what people were saying seven days after the Princess Di beanie baby peaked

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If you say "this is the final peak" every week for ten, twenty, or however many years it takes, eventually you will be right.

If Snoid's (and your) reasoning for why last week has to be the final peak extends no further than "I just like saying that every week", that's pretty boring.

But in case there's more to it, I asked.

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Your golden years are gonna suck if you can't learn to find joy in routine

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Dummies out here thinking they can make a profit by getting onboard a stock once it's already being covered by the mainstream press…

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buddy I was already up on nvidia like 400% lol.

either way people like you were saying this same thing when it was 400 a share. Nvidia isn't even close to the top.

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Nvidia isn't even close to the top.

Only your bussy has that coveted spot.

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Eh i did it on tesla when it was insanely over valued in 2020 and I'm still up by a shit ton. It can happen.

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What's your stop loss set to?

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Hope it turns you into a millionaire or something :marseycapitalistmanlet:.

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A real high roller goombler would have gone all in on NVidia options instead of actually holding the stock like some kind of diaper wearing geriatric Warren Buffet boomer :marseygiggle:

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Maybe I'm a stockcel, but we're not talking about just a stocks personal all time high we're talking about a stock having to exceed every other company in existence to have the insane returns you're expecting, right?

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If you crack 100 million, can I get a 10K tip for being your most loyal follower?

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If I crack even 3mil I'm putting a hit on everyone on this website with the exception of Ted Simp (she has it bad enough.)

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with the exception of Ted Simp (she has it bad enough.)

What the frick, I get the hit (kind of a waste though, 3 mil isn't enough) but excluding Ted is a betrayal of the stalwart values I respect in you.

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3mil is easily enough to take out every major r-slur on this website.

I already crushed ted simp theres no reason to kick her while shes down.

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You sperged at her like an r-slur and just repeated the fact she got r*ped, seemingly deriving sick pleasure from it. I was the one who delivered the kill shot with the SPAL leaks and interview, cute twink.

!metashit !grillers pizza won't reply to me (like usual) because he's too bitchmade to fight a man lmao

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Buddy youre nothing, a desperate clout chaser at best.

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Pizza, buddy. You talk a big game on here about being le epic thot patroller, but you let your ex laze about the house doing nothing but drinking and crashing your car while you betabuxxed with your shelf stocking money. Even her mom got over on you and convinced her to leave and find a nice colored man to settle down with.

Even the most indignant and worthless slave was whipped less than you lmao

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Im pretty sure I have money than you do based on what I've seen.

I, like most drama users have never seen your "podcast" and will continue to ignore you while you flail in the wind spamming your schizo rants.

Go chase clout somewhere else.

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As we speak, I am in the middle of nowhere, buttfrick Alaska catching the product (a man's job) you use to stock your shelves (a woman's job). Without me you would be living in a cardboard box with the other Portland derelicts, with just as many bitches as you have now (zero).

Pic related, you can thank me for giving you woman's work to do ya cute twink


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>You sperged at her like an r-slur and just repeated the fact she got r*ped, seemingly deriving sick pleasure from it

:#gigachad: !friendsofpizzashill

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Pizza is all man cute twink

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Pizza got beaten by his ex girlfriends mom lmao, literally felted by an old lady

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We'll see about that, r-slur.

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In a way you won, thanks to her you don't have to betabuxx a drunk neet mess anymore. You weren't strong or smart enough to make that decision yourself, which is embarrassing, but at least her mom had your best interest in her heart!

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Real pizza is always a b-word. Never responds when you get him dead.

Imagine being such a cowardly internetstrag. Can't be me. I don't buy slabs of fat to microwave.

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The only thing he's good at is oversharing the details of his objectively embarrassing life. Most men have friends to talk about this sort of thing with, but I guarantee he's a mushmouthed reprobate who nobody wants to be around IRL

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You should interview poj and her mom :marseyagreefast:

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@Poj @Pojom idk which is the legit account, when I get back from Alaska would you be down to do a tell all interview about Pizzashill

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Me first :marseynosebleed2:

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share some of your spoils with your loyal incel fandom :marseypoor:

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This is transphobic smh

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Youre god darn right it is

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@GeneralHurricane bad sport

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I bet against NVIDIA for Q2, thinking that surely the rest of the market would catch up because a 90% market share in as publicized/scrutinized a field as AI chips wasn't sustainable, especially with the fed investing so deeply into Intel.

Anyway that's why I'm an economist and not an investor, so my kid doesn't get ballet lessons this year.


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Theyre completely entrenched right now due to an absurd software lead.

It will take at least 10 years for anyone to catch up.

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How have you come to this 10 year software bet?

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because cuda is leaps and bounds ahead of anything anyone else has lol. A friend of mine specifically works with this shit and says it takes 10 years to build something like cuda, and AMD isn't even close and they're the only ones trying to compete.

This isn't even getting into how entrenched they are. I don't see anyone dethroning them anytime soon.

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Cuda is certainly better than opencl, but there are competitors. The real advantage is the overwhelming majority of data science software cowtools are very tightly coupled with cuda eg Pytorch. I pretty strongly disagree with anyone who says cuda isn't replaceable within 10 years.

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I'm also bearish on NVIDIA. No way they keep their market share 5 years down the line. China is just starting to get its pants on but when that happens expect their market share to go down significantly, even if chinese chips are 30% slower and use 50% more energy as long as they are cheap enough compared to NVIDIA the developing world is just going to shift over to them.

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>4090 pulls 450W.

>Average kWh price in US is ~.20 (.45 in california kms)

>800/year to operate

Maybe if the chinks give the cards away for free

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No AI company/startup is going to use anything other than Nvidia. Betting against Nvidia at least short to midterm is plainly uninformed.

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Turns out you have to be pretty smart to make a quality GPU. How is anyone going to buy a better engineer with their 1% market share?

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Talent is chasing big hardware. That's a massive fixed cost investment if you're looking to break into most AI markets, especially when your firm's relying on breakthroughs to justify the massive upfront investment. AI is similar to pharmaceuticals that way, and we can expect similar trajectories, with plenty of Elizabeth Smarts or Purdues cropping up.

However, AI markets aren't super vertical right now, so that big hardware is going to make its way into VC darlings and established giants in tangential tech sooner rather than later.

@pizzashill's 10 year timeline is r-slurred


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should've invested in pokemon :marseyemolga: cards :marseyyugi: :marseydisagree:

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