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Dr Disrespect :marseychudgravedance: was banned :marseyban: from twitch because he sexted :marseyyayyytext: some minor :marseybib: on twitch chat








!dramatards !r-slurs !chuds

just go on /r/livestreamfail there are so many threads

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He should change his name to Daughter Disrespect

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>I always wondered what kind of doctor he was, i guess he was a pediatrician


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If that is case. Why did twitch throw money at him and got NDA?

To my expirience you dont give money to pedos.

Or are they so incompetent that they dont have moral clause? But even when. They could have gone nuclear and denounced him as p-do and banned him. If that went to court. Im sure any lawyer could win case where your argument for ban and cutting him off is. He was using our platform to groom little children.

Only way this makes sense if he had some dirt. Like he participate in gangbang with twitch big wiggs and girls they were fricking were underage. Maybe then cutting him off wasnt becouse of him. But becouse twitch side got caught and cut off. But to do that. They had to cut this guy off too. And they didnt want to story how big wiggs are fricking little kids coming out.

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Yeah, the question's always been what was the reason when neither side would say what it was. Trying to make it, 'he was being a p-do' isn't enough, and also guaranteed would have leaked before now if that was the full story.

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Even if you pay out to get rid of him. Why would there be NDA. Saying why he was cut would damage him making him less valuable to competition and would make you look like good guys.

And if him being p-do was cause. Why didnt victim come out herself? Did they manage to get her under NDA.

Whole thing makes twitch look scummy too. Not like good guys

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I mean. It's rare anything comes out about a corporation like Twitch that makes them look like good guys.

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Thats why i think they were involved in mess somehow. Everyone knows people running twitch are coomers of worst kind. I wouldn't be suprised if they were full of :marseypedo:

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Why the frick do you type like a darned r-slur

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Becouse im in drama

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These allegations came from a second hand source whos admits he wasn't in the room to hear what actually happened.

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It also comes from a twitch employee (subhuman).

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My guess? They were under the belief he was sexting a minor but nothing they could prove or it wasn't true. That is why Disrespect was pursing legal case against them for breach of contract. Both parties settled with NDA because NDA is always good.

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Usually there is moral clause. That let you get rid of people. Big corporation like that. It would be crazy of there was no moral clause. And if you want to get rid of someone. You can always pay all they are owned by contract.

Twitch could have banned him. Pay his contract and make statment why he is out of twitch. Doing so would tank is value so competition couldnt benefit. And twitch would look good for taking hard stance against grooming.


They could have put nda contract in front of him and tell him. Sign that and we dont telΓΆ anyone what went down. But you are also out and wont see penny. Dont sign and we go public and fight it in court. Good luck finding law team to argue how we are wrong to fire you for using our platform to groom children. And have fun with Child protective service once news hit air.

What i don't get. If grooming was cause. Why both full NDA and pay out.

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NDA is just good business practice. But for the payout probably shows liabilities on twitch side or twitch just doing payout to avoid further ligation.

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Then that would mean he was grooming kids through twitch is false.

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Dude meeting up at Twitch Con? That sounds just too r-slurred. Why at Twitch Con, at a public place where he is a super known person meeting up with a minor to frick?

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Those cons are just massive s*x parties for streamers. That is believable. But if there was time, place and text trail. That woild be atrong enough case to fight in court for.

Even if it was she said he said. Shouldn't girl still have some proof of communication. Still dammning.

If there was nothing. And twitch over reacted. Then him being groomer is false story.

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There is obliviously some wrongdoing from twitch part against Disrespect. Twitch probably hastily acted on inexact information.

Girl doesn't need any proof of communication. Twitch needs as they are breaking the contract. The outcome of the civil litigation is the only reliable evidence we have that twitch did something that made them liable.

Obliviously the claims against Disrespect could have just turned to law enforcement and had a investigation against him.

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All im saying, if communication happened. Girl would probably have some proof of it. Like phone number or texts send back and forth. If it was she who came forth. Twitch would then have that too. I just dont belive pedofilia was reason why he was kicked out.

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my (uninformed yet 100% correct) take is that they didnt want the negative press associated with streamers sexting minors on their very platform, so they decided to keep it hush hush

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Then NDA would have been enough. Why pay him off. Becouse im sure this dude dosent want to be known as male feminist.

And are you sure this makes them look bad.

Making stand. No pedofiles and we are willing to cut of big streamers to protect kids dosent sound like bad press. That sounds what every platform should do.

Or is twitch pedofile heaven and they make up 80% of viewers.

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is twitch pedofile heaven


But it's important for their brand that they don't facilitate actual molestation via platform features

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>But it's important for their brand that they don't facilitate actual molestation via platform features

It's Diet PedophiliaTM

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Hiding it happening is more harmful then taking zero tolerance stand and firing big streamer over it. No way twitch will be seen as bad guys by firing someone over sexual misconduct with minor using their platform.

This smells like reddit jannies and super jannies covering up pedofilia becouze they themslevs cant stop having s*x with under age children.

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he's not denying it happened.

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I just dont get twitch reaction and how they handeled whole thing. Even if they were incompetent, this isnt how they would handle it.

They handeled it like cover up. But they did nothing wrong. Its not their fault some moid is s*x pest.

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I just dont get twitch reaction and how they handeled whole thing. Even if they were incompetent, this isnt how they would handle it.

Twitch has introduced ToS changes like 5 times in the last year that they end up reverting 2 days later because they couldn't for see obvious consequences. It would not be shocking of Twitch saw that he was sexting the girl, gut reaction was to end his contract but then realized after there is actually no proof that he knew the girl was underage.

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They still had leverage and didnt need to sign nda. They could have paid his contract and kick him out. And give what was reason. That would make him toxic for competition and child protection service would swarm his house.

