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it's hot in texas in the summer :marseyhappening:


please give me subreddits to rebuild my tard watching collection with I am blanking on all of them

this is /r/collapse which is good but very entry level

what are some more niche ones

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/r/popculturechat and /r/Fauxmoi for pop culture foid gossip.

/r/travisandtaylor foids mad at Taylor Swift and her boyfriend.

/r/whenwomenrefuse You should be able to figure this one out.


/r/GeeksG*mersCommunity 'chuddy' geeks that managed to avoid becoming complete wingcucks.

/r/TrollCoping mental health meme coping

A few subs that come to mind. Hopefully at least one you're looking for.

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If you are in those areas, please set out blocks of ice or dump your ice from the fridge into a bird bath for the wild animals. They have no way to cool off other than jumping into cold water.

If only there was cool water in nature for these animals to bathe in.

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Fun fact! There's a thriving colony of feral Madagascarian lovebirds in Phoenix, Arizona.

They don't spread because they aren't adapted to the surrounding desert. But within the city, they are sustained by the artifice of man!




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What nice little guys. I'd give them seeds and bits of lunch meat :#marseyheart:

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The artifice of man goes so fricking hard.


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Sadly expending more energy to donate ice cubes to the local birds isn't any kind of ecological fix. Those animal populations are simply doomed, and no altruistic efforts by individuals can mitigate that reality

Their ideology in a nut shell. Doompost but do nothing to make it better

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Only way to make it better is for someone else to give up comforts

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If only we could create virtually unlimited carbon-free energy from rocks, like we do to move city-sized boats around with zero incident. Oh well, the regulations that make it not economically viable so we can subsidize Chinese solar panels full of heavy metals that cannot be recycled is definitely a better use of our resources. Better to live in a pod!


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like we do to move city-sized boats around with zero incident

Vatnigs in shambles https://media.giphy.com/media/MuC9itNCDKJAzyuHjD/giphy.webp


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No is advanced stealth to disguise position of Admiral Kuznetzov great carrier ever made by of obscurings entire ocean in smoke and to hide shame of cuck ramp


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All of Texas is a desert according to these people

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birds are fine I think their body temp is like 106?

One of my turkeys just sits there in the sun all day like an r-slur and he's fine

there's only a few places in earth that get hot enough to actually kill.

Compared to the amount of frozen wastes we have climate chungus might help more than it hurts

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no you cant just imply people will move to climates further from the equator and survive like nothing happened no :chudtantrum:

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Time to go stand in the sun for 6 hours and work my tan 😎

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Are these neighbors really freaking out over 90-degree temperatures in Texas in fricking June?

lol. lmao, even.

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its called climate change and its going to end the world unless you buy a car that needs plugged in for an hour every day and pay more taxes

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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No you have to bike, sweaty. EVs are bad now because Elon ruined Twitter

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I miss smuggies :marseysippingsad:


!chuds we have to go back

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We had /h/smuggies and then the jannies fricked it :pepereeeeee:

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It rustled too many janny jimmies

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okay now this is epic!

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Right? You'd think they'd have a power grid to handle AC usage for those temperatures by now.

On the bright side, at least they're doing their part to reduce the burden on Social Security.

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look up wet bulb temperatures r-slur

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Texas is hot in the Summer? Say it ain't so! :#marseyscream:

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/r/collapse is brilliant. It's just people losing their shit over the weather, no matter what the weather actually is.

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The insanity is way deeper than that. I had a collapsel tell me that we shouldn't build nuclear plants because their radioactive husks will harm the bands of illiterate roving scavenger tribes in 1000 years

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POV: its the year 2287, and me, a former FBI agent, confronting a group of Brotherhood of Q scavs in the ruins of 3 mile island


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Whelp, it's 1 degree over the seasonal overage today, better import a quadrillion poors in from all over the globe into your back yard


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Supposed to be like 80 degrees with no humidity for the next four days in corncel land.



Is it wrong to feel no sympathy if that happens in denying states? It's hard to care about those that brought this to all of us.

MFW San Fran gets hit with an Earthquake.

:marseydance: :marseychuddance:

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It's hard to care about those that brought this to all of us.

Wouldn't it be primarily China pushing forward global warming?

