It took black people almost two months, but they finally realise they're a meme.



I love how no matter what black people do, it's still wyipo's fault. :marseylaughpoundfist:

Beating women is normal part of black culture, chud. :marseyindignant:


Lol no wonder this Kendrick manlet has a savior complex. Atleast white people got some good entertainment out of this pathetic beef.

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You objectively werent colonized u were stolen

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The whole "colonized" thing from "Foundational Black Americans" (or whatever Tariq Nasheed is calling himself this week) has always irritated me for exactly this reason. Africa was colonized by Europe, but these frickers' ancestors were sold off long before that happened. You'd think they'd realize that and just say "enslaved", which is unfathomably worse than "colonized", but somehow they've decided to go with the less severe option. :marseykente:

Makes me think my ancestors might've been onto something when they sold 'em. :marseybipocmerchant:

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Makes me think my ancestors might've been onto something when they sold 'em.

They weren't selling their best, they were selling the ones they wanted to get rid of anyway.

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Some "find your African roots" movements in the US even have these blacks converting to Islam..........

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That doesn't irritate me, it depresses me. There's plenty of Muslims in West Africa, and have been for a thousand years. And while the majority of African slaves weren't Muslim, many were; especially the ones the Portuguese captured/purchased. So on the surface, I see where they get the idea, even if it's not 100% accurate. :marseysalat:

The problem is that the biggest "Muslim" movement among black Americans was/is the Nation of Islam, which isn't remotely Muslim. I know, the Yakub thing makes for a great meme, but come on. That's not Islam. And while their membership is fairly negligible today, I would hazard a guess that the majority of black Americans who converted to Islam were, at one point or another, associated with the group or one of its offshoots. I mean, they were everywhere in the 1960s, and heavily involved with the civil rights movement. :marseyyakub:

It pissed my mother off to no end, since while she wasn't religious, her maternal grandparents were Mourides. My grandmother had already rejected that repressive bullshit when she married my non-Muslim grandfather, so there was no way my mother was gonna have anything to do with a knockoff Islam in America. And my father, like many people who were actually born in Africa, just hated pan-Africanism in general. :marseykwanzagenocide:

But most black Americans hardly know anything about Africa, so they just latch onto whatever has an "African aesthetic", regardless of authenticity. It's a shame, really. They live in the greatest country in the world, and they spend their whole lives trying to pretend they're more connected to somewhere they've never set foot. :marseysaluteusa:

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Why do you hate bean pies you race traitor?

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Because I have taste buds in my mouth and pecan trees in my backyard. :marseychefkiss:

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That's nice sweaty. Why don't you have a seat in the time out corner with Pizzashill until you calm down, then you can have your Capri Sun.

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Reminder that Kedrick went far out of his way to attempt to rehabilitate the public image of a male feminist.

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That AG_323 guy is right, he's just too dumb to explain his point properly. Kendrick didn't make fun of Drake for beating women, he made fun of him for being a p-dophile. And Baka's "weird case" is s*x trafficking. As far as I know, no one has ever accused Dr. Dre of any s*x crimes. So Kendrick thinks r*pe and child molestation are bad, but couldn't care less about non-sexual violence against women. Doesn't make him a nice guy, but there's nothing hypocritical about it. :marseyshrug:

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He's friends with and has worked with Kodak Black, who actually r*ped a teenage girl, which is way worse than anything Drake is accused of doing. Plus, plenty of rappers and black celebrities have DV cases, r*pe charges, and have groomed teenage girls. Blacks only hate Drake because he's popular, he's corny, light-skinned, and he's from Canada (which, to be honest, is kinda understandable). Also, I don't even care about him working with male feminists and domestic abusers, I wish he stops acting like he's the next Malcolm X when he's a fricking entertainer and people need to stop pretending that he isn't.

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Neighbor, I am black. I hate Drake because he's somehow managed to simultaneously be a white man pretending to be black, a gentile pretending to be Jewish, and a rich kid pretending to be poor. I can't even fathom how empty a person needs to be inside to attempt that shit, never mind keep it up for 15 years. Makes me think he's an empty shell pretending to be human. Which makes sense, seeing as he's Canadian. :marseyrake:

Also, his music is trash, but that's incidental. :marseyhearnoevil:

You're right about Kodak Black, tho'. And if the original tweet had mentioned him instead of Dre, she'd have a point. But she's a clout-chasing foid whose entire knowledge of rap comes from social media, so of course she fricked it up. :marseyfoidretard:

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I hated Drake ever since he acted like a deceitful snake to Kanye during his beef with Pusha when Lil Wayne was in jail and I loved it when Pusha destroyed him. Now it's kinda annoying when people pretend they hate him for moral reasons or because they care about women, which is lol. They act as if Kendrick is some kind of Messiah with the moral high ground, which is also cringe and pathetic.

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Don't care Kendrick playing Not Like Us about 5 times in a row stopping after having the whole crowd scream a minor for most of them were great. And Dre busting out the I see dead people when no one expected it made it even better :marseyjamming: He had actual murderers up there as well

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Very authentic ebonic text. Haphazard punctuation, run on sentences and no use of parenthesis (you have to hit another key? GTFO). Well done.

Try to use the word 'finna' in there :marseycheerup: next time.

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Lmao rappers take another L. Shit music :#chudsmug:

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someone who doesnt follow neighbor news, explain

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I absolutely refuse to watch this film on principal. All it does is glorify the "lone wolf white male" archetype. It gives incels and and nazis a hero figure for them to look up to. It is absolutely disgusting and is NOT the movie that we need right now. Who the frick thought this would be a good idea in our current political climate? The number one terrorist threat in the US right now is a white male.


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