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I'm the last person to minimize any of this. My family is one of the most hardcore coviding group I know out of the cc community. And we have done it since DAY ONE. We gave up every single friend of ours from "the before times." My children have not set foot in a public school since 2020. We have not set foot in an airport or on a plane. We have not set foot in a restaurant since 2020. My children need braces we cannot get. They have not had physicals in years. They don't do any in person extra curriculars. We have fiercely protected ourselves and the community.

jesus fricking Christ, those poor children.


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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719456118049945.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194561182595525.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17194561189208496.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719456119613508.webp

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I been saying this!

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those poor imaginary children :marseycry:

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Munchieposting is a drama source untainted by trolls.

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>he doesn't know

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I'm choosing to believe it's a troll


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these type of crazy people (female) LOVE using fake mysterious illnesses as an excuse to severely neglect their children

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Not going to the dentist or the doctor for 4 years is definitely what the science recommends and not the actions of a crazy hermit.

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I also avoid airplanes like the plague

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Where are the fricking feds when you need them? :#killherkillher:

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I have to wonder, with how many of these psycho parents manifested during the plandemic, is there going to be a spike in domestic homicides in 5-15 years when the Covid Kids grow up and realize how much of their childhood was wasted on their parents' paranoia?

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This is like going to /r/politics and saying that you're not entirely sure that January 6 was actually a giant threat to democracy. You're going to be set on by tiny little minds, Lilliputians of intellect, but there will be hundreds of them and they will be angry. They will poke you with idioms that they memorized from reading slightly better writers. And when you close the browser tab, you will wonder why you wasted your time.

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Reddit in a nutshell.


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Lol a mod had to step in and be like "nah bro IT'S BAD. People are just hiding it from you!"

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It was so bad I lost 5 pounds in two days. Maybe I can get it like 3-4 more times? :marseypraying:

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Have you tried eating less?

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Doesn't work

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I hate this website

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Fever = more calories out

Puking = fewer calories in

If you aren't plaguemaxxing, you're a certified fatty.

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Nathan Fielder voice

"the plan- rebrand this low-cost Mexican all-inclusive not as a $99/night vacation destination for the non-credit-worthy, but instead to go upmarket by replacing all the buffet items with the seafood menu, and attracting those want to lose 15 lbs over a weekend- guaranteed"

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Water weight lol

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Yeah that top comment is really weird

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maybe you should go over to the Covid Long Haulers sub and read all the goodbyes from people leaving their goodbye notes and then self unaliving

"self unaliving".... I think we can make that phrase even longer :taysmart:

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Long Covid LARPers are killing themselves?

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Go outside, look out at the sun rise, take off their n95, and breath deeply

Should do the trick in this deadly pandemic :marseythumbsup:

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very, very, slowly. It's Long self unaliving :taycrying:

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Yeah, I got my suicide method right here.


Very slow acting poison. Might take another 30 years before it finally does me in.

!boozers, daily reminder to keep yourself safe

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keep yourself safe cute twink

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it took 14 attempts to get to the home depot to buy rope without interacting with a person on the way

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Covid Long Haulers sub

People 'unalive' because they had sniffles at one point?

No, no. That's also what I recommend...

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Covid validated a lot of people's lifestyles. You aren't a shutin, you're a noble hero sacrificing your ""life"" for the greater good of humanity. When it was over, these people had to grapple with the fact that they're still shutin losers and the rest of the world has moved on. I've also noticed that the mask has been adopted by the TQ's for obvious reasons as well as the hardcore NPR listeners as a virtue signal. Its oddly dated.

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COVID let me work from home and not have to speak to coworkers :marseythumbsup: here is to many more pandemics

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Yeah honestly for me I think it was a bit of β€œget what you want but not what you need”. Not keen on ever living in the suburbs and working from an office again, but also I'm not really involved in any community anymore.

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I'm a shutin who doesn't care about anyone else :marseythumbsup:

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I would also bet that our "everything's normal" friends take some care to not speak about their summer cold, weird GI symptoms or other Covid flags with us specifically.

