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At what point do we stop focusing so heavily on saying β€œit's the system” and start talking about the actions we can take as individuals or groups of women

Who's gonna tell her about foids and accountability?

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Like explaining space travel to a fish


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Spacing guild navigators absolutely seething rn

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Even I figured out accountability before women and I have never met a bigger victim in my life.

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not other foids

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>go to university

>angry that theory is the main focus

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[T]his was exactly my experience[.] Women didn't want to challenge gender roles, desired boyfriends, worried about seeming strident. [. . .] Women want to pick and choose the parts of patriarchy they like, rather than overhaul it and risk men's scorn. They like feeling small and dainty and helpless. But they wish men would treat women delicately while still allowing them to obtain positions of power. They can't seem to understand that women's relinquishment of power is the price of men's tenderness. Or else they just value romance over social power.

:chudconcerned: :chudconcerned: :chudconcerned: maybe i am a feminist :marseyschizoshaking: there's nothing less attractive to me than a women with no ambition or agency :marseygiveup: :marseysigh: and the fact that soyciety :marseysociety: incentivizes women to act like dumb, helpless bimbos makes me seethe :marseydisgust:

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Incredible to see how the self-declared revolutionary can't understand why people would want love and social connection instead of some abstract revolutionary goal

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When young adult romance novel is your political ideology

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1984. The two minute hate really speaks to me.


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Society doesn't incentivize it, they are naturally prone to being bimbos and society recognizes it.

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>soycietyΒ Β incentivizes women to act like dumb, helpless bimbos makes me seethe

This a) isn't even true or reflected in the real world and b) is kayfabe foids parrot to mask their innate sense of entitlement

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"if you criticize feminist theory you're misogynist"


I think at the time there's no way I could have understood how captured the institution already was by what some people now call "grievance studies." Intersectionalism (a seemingly reasonable idea) set up a hierarchy of misery which if disrupted would have collapsed the entire academic industry. Speaking with others in the "soft sciences," I hear it's much the same. I'm mused once to a group of colleagues that perhaps I should have availed myself of anthropology to do my research, rather than women's studies. A friend with a doctorate in classical studies said the anthro/archeo programmes were just as bad- full of entrenched ideas and rigidly unaccepting of curiosity or novel ideas. Poli-sci friend said her classes were so closed to "heterodox" discussion, she feared criticizing certain political systems, even in good faith.



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I miss when you could say the n word in economics.

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just call them non-rational actors it's basically the same thing to a macroeconomist

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>non-rational actors

Add it to the list boys :marseychudnotes:

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You can, it just has to be topic appropriate.

Some OC:


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RIP 2017 /r/neoliberal

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Foid upset about the consequences of foid bullshit

literally, :#marseymanysuchcases:

@Willa say this as a feminist ally

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Yeesh someone confiscate this bitche's thesaurus

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In the discussion, one young lady stated that beauty rituals could be reclaimed and another stated that they were a β€œfun” form of self care. Another student began a back and forth with me questioning why feminism had to be collective. She asserted that feminism was about choice and that women are allowed to be individualistic like men. When I raised that other social justice movements thrived because of their emphasis on collective strength, she didn't want to hear it.

lol I suppose it'd be a bit like a men's rights movement calling on everyone to quit playing video games or something. For whatever reason there's some instinctive draw towards it which trumps ideology.

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>Why would you want to have a good life that gives you happiness when you could be an ideologue activist?

It shall forever be a mystery.

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other social justice movements thrived because of their emphasis on collective strength

the only thing women hate more than the patriarchy is other women

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Lol, it's exactly the same. Neetroids absolutely rage at being called out for being do nothing consumers of anime and games and they tie themselves into knots to make up vaguely ironic justifications for why their sad lives are actually a carefully considered and deliberate rejection of whatever bad stuff they're railing against

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This went the opposite way of my expectations. Ideological feminism has, as women have advanced in society, gone from a mass movement to a niche academic interest. Millions of women were invested in getting the vote and being treated as equals in the workplace. They simply are not as excited to conquer microaggressions. In the same way we take voting and trial by jury as natural parts of our government, women today don't think much about the ideological underpinnings of statements like β€œmen and women are equal before the law.” These were once revolutionary ideas, but to us they are simply how our society operates.

Without normies, academic feminism becomes, like a sitcom character, an increasingly insular exercise, counting angels on the head of a pin. What's amusing here is that unlike many experiences studying Women's Studies, this woman appears to have had a very normal interaction with her peers. Her thoughts are the kind of lunatic bullshit that only a completely propagandized person would spout:

For example, in an open discussion on beauty standards and their impacts, most of the class agreed that they were unfairly imposed on women. Despite this, when I posed that idea of collectively abandoning them to challenge the patriarchy, half the class went silent and others became angry.

β€œLet's look like shit on purpose for abstract, ideological reasons” is obviously a stupid suggestion. But she is too committed to the bit to detect her own absurdity. Meanwhile, her classmates are bored or even upset by this idea. Who would want to look like shit on purpose? If women derive genuine enjoyment from skincare or whatever, why should they give it up? They don't understand: this woman's perspective is like one of those self-destructive wingcuck types on Twitter. The point is not to be happy, it's to make your enemies suffer.

The key insight is that, for these super-invested types, the actual experiences and feelings of living women are irrelevant. If your idea actually makes women feel hideous and unloved and miserable, well, who cares? Your idea is beating up the enemy idea. The idea of women is more important to these types than the actual experiences of living, breathing women. These kinds of situations actually drive women away from academic feminism and make it yet more insular and detached, and the feedback cycle continues.

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Once broads got jobs they didn't have time to be radfems.

Idle hands, and all that.

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but then why b-word about having to look good constantly?

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Ugly people have always complained about how people value physical appearance.

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but these are foids that enjoy putting on makeup to look pretty complaining about having to put on makeup to please people

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Rare Ovaritt op W

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>in debt for womens studies


Lol, lmao

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I mean for their standards

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Bill Gates before weed.

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>man-hating s*x-negative ovarit poster seethes that women aren't choosing to be butch and that they view a woman using twitch or onlyfans to get rich as based


The absolute state of chuds

:parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans: :parrottrans:

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Isn't this more blue pilled :#marseyhmm:

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not exactly a win. She's still a core level fanatic of feminism which has nothing to do with empowering women and everything to do with hating men. The zero accountability thing is especially laughable as one accusation, even ones that are proven false is enough to ruin a man until he gives up and shoots himself. Western women's ability to be rational has been dead for decades at least.

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They're all so old

:#marseyeggless: :#marseylaugh:

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I get the feeling that women think any sort of obligation is oppression.

β€œI don't wanna stop them from wearing high heels and make up even though it oppresses them.”

I'm sorry, but unless you are some soulless c-suite lizard, most people don't give a flying frick what you do.

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That I am trapped in this particular irrelevancy is never more apparent to me than when I am banned from meta posts. Paralyzed by the neurotic lassitude engendered by meeting one's old meta posts at every turn, around every page refresh, inside my browser history, I go aimlessly from thread to thread. I decide to meet it head-on and sort by Old, and I view the contents on the page. A carp poll about Vampires and Furries. A Masterlawlz post, a photo of an butthole. My own posts begging to scam people. There is no final photo of an butthole for me to find. Nor is there any new polls from Carp, begging people for attention. I refresh the frontpage and look into its face, and do and do not see anything new. I close the webpage, and have another cup of coffee with Aevann. We get along very well, veterans of a guerilla war we never understood.



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