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What countries will accept leftists as political refugees in the wake of a second term?


With everything lined out in project 2025, it's clear there is a call to violence from the right against anyone who is marked leftist. If people are forced to flee or face the camps, what countries will be willing to take them in? I understand that many will want to stay and resist, but that's not always an option for everyone. I assume someone's looked into what places are going to be the best options for escape. Are there any resources already in place for those considering an exfil?


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i will personally fund as many one way tickets abroad to resettle for as many LGBTQ2SIA+ and Black or Brown bodies as i can afford while maxing out all of my credit

we must save them

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Send them all to Havana, they're eager to suck Castro's peepee and always whine about Florida Cubans.

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Especially black and brown bodies. :marseybackstab:

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Thing about Trump's first term is he literally did nothing interesting or crazy like he claimed he would which is why he's actually a boring failure president and why would a second term be different when he's older?

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um, have you read project 2025? he's going to literally turn the US into the handmaid's tale :marseygilead:

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Project 2025? Isn't that a Smash Bros mod or something?

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please trump turn the US into Garry's mod instead

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I'm going to rdm irl

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Already is.

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I actually love that show. It's torture porn but for feminists. Although I hate how old all the actresses look, cause they were cast by femenists. Like Elizabeth Moss is supposed to be irresistible and super fertile at like 35 :marseywall:, or they have child wife characters played by actresses in their 20s literally.


Also in the show Gilead's the only country to really solve the no children being born problem. One other complaint is too many closeups of Elizabeth moss's face going into convulsions when something happens.


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You and I will finally get state-mandated gfs


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One of the first things he did last time was tell everyone that he wasn't going to 'Lock Her Up!' despite campaigning on it for years. But this time, everything he said he'll do. And some things he didn't, like all these camps the crazies believe are coming.

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Had Covid and the summer of George not happened he would have been the most boring term in my life time

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I liked his weird little performance bits like drawing the hurricane line, or his strange trip to North Korea where he just hung out with Kimmie. He did have a flair for the dramatic, like a high school mean girl class president but in the body of a fat 75 year old real estate developer :#marseydarkxd:

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I still say he's a world-class troll. The amount of unhinged seethe he generates is next level.

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summer of George

ther still was never any real follow up on the effectiveness of tire smoke at preventing the spread of COVID

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He banned :!marseytrain:s from joining the army. No cervix = no service. :chudspin:

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cervix = no service would be a better policy

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If even a fraction of these spoiled progs made good on their promise to move out, burgerstan would be a much better place :marseywholesome:

They should go achieve their dream of moving to a socialist paradise like Canada to buy a house and get some of that world-renown healthcare :marseymaid:

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Canada is unironically so fricked. White collar Canadians working in America are more desperate to stay than alleged refugees coming through the southern border :#marseydarkxd:

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Makes sense. You can make 2-3 times what you would as a !leaf while living a country that is almost identical to your own

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Dude it's embarrassing. Here's a legit real example from white collar leafs i know

US Budget:

>Earnings: 180k USD

>Taxes: 25%

>Healthcare, 401k, employee stock purchase plan, other payroll deductions: 10%

>3bd 2ba near metro area for work: 3500/mo all-in with $120,000 down payment, all-in cost

>Car: $750/mo total after gas + insurance

>Other spending: $2500/mo

>Disposable income/mo: $3000 USD :#marseybux:

Compare that to Leafland. Keep in mind this is same job, same company, just comparing Ontario to non-coastal US:

>Earnings: 180k CAD

>taxes: 37%

>RRSP, employee stock purchase plan, other payroll deductions: 8%

>3bd 2ba 90 minutes from urban center with daily traffic: $250,000 down, $5000/mo mortgage + escrow all in

>Car: $1400/mo with gas and insurance

>Other spending: $3000/mo

>Disposable income: $-1,150 CAD/mo :#marseyrope:

This is for worse quality of life in Leafland, and basically you need roommates + a spouse that also makes significant money just to have a pretty standard middle class lifestyle without saving for shit. Oh well, at least you can see the doctor for free and he told to MAID yourself after an 11 month wait

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i hope they move to canada and leave europe alone

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Nobody wants us. They do want our money though. Got any? You'll be welcome most anywhere outside the Middle East, kidnap-bait maybe, but get a local friend, blend into the scenery, there's a life to be had in Ecuador or Peru, out in the jungle, in those old retired Nazi haciendas. Perfect for people with our pedigree.

Peak burger geography/history literacy !latinx

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>perfect for people with our pedigree

those 'people' have panic attacks opening the app to doordash mcdonalds. how the frick are they going to survive "out in the jungle"

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Actually living in the jungle only requires 3 hours of work a week and it wasn't until capitlism invented property that we had to start working so actually they'll be less stressed out and have more time to smonk weed

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The Ecuadorians will be impressed by your flying metal machines and worship you as a god

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I spent some time down there a few years ago. Your kidding but a lot of them are actually pretty r-slurred. It wouldnt surprise me.

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Those comments are just sad

"Wait til they find out we have guns too and we're in better shape than the gravy seals"


Just joined r/PinkPistols. I'm a liberal Democrat atheist with her ccp & I vote Blue.


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Temporary gun owners

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What's the point of being a liberal dem gun owner? "I have a gun, here's why we need to ban them."

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They can go to Cuba or Bolivia !anticommunists

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Dear lord, "flee or face the camps". Does this person really imagine that an incoming Trump administration is going to waste ten minutes on rounding up a barista living with sixteen other people in a three-bed apartment in "Le Big City" and trying to pay off their student loans for that humanities degree in order to stick them into "a camp"? Friend, you're already living in a camp of your own making.

They want so badly to be persecuted because that would mean they're important enough for someone to care what happens to them.

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They want to be oppressed victims so badly

Nobody loves the idea of a fascist dictatorship more than your LARPing leftist

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Strongest leftists, instead of organising and fighting right-wing violence and "fascists", they flee with tails between their legs. :marseyrofl:

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I want them all to go to new zealand just so 20 years in the future we can read about how the once developed nation mysteriously and suddenly went radio silent then devolved into Lord of the Flies + Progressive Alignment horror stories.

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Thread #957 of Lefties Who Can't Order Pizza Without Convulsing Take On The Ol' Boy Militia

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Frick off we're full c*nts :cunt:

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North Korea might


:#marseydisintegrate: :!#marseyflamewar::space::!marseyagree:

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:marseysmughips: maybe some of you deserve the camps, Robert.

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Number of countries willing :marseywould: to accept :marseyokay: an uneducated and unskilled redditor :marseyahs: adult :marseyrustyventure: child: 0

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unironically most immigration systems will disqualify you for having an autism diagnosis :marseycrayoneater:

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