Your friends just aren't telling you they're dying from covid because they just don't want you to be right. Branch Covidians really are the new Gnostics.

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They claim they're fine but they can't remember shit. One of them forgot their Dad was hospitalized with Covid. Also keep in mind a lot of the damage Covid can do is invisible on the surface or will affect them years later. Just had a friend lose their father to myocarditis that was caused by their 2020 infection. Post polio syndrome didn't show up in people infected with polio until 15-40 years after initial infection. There's a documented case where it didn't show up until 70 years later. All of our friends and family saying they're fine are delulu and living in a fantasy. They need the fantasy to be true to keep living in their delusion.

It's all a lie :marseydemiurge: The wicked lies of the demiurge decieve these poor fools into thinking they're just fine because they can't accept the reality that they're debilitatingly ill

Or... what if... the curse of Long Covid afflicts them so badly that they don't even realize how bad they have it? :marseymath: Their memories could be so addled that they don't even remember the life they had before.

Long Covid could even be similar to the Scientologist notion of body thetans :ooo: confusing the victim with implanted ideas of a false reality

Something for our theologians to ponder as we continue never leaving the house, ever :marseyreading:

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There's a documented case where it didn't show up until 70 years later

If I get Covid I might die in 70 years :soycry:

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Imagine thinking any of us will be alive in 2094. :marseymushroomcloud:

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Is Posadism antivax?

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Say β€œI didn't get the vax” without saying β€œI didn't get the vax”

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Do you mean my memories of having summer colds before Covid are false memories implanted by Covid? Holy shit

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summer colds

Skill issue, just don't get sick

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How many boosters do I need?

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You need to lick more doorknobs.

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Or knobs

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I hate this website

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You just have a shitty immune system, probably from being fat. Normal people don't need a booster.

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>myocarditis from their 2020 infection

That was from the vaxx, lmbo.

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I think my government systematically replaces my friends who die with doppelgangers so that I never notice Covid is in full force.

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It's almost enough to make me feel bad for the covidian.

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You won't feel bad about him if you have spent even five minutes around an actual germaphobe IRL, they are honestly the worst people available. And even if you're close to them there is NOTHING you can say that will get through to them. It's infuriating.

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Hang in there. Two of my mentors died from Covid a year ago. A friend of mine just got it for the 6th time today and has been dealing with LC all along. It's so tough to be an outlier sometimes but I remind myself of my reasons and that goes a long way in staying strong! -u/UnlikelyAssociation

Username LMAo WTF how many times do these people need to be boosted before they figure it out

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Hang in there. Two of my mentors died from Covid a year ago. A friend of mine just got it for the 6th time today and has been dealing with LC all along

strongest immune system

I saw an old news article about how doctors were encouraged that 2/3 of HIV patients didn't have any immune damage within 5 years. The average latency period is 10. Even if people actually do feel fine, it'sway too soon to be sure that means the virus is safe to get repeatedly on a yearly basis for as long as we all live.

says the person who took literally experimental gene therapy

lung issues they didn't have before but they still kind of go about normal life and don't take precautions except maybe keeping up with vaccines.

keeping up with ... injecting self-replicating spike protiens every few months?

I had a mild case of Covid after being fully vaccinated and ended up with Long COVID.

good thing they were vaccinated then

My ex who is young and healthy, fully vaccinated, got a mild case of COVID. Now he has debilitating long COVID.

good thing he was vaccinated

My husband has severe asthma now from one Covid infection (fully vaccinated).

good thing he was vaccinated

My mother just passed of Covid despite being vaccinated

RIP but good thing she was vaccinated, think how much MORE dead she could have been

Really the moral of the story is please PLEASE take the jab, it's both safe AND effective!

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the only thing more r-slurred than zero covid is "muh experimental vaccine caused all the excess deaths :chudconcerned:" posters

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Every person I've ever met is now dead from the death vax. I went to over 300 funerals this month. Think before you post

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There were no excess deaths.

