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where do catgirls have their nips? chest or belly?


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Along their milk lines.

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in my mouth :marseycalm:

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Hey look it's [rDrama mod]

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famed rdrama :marseylovedrama: moderator :marseymoplicker: @BWC

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this but both ironically and unironically

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Catgirls are the main thing that's inspired rule 34 throughout time, no matter where they're from. Be it the zoologist from Terraria or Texas from Winter Messenger, they all have nude art after them. Many weebs like myself want them to exist in real life with genetical modification technology, but should they?

Hi, I'm the ghost poster, and today I'm telling you all my top 5 reasons why catgirls shouldn't exist in real life.

Number 1

Uncanny Valley

Catgirls are notorious for being part girl and part cat. That's... all that separates them from normal humans. This also disrupts natural human evolution. Imagine going to the grocery store and seeing a real human with a built-in tail and cat ears. Now imagine looking where normal humans' ears are, and seeing nothing. That would scare you to half-death. Humans used to be this animal that was covered in fur, and we lost all those pointy ears and tails eons ago. If we were to suddenly bring it back... Just don't do it.

Nmber 2


Everyone wants catgirls to exist, but they're all girls. Humans need both genders to reproduce offspring, so that means that every catgirl has to be asexual. That's just not natural without us redesigning the entire human interior just for a female with a tail and pointy ears.

Number 3

Racism 2: The Sequel

You guys remember how when slaves were freed? How they still weren't treated like people? How do you know that catgirls won't be turned into slaves? How do you know there won't be World War 3 to see if they should free them? World War 3 will probably destroy all of Earth's near limitless ecosystems.

Number 4


Catgirls have tails. This makes it so every day they have to risk their pants and panties falling off because of that giant tail they can't get off or work around or have tailor made clothes. This'll greatly increase r*pe numbers and ruin plenty of catgirl's lives or ruin the clothing industry and ruin all of our lives.

Number 5

Depression and Suicide

Imagine this. One day, you wake up and you grew cat ears and a tail. You think to yourself, "Wow! That's awesome! I'm going to be late for school, though, so I have to admire it later." So you get ready and go to school, and everyone collectively starts calling you names like "Mrs. Meowington" and "Squishy Hands" (I was in a rush making those names). Imagine the build-up of the hurt feeling over the school year. That's going to cause a suicide, or two, or virtually all of the catgirls. We won't have enough room in our graveyards.

And this, ladies and gentlemen, is why I don't support the idea of real-life catgirls.

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lets make an ai generated documentary about the plight of catgirls, on the lines of 'buckbreaking'

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their chests, of which they have 8

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Why one or the other?

Cats have their nipples on their chest like humans, just going all the way down to their belly.

So it all depends if the catgirl has all those extra nipples.

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just going all the way down to their belly.

This can also happen in humans


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Call me ladies (212) 876-7700, ext. 4120

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I hate this website

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I'm going to kill you.


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i have such a bad headache :marseypain:

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Two on the developed breasts on the chest, and six nipples going down the torso

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Literally all over. Jesus, these catgirls, man, you're finding tits for days. Just when you think you've squeezed the last one, there's another one.

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Depends on the subspecies of catgirl

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chest obviously

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Their nipples are flat on the chest for petite anime girls

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On their two huge titties :marseytuckermilkers:

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