My only issue is he got both. Payoff and NDA. Thats not what innocent party dose to guilty party. Thats otherway around

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If he was innocent he would have every reason on earth to reveal what happened. He has not. Either the allegations are true or he was banned for doing something worse.

Why didn't twitch do x

Twitch does not discuss ban reasons because it opens them up to lawsuits.

Why would they pay him

It was a large contract and litigation is expensive. Paying him to go away might have been the cheapest option.

Why why why

Dude everything twitch did here is insanely normal for a company. Do you know what's not normal? When someone calls you a p-do responding with "no wrongdoing was aknowledged". Ask about that first mr concern troll.

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If he was innocent he would have every reason on earth to reveal what happened. He has not. Either the allegations are true or he was banned for doing something worse.

Twitch paid his full contract. No no compeat and he signed NDA. He probably cant reveal what went down without having to pay back to twitch.

And this is not normal. Companies have moral clause. Where they can drop people of they do morally something wrong even if its something that dosent involve company. Like if someone gets arrested for beating up their spouse. If there was misconduct. It would activate moral clause. That would allow twitchto drop him. Without paying. And even if there wasnt strong evidence for criminal case. Simpy by offering two way NDA and letting him out of contract would be enough. That is also normal.

Becouse nobody wants to be known as getting fired for being groomer.

Fact that there is NDA and they paid him fully is not normal. You do that when you have proplem and you want it to go away.

They dont have proplem if one of their streamer fricks little kid and sack him over it. Covering it up is bigger proplem.

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He probably cant talk about the reason he was banned publicly because of his settlement agreement with twitch.

If he was sexting a minor why would they not turn that over to the feds and why did they pay him a settlement?

Makes no sense, sounds like bullshit.

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he probably can't talk about it

Yes he could. He talked about his twitch bathroom ban so he can talk about ban reasons.

If he was sexting a minor why would they not turn that over to the feds

You have no idea if they did or not or where that went.

why did they pay him a settlement?

Because its cheaper than the lawyer fees? Because the contract would be on his side? Pick one.

makes no sense

Only because every point you made was r-slurred.

Why are all you shills making the same dumb arguments. Even dr d isn't denying that he sexted a minor lmao.

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You're a smoothbrained r-slur. :marseysmoothbrain:

He sued twitch and accepted a settlement from them which most certainly had terms requiring that he cant talk about the facts of why he was banned. :marseyxd:

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The settlement was years after the ban. So he had years to talk about the ban. Stop simping for the p-do, he isn't even denying he did it lmao.

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Yeah r-slur Im sure if he had just came out and said they wrongfully terminated his contract over sexting a minor and explained that 'Actually she was 18' his career would be doing great still.

>Legally cannot discuss the ban.

>Why doesnt he just deny it.


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So you admit he was talking to an underage chick? You're gross for defending him chomo

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the amount of people immediately and without question believing this claim to be a fact is weird.

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Not really. Fricking little kids and grooming is last thing people always belive. But people should question on what ground they paid him off.

Kinda scummy of them to reward child molestation

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that's why it's hard to believe. why would twitch protect this guy if it was true? why would they pay him a huge amount of money instead of telling him to kick rocks? idk. it just doesn't make sense.

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If they didnt have evidence for breach of contract. Even for moral breach. Then paying off his contract makes sense.

But you wouldn't sign nda then. You would come out we terminated our relationship with him becouse allegationd and our own investigations.

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Fricking little kids and grooming is last thing people always belive.

Not on the internet. It's max drama. Everyone can post & gloat and react shocked. Peak virtue signalling and you can add you always knew that he was off. And you don't need any proof. "minor" also has a wide age range.

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>(no evidence provided)

invite him here and give him a master baiter badge

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All !g*mers are p-dophiles. :marseygroomer:

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>messages in plain text

!codecels Can you imagine?

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If you think the peepee pics you sent to all biofoids will be encrypted here you are delusional

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Yeah it would be soooo embarassing if everyone saw my peepee


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Upvoted for the ear wiggle.

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That's why I send them over IRC as base64

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Good for drama, but with the obvious NDA why would this tard just spill this for no reason :marseybluecheck:

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its 747 am here, its probably around 1AM or 12AM where they are from, but still need the sneed

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I hate how all ecelebs type like massive cute twinks all the time

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ecelebs have a pathetic need for sneed

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Seriously. Don't defend yourself own up to whatever they call you. Unless they are the police you don't have to answer questions. Shit you don't even have to talk to police. Unless your sworn in on a stand who gives a frick what you say

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This is the "nothing in my contract forbids me from being a p-do in DMs" defence.

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No wrongdoing was acknowledged :#marseyobjection:

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this is why we need to believe all women

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Wow the kids game streamer is a nonce this has shocked no one.

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How did he know they were a minor

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Incredible :marseygassy: how I posted two hours before :marseyskellington: you did but was too poor to buy a pin so my post got no attention....... :marseyrope: please :marseypleading2: donate to me I need money :marseytigernewyear: give me drama :marseydramaddictrentfree: coin now please :marseyinshallah: fast I need coin

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oh :marseylaughpoundfist: I thought you reposted mine so I pinned this

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:marseykneel: i kneel :marseybowing: before :marseyskellington: the allmighty cyberpeepee

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frick this was the 500 coins :marseyrich: he paid me

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Hmm. Should I change my profile description now that it's from an accused p-do?

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This guy has always been hasan piker for gaymers, except I respect hasan more because at least he hasn't bawled his eyes out publicly. His sycophants won't take well to these allegations even though you'd have be r-slurred to not know it could only be something on this level or worse.

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No hasan cried on stream too.

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Lol i told you. I bet you feel like a dumb r-slur "oh why would twitch hide it"


Here is me calling this over a month ago

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