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happily there is a control group

unhappily there is no research on the control group

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Kill all wingcucks.

Krayon sexually assaulted his sister. https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241526738973.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17118241426254768.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17156480765435808.webp

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All the vazed people have long covid or lasting side effects


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A friend of mine just got it for the 6th time today

That's pretty frequent

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Idk id be saying "oh I can't, I have covid" as an excuse not to hang out with this person too

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catching a cold 6 times in 4 1/2 years seems about normal

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moderna shots can't cure r-sluration

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My mom has had a recurrence of shingles like 6 times in the past 18 months. My sister has had a cough for 6+ months that won't go away and now has new rashes/flushing when she drinks. My dad complains of memory issues, low energy, and brain fog.

2 of my 4 coworkers complain of awful memory and brain fog. All of them get sick allllll the time with everything. One of them also had multiple recurrences of shingles (we're pretty young for a shingles flare).


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I want to make some sort of bait post about how covid :marseygigavaxxer: is so insanely dangerous, and how "we" should :marseynorm: lose weight :marseyoverheadpress: to help ourselves, but also those around us by getting fit and losing :marseygambling: weight.

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you know the rules.

pick one

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>I went from rock climbing to unable to get out of bed for almost two years.

:#marseyhmmhips: Oh wow that's crazy, everyone knows rock climbers are the pinnacle of athleticism :#marseynothingburger:

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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the sport with lots of women most affected

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Read this and within the next hour heard two women say they do rock climbing. Wtf

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lol women only climb ladders in the gym. You wouldn't see them climbing actual rocks.

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But the ones that do


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Darn right :#marseybiting:

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No tits though, you okay with that trade?

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As long as the poopa, thighs and tummy are to my liking :#marseyslurpfast: :#marseyjustright:

Then yeah sure, I'll live with it :#tayshrug2:

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women who do "rock climbing" basically just expect to be lifted up the wall at the gym while they play-act at holding the wall

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>t. never went rock climbing

Average climber would literally crush your balls

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They kind of are, bet you can barely climb a ladder while they climb a cliff.

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It's pretty :marseyroan: depressing :marseydoomer: reading :marseynerdy: how these people think :marseygigathonk: but then I remember they are all kooks who would :marseywood: be shut-in weirdos regardless of Covid :marseymask:

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plenty just wanted an excuse to maintain lockdown COVID life where they watch Netflix in between posting on the internet about COVID all day

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nuff said

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:#marseymaid3: Reminder that if you're not on your 9th COVID booster you're a science denier
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The 3rd one should have been a lethal injection

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To my knowledge I have not had Covid, but a close friend of mine got a very bad case and has had debilitating headaches ever since (almost 2 years now). No doctor has been able to help her. She has not said the words Long Covid to me, ever.

lol this is just the mirror opposite of :marseytinfoil2: "you see that guy who broke his leg? He only got his Covid shot 3 years ago. really makes ya think"


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One has confirmed/diagnosed LC

:marseydoctor#: Fine whatever it's long covid now just get out of here and stop calling

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10 people



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I too am a long covid :marseygigavaxxer: survivor, meaning I had the flu and now I dont.

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You are a long covid survivor, but I know ehat the ladies want - I survived girthy covid

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God they really have reached cult status. Replace covid with God and it reads the same.


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When the spaceship was just a comet


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Every girl I know well enough to talk about pregnancy with that was vaccinated now has PCOS and has difficulty conceiving. I know one relative of a friend who died of Covid and he was a sick fat frick to begin with apparently.

Read what I wrote above. Now picture in your head that I put a /s at the end. Good job sweaty! :marseygigaretard:

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PCOS is fake, just like the vaccine.

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Maybe, collectively they have gotten about 1000 cream pies and several rounds of Ivf and 1 has managed to get knocked up

Read what I wrote above. Now picture in your head that I put a /s at the end. Good job sweaty! :marseygigaretard:

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