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Danish Eurocucks about to gut their own Beef industry

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It's such a big brained move. Instead of cows farting in their own country and theiw own economy producing goods, they will now have cows farting half the planet away and then have the meat imported by ships and fricking their own economy :marseyclapping:

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For all their scretching about global warning I wish green tards learned what "global" fricking means :marseyraging:

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But it will make their numbers look better, even if it increases pollution over all :marseyembrace: That's just normal greenstrag business.

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Only billionaires will be able to afford farms. It's the WEF's plan.

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It's the principal of the matter, chud. It's called praxis.


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:pepe#reeeeee: :ragestr#angle:

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Scratch a green and a communist bleeds.

Destroying the economy is the point.

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Win win, now brazilians have to endure even more farts :marseysniff:

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And the cows be farting in less regulated countries where the cows aren't free range and eat their own shit

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Good, it means more income for !macacos and !americas meat industry

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The EU doesn't allow the import of cheap :marseypiggybank: American :marseyarabcelebration: beef.

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The US won't let you donate blood of you have ever lived in Europe due to their rampant mad cow disease.

!burgers shoot Euriggers on sight. !oolschayootershays

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I went to Bong island a few years back and when I returned stateside, the red cross turned me away for a few months :marseyxd:

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That was from all the unprotected buttsex with the locals tho

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They love to forget that literally everybody in Europe was eating prion-infected beef for years. But God forbid anyone use a dangerous product like Roundup!

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Future risk

The original outbreak of vCJD only affected people with a particular genetic makeup; those who were methionine-homozygous at the PRNP codon 129 methionine/valine polymorphism. Studies of similar diseases in other parts of the world have shown that methionine-homzygous people tend to become ill relatively quickly in a first wave, while methionine-valine heterozygous and valine-homozgous people can be infected but remain asymptomatic for years or even decades.[35] This has led some researchers including Graham Jackson of University College London to warn that there could be a second wave of vCJD infections years later.[35][36]

In 2016, the first case of vCJD with heterozygosity at codon 129 was identified. [37]

:#marseysweating: :#marseysweating: :#marseysweating: :#marseysweating: :#marseysweating: :#marseysweating:

(I was born long after this went down, get cucked boomers)

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That used to be true but in the past few years the FDA has lifted most of the restrictions on Europeans and homos.

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!vampires you WILL drink :marseyidio3: ze homo blood :marseykhorne:

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I hope I don't need a blood infusion anytime soon

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I didn't know about this, but based :marseyus#a:

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17187151446911044.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17093267613293715.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17177781034384797.webp

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It will allow for Mercosul beef once the deal it's closed. !neolibs I generally like Jupiter :macronpassionate:but he's responsible for torpedoing the deal more than once

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France torpedo agricultural deals any chance they get

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They're right. Their food is thing left in the world that doesn't suck.


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Their wines routinely get cucked by Californian, Spanish, Italian, and Australian wines in blind tests.

Once the ricecels figure out how to make their food aesthetically pleasing like the Japs it'll be the death knell for French food.

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My bong coworkers think that pickup trucks (my family has 3) are luxury cars

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Every contractor here has a Ford Ranger now

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In my city most families don't own a single :marseywall: car.

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I hope this can drive down beef/pork/chicken/etc prices... :marseythinkorino:

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If they really want to lower CO2 emissions, the only thing they can do is tax beef until consumers stop buying it. So this whole thing is a scam, probably some convoluted plot to get EU agricultural gibs.

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If they really wanted to lower CO2 emissions, they would stop sending all aid to Africa.

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R-slurred. Global warming will never be fixed unless we nuke China and India back to the Stone Age. The more we hobble ourselves, the more they ramp up. It's just so r-slurred.

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For the Chink part, they slaughter their own kind every 50 years, so we just need to look forward what daddy Xi would do. :marseyexcited:

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the chinese use a fourth of our resources, and we even make them make our shit

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Danes are pig farmers anyway, pigs are shorter and easier to frick from behind and you don't need to worry about falling off the ladder.


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Danes are pig farmers because Swedes went big on animal welfare, so Swedes started to import their meat from Danes.

The same will happen here - Denmark will start importing beef from other (European) countries. And since it's the EU economic zone you cannot put taxes on it.

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Ah yes, the famously short danes

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Euros will have nothing and will be happy

Me? Im gonna :marseyvenn6: enjoy a steak tonight :marseylickinglips: :marseycenter:

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Just be a good person and you'll never have to pay it.

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its so over for the dutch

@DeforesterCarpathian DM me for vegan :marseysalad: cooking :marseysmughips: tips. you will never :marseyitsover: eat beef again

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I punched her in the face. She was a disgusting person to look at and smelled, and she's obviously an entitled, ignorant redneck. It was easy, because she kept saying 'I'm doing a PhD, I'm doing a PhD!', and I just kept replying, "Yes, we all know that, but what are you doing? What is your degree in? Are you going to get another one?" She kept saying "I'm doing a PhD" over and over.

And in the end I walked out and said, "Enjoy the rest of your stay here, redneck."



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title is lie. all the farmers have to do is buy feed with anti methane and co2 in it and they pay nothing

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