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Tell all Interview with Joshua Goldberg @MoonMetropolis

!grillers you don't want to miss this one. We discuss the mechanics of his greatest troll acts, his time in prison, his plans for the future and more!

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Bornstein article

Isn't it time for a mass sacrifice of ignoble “Palestinian” scum? Isn't it time to cleanse the land of Israel – which rightfully belongs to the Jews – of all inferior subhuman vermin? What we need to do is to round up all “Palestinian” cockroaches and slaughter them like cattle. We need to take immense pleasure in raping, torturing, and murdering “Palestinians.” We need to boil “Palestinians” alive in boiling human feces. We need to take “Palestinian” babies and stomp them to death in front of their parents. We need to cut open pregnant “Palestinian” women, put their fetuses on pikes, and leave the fetus-pikes all over “Palestinian” neighbourhoods. We need to anally r*pe “Palestinian” women with butcher knives in broad daylight. We need to burst into “Palestinian” hospitals and butcher “Palestinian” newborns right in front of their helpless mothers. We need to stuff pig's heads with explosives and throw the explosive pig heads into “Palestinian” mosques and community centres. We need to take Uzis, bust into “Palestinian” preschools, and slaughter every single “Palestinian” child and teacher inside. We need to mutilate, r*pe, beat, and torture “Palestinians” in public, while other “Palestinians” watch helplessly. We need to massacre “Palestinian” men, women, and children without any mercy or pity. The Talmud orders us to do so, and any Jew who disagrees has clearly never read and understood the Talmud.

:marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd: :marseyxd:

@MoonMetropolis do you happen to have any archives of Anglin's cope article about you when the truth came out

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He published several about me, but this was the initial one:

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I supported the idea of trolling her on Twitter, because she clearly deserved the hassle, but he was submitting articles that were overly derogatory and silly sounding (not of the satirical tone we generally use), which I felt made the site look ridiculous.

lmao at The Daily Stormer pretending they have standards

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I always found it quite ironic that Anglin refused to use the word "BIPOC" on his site because he felt like it made the site "look ridiculous". For a while, he refused to use "jewish chad" for that same reason, but he then decided that it was enough of an old-fashioned term that it wouldn't make the site look ridiculous.

As if absolutely everything posted on the site isn't completely ridiculous even by alt-right standards.

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he felt like it made the site "look ridiculous".

I can forgive the racism, but I can't forgive taking the internet seriously.

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Thanks, I had a vague recollection of how he buttered you up as a great writer etc. and how he sensed "something was off" but it's absolutely hilarious with the context of how absurd and deranged your articles got

Like this user comment:

I remember 'Slay' wrote an article about Australia invading Indonesia, and Ed was the only one who was like 'wait guys, this is stupid, what are you, a Jew?'. I was like, chill Ed- it's just funny bro, but he was like 'no, this guy is a Jew'...

I reckon if a Jew was to offer me a fantastic loan with unbeatable low-low interest rates, I'd probably think he's German or something with that surname, and sign my life away without releasing I just signed away my vital organs. FROM NOW ON, EVERYONE ON THE INTERNET IS A JEW UNTIL PROVEN OTHERWISE

I reckon if a Jew was to offer me a fantastic loan with unbeatable low-low interest rates, I'd probably think he's German or something with that surname, and sign my life away without releasing I just signed away my vital organs.


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As I said in my "I Am Michael Slay" article:

Anglin's loyal supporters — of which there are a vanishingly small number — will justify the “Michael Slay” and “Hamish Patton” debacles by claiming that Anglin was the target of subversive, serpentine Semitic subterfuge, with conniving Jews going after him because they're afraid of him (indeed, I'm sure that Israel's leaders are positively quaking in their boots at the prospect of being targeted by one of Anglin's cyber-blitzkriegs). However, from merely a cursory glance at “Michael Slay”'s writing, it's pretty easy to ascertain that this is the work of a disingenuous troll and not a sincere neo-Nazi. No genuine neo-Nazi would seriously bill themselves as an “advocate for the extermination of all non-Whites” and no genuine neo-Nazi would be circulating a petition for Australia to go to war with Indonesia over the Bali 9. Those are things that only a prankish, mischievous, and completely insincere troll who is in it purely for the lulz would do. “Michael Slay” was very reminiscent of that alleged “white supremacist” band Vaginal Jesus, which released songs like “Back of the Bus” and “Happy Hanukkaust” and “Jesus Was Just a Fricking Jew”. It's generally not that hard to distinguish earnest neo-Nazis from trolls. But, then again, neo-Nazis like Anglin and his ilk are not exactly shrewd and percipient people, hence why they can be so easily bamboozled and hornswoggled by people like yours truly.

:#marseytroll: :#marseyrightoidschizo:

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Anglin used to post here, you should consider finding him and starting some shit

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LOL, seriously? What was his username?

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Nvm, my bad i was thinking of weev lmao. I always get those two r-slurs mixed up due to the whole both being Nazis and having the same first name thing

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