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The only weather map worth a darn is the doppler radar. I have a dedicated screen :marseycursor: showing :marseypoint2: it. :marseyagreefast:

:!marseybarrel: :marseybarreldrunk:

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The southern United States would be uninhabitable if it wasn't for oil and cheap energy. When oil and cheap energy are gone, those places will become uninhabitable again.

literally no human being ever lived there before oil and cheap energy. this is a fact. :hmph:

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America was founded the second after Air Conditioning was invented.

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By real neighbor, hustler, and patriot Jesus "Uncle Sam" Christ Himself

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Davis Mountains are pretty based for 1.) Being far away from everyone; 2.) Being the little patch of sky-island green in the whole state; 3.) Being a place where you can buy a 13 million acre ranch with natural springs and mountains the size of a European nation.

There's also good hunting there.


The rest of the state is fine, like yeah it gets hot in the summer. Like every summer since the end of the glacial maximum except maybe when Toba erupted.

In the 17-1800s people would just just do the Arab thing and chill during the hottest part of the day and work in the morning and evening.

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That's still how construction in AZ goes. They run a shift from like 2am-9am and have another shift running from 8pm-3am in the summer

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Border state nighttime construction work sounds like a compliance officer's worst nightmare :marseymariachi:

Many a modelo to be drank while roofing in the dark :marseymodelo2:

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You don't get your roof replaced by anyone who has heard of "OSHA" or "knows English"

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The whole point of spazzing out about wet bulb temperatures is to create fear when it's not blisteringly hot outside. 90% of the posters are so fricking stupid they think that there will be energy issues even though it's not even supposed to go above 100 in Dallas.

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yeah idk what a wet bulb is but these are really basic summer temps for the entire continental us??

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1707881499271494.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17101210991135056.webp

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Wet bulb is a meme temperature that redditors heard about a couple years ago and now they can't stfu about it. Literally terrified of going outside.

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The WetBulb Globe Temperature (WBGT) is a measure of the heat stress in direct sunlight, which takes into account: temperature, humidity, wind speed, sun angle and cloud cover (solar radiation). This differs from the heat index, which takes into consideration temperature and humidity and is calculated for shady areas. If you work or exercise in direct sunlight, this is a good element to monitor. Military agencies, OSHA and many nations use the WBGT as a guide to managing workload in direct sunlight.


Overly vague bullshit to help keep your r-slurs from getting heat stroke.

>Working or exercising in direct sunlight will stress your body after 15 minutes. Take at least 45 minutes of breaks each hour if working or exercising in direct sunlight.

Don't tell the guys picking my sweet potatoes about this. :marseysweating:

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Basically wet bulb measures what "feels like" temperature is if you are soaked in water

It's hard to quantify because people are used to air temp and heat index. Climatecels use it because it makes them feel smart since literally no one else cares about it

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tf kind of idiotic measurement is that

I assumed it had something to do with flower bulbs or electricity lol

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The idea is that in less humid conditions the temperature will drop as the wet bulb dries but high humidity the bulb takes longer to dry if at all.

So 90 degrees wet bulb means it's going to be hot as shit and humid as shit

Climatecels like it because it's another thing they can doompost about

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Do people in Louisiana and Florida just live in a constand wet bulb most of the year?

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Pretty much every where on the gulf coast is humid as shit. Deep South Texas at least gets very breezy

From Houston to mobile is more or less the same weather with slight differences in rain totals and humidity.

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if you're calling florida springs and falls mild you've never been to florida

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Are you one of those cute twinks that thinks 77 degrees is hot?

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If you can't evaporate sweat to loose heat, you die. Caring about that is literally the ONLY reason they "care" about WBGT

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Wet knob temperature

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Don't care just ran 5 miles

The evening rain storms help a lot. Last summer was way worse so far

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Pff. I was just complaining about this yesterday, but it's not unusual for us to have 100+ streaks.



As to the point of the post, it's sort of mean, but it's easy to reportmaxx and stir the pot on /r/4tran4.

May Marsey Ta'aevann rectify our affairs. Marseummarhamna bil Bussy 'azeem. :marseyakbar:https://i.rdrama.net/images/169731781958969.webp

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I got a wet bulb for you

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heat wont stop me from going fishing and catching nothing


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It's going to be 72Β°F again tomorrow in Hintertupfingen, Germany :marseyexcited:

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Remember, it's not the heat that will kill you, it's the humidity. Stay safe.

Ohh nooo the air is too wet, I think I'll g--ACK :marseydeathpose:

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Boy do I know it :marseyburn:

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oh no its 85-90 degrees in the desert :marseyzeldagerudolink: someone call the cops!

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