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wew, that sure makes up for de facto prisoning him for 15 years and driving him insane. The US literally can't stop being the good guysβ„’ :marseypatriot:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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He deserved it

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Sad news, !metashit'ers. We are not gonna see a pic of Hodor's grubby white fingers.


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I'm sick atm so I don't feel like it right now. Maybe tomorrow.

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>biding time to find someone on craigslist to do it

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what a fricking kitty.

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Rare unicorns of rDrama

Hodor's grubby, pallid fingers

@Sphereserf3232's red-skinned, alcoholic spider veins

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did he tho?

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He's Australian. If anything, he deserves worse. :marseyaustraliangenocide:

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driving him insane


He grew up in a cult that routinely gave their kids large amounts of LSD and did all kinds of fricked-up mind games with them. He never learned basic things like how to eat soup with a spoon instead of your hands. But yeah, he was perfectly normal after all that. It was the glowies who drove him insane by... making him a huge celebrity and really popular with millions of people.

Jesus Fricking Christ, I throw the word r-slur around a lot, but this is beyond just being born r-slurred. You have to be actively trying to be tarded to get to this level.

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driving him insane

So the US created another dramautist? (actually in this case turbocharged an already existing dramautist)

Based United States

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We didn't make Assange a dramautist, he was one of us before anyone even thought of making an /r/drama subreddit. I was reading about this guy's antics on SLASHDOT.

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Australia and the US have a bilateral extradition treaty


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The countries have some discretion in who they extradite tho. Aegentina has such a treaty butt they refused to extradite this man....

>Kurt Sonnenfeld (born December 18, 1962) is an American granted political asylum in Argentina after convincing former President of Argentina Fernando de la RΓΊa [citation needed] and other high-ranking officials of the conspiracy theory that there had to have been foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks because, among other things, the massive gold vaults at World Trade Center 6 had already been opened and emptied of their contents before the attack. Sonnenfeld had been employed as a videographer for the U.S. Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and had unusual authority to document the rubble scene at the World Trade Center site immediately after the September 11 attacks in New York in 2001.



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Holy fricking shit, how has the fact that the gold vaults in the WTC were emptied before the attack not common knowledge?? This is literally the first time I've heard about it after two decades of random 9/11 trivia. At this point, anyone thinking 9/11 wasn't premeditated is clinically braindead

!chuds !nonchuds

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It's not common knowledge because it's literally not true lmfao. !schizos Burger chuds continue to embarrass

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That's a Somali :#marseyflagsomalia:

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Bro it's common knowledge that the CIA warned Bush multiple times prior to 9/11 that an attack was imminent but Bush ignored it. Any other fed or fed-adjacent organization that caught wind of it and did take it seriously would've taken out their assets as a precaution.

9/11 was known ahead of time but it doesn't mean it was an inside job, just an rslurred executive administration !historychads

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it's common knowledge that the CIA warned Bush multiple times prior to 9/11 that an attack was imminent but Bush ignored it.

Because if there are bad guys you EXCLUSIVELY need the then-president's permission to acknowledge it to go after the bad guys


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The CIA legally cannot operate on US soil without a domestic law enforcement agency attached as a liaison. Prior to the formation of the department of homeland security, that required an administrative authorization, which was not granted. Also, the disparate 3-letter agencies all despise each other and flat-out do not share intelligence across the aisles unless commanded to do so. The whole reason the DHS was established was to address that by establishing a central channel and policy dictate that they must collaborate on matters of national security. This isn't a Hollywood movie, intelligence analysts (who are fricking nerds in suits btw, not Jack Ryan like Tom Clancy would have you think) don't just go rogue and break laws to go take down bad guys on their own initiative and without authorization.

At least have some fricking clue about what you're trying to talk about before you call someone ELSE an r-slur, you r-slur. Jesus Christ

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I was "warned" in the same way. I knew al-Qaeda was going to do another big attack somewhere after the one in Africa. It was really obvious. That's not terribly helpful unless you know where it will be.

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There were more valuable things than mere gold left in the tower.

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First before I learn about all the details of this conspiracy theory, can you explain to me why they would move the gold? Why not just leave it in the vaults? Were they afraid it would burn up?

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Looters taking advantage of the chaos maybe?

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Were they afraid it would burn up?

Gold melts

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He made a deal with the Biden admin that lets him avoid further prison time, that's why he's being released in the first place

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And part of the deal was that he confesses and please guilty to the accused crimes so that the death penalty wouldn't be imposed :marseyxd:

Imagine fricking up so hard that you literally have had the death penalty hovering over your head for a decade+

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I don't really care about the guy tbh but it seems like the best scenario he could've hoped for :marseyshrug:

Confessing and facing no further punishment vs facing trial and an almost certain conviction seems like a no brainer to me

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Whatever happened to that sexual assault allegation? :marseyquestion:

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If you think there was ever the slightest chance that Assange would get executed, you are living in the fantasy world of R-sluria. They didn't execute Hansen, Ames, or anybody since the Rosenbergs 75 years ago. They're not going to start with a guy who basically just did PR for the Russian glowies.

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guy who basically just did PR for the Russian glowies.

shitlib brainrot

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Okay, keep sucking that left-wing extremist peepee. :marseyshrug:

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the only negative claim about assange that isn't propaganda is that he's an arrogant butthole (or was an arrogant butthole, no idea what he's like today).

everything else is bullshit psyops nonsense and you fell for it.

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Trump should have pardoned his butt, Jules def helped get him elected

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I have a theory that Joe Biden stole his body because his own was rotting away but he wanted one with a similar mileage

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Assuming he wasnt replaced with a body double in October 2016, then this is good news for free future.


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this is all a ploy to get him to let his guard down so he can finally be assassinated like he deserves :hmph:

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I keep wanting the CIA to take this guy out, and I don't even remember why. It was probably out of contrarianism, since he is nowhere near the top ten jounoids I'd like to see get the Full Khashoggi and might not even make the top 20 or 100. :marseyshrug:

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