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r/atheism once again has a leftist thread on why RBG should have retired when convenient.


Wow /u/superjerjer1 awesome take here buddy.


she was very old

Age discrimination neighbor.

had several bouts of cancer, and had some other health complications.

Ableist!! Call the ADA!!!

It sucks this old goat didn't give you a Hollywood ending, but she did what was right for her.

How DARE you contradict the /r/atheism hivemind.

Yes. In my opinion (as a male) in the interest of preserving the court she would have done more to preserve her legacy had she retired while the probability of confirming a justice with a similar view was possible instead of staying on until it was virtually impossible.

Lol what a cuck, what does being male have to do with your milk toast opinion?

It is ironic that by NOT retiring 2014, RBG may have set women back 50 years

What a dramneurodivergent response.

The reason she did not retire is rumored to be that she was uncomfortable with giving Obama a third SC nominee. This led to trump packing the court with his 3 nominees and overturning Roe

Oh yes blame it on trump for filling SCOTUS seats as they became available. The horror.

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>blame it on trump for filling SCOTUS seats as they became available

Americans only have themselves to blame for not responding to “uh uhm errr a second term president can't add justices cuz the vibes are off” with murder.

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They couldn't add them because they didn't have the votes in the senate. Its not their can't Obama wasn't able to pick a justice acceptable to a republican senate.

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They didn't have enough of a majority to actually determine that though. Which is why the question wasn't on the merits of Obama's picks, but on whether Obama should be allowed to nominate someone at all. And that's why the votes were never held, by means of jewish chadry.

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They had enough of a majority to choose their floor leader. Sucks to suck. Obama should have named a Rino instead of handing it to trump.

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Politicians disallowing a vote they can't win is the reason you have guns.

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They had a majority, whether they could have won or not is something we will never know because Obama was an r-slur and refused to try to put forward a moderate.

He got greedy thinking they could force a vote and convince an (r) to flop. He was wrong.

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No, Obama knew that the Senate would say no, he'd proceed, and they'd lack the supermajority to overrule him. Obama's term was defined with til-then unprecedented levels of obstructionism and held party lines, he wasn't fricking gambling on a blue dog coming out of nowhere and the floor leader wouldn't have spent political capital blocking what he knows is dead on the floor already. In case the game isn't clear to you, he went on to say he would not hold a vote for ANY person that Obama nominated and “turning over the SC seat to the voters” was his justification.

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I'm confused.

the senate would say no. He'd proceed

Proceed at what? His nomination would've been rejected.

supermajority to overrule him

It only takes a majority to decline a nomination. The super majority is for getting past filibusters.

he said he wouldn't allow any nomination

Political grandstanding. It's not my fault obama didn't have the political capital to bridge that divide. He's the president he should've made some deals.

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You've got it. Grue is talking about sticking to party lines and never before seen obstructionism, but democrats wouldn't cut deals either. At this point they had already decided they no longer needed to work with evil republicans and that they were going to win pretty much every election going forward. It's also one of the reasons why Hillary's loss was such a big deal. It was supposed to be perma-dem rule forever and ever and the 2016 loss ruined their fantasy

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