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Calling all Report Maxxers, White People Twitter hopes to murder conservative SCotUS members.


The most realistic option is legitimately murder. Their decisions are causing the deaths of many many Americans. And if they die, their bullshit claim to power dies with them. They choose to be murderers in a position you hold until death. They are actively begging to be murdered.

And let's be clear, I'm not advocating anything. This is the reality they made. They've left no legitimate paths to oppose them


The French had a quick and cheap solution

Its weird that no one remembers that the French Revolution was rich people murdering their rivals in a power grab, not some fight for equality, and lead to Napoleon,

1) Soap box

2) Ballot box <β€” last chance this November

3) Ammo box

In that order

Funny when Cons say this Biden threatens to bomb them, and they forgot #3 is Jury Box

Trump has already said the president should be allowed to [REDACTED] so maybe Biden should take him up on that

Unfortunately, I think the :#marseytunaktunak: won't under stand this one.

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These are the people who will save democracy !chuds !nonchuds

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Politicians should live in extreme fear of the citizenry, tbh. The way Mussolini died scared Hitler so much that he killed himself to avoid it. Imagine what the fear of getting Mussolini'd would do to the average chickenshit careerist politician of the 21st century.

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i agree with this but i don't know how much of that belief stems from my political opposites being like this

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See the problem is is that I truly agree with you and this point

but because a few redditors :soysnooseethe: and soylent chuggers who cant deadlift 1 plate :soysnoo4: agree as well I'm kinda forced to make sure republican politicians live full lives just to spite them. :marseymaidshy:

Yes I believe in what redditors hate :gigachadcapy:

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They don't agree. They just whine from their computer chair about politicians they don't like. The second a politician they like is scared this rhetoric disappears

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the redditors could actually win over people by pointing out the opulence but they rely on this weird logic where the republicans with billion dollar mansions paid for by the Kochs and underaged boi-mistresses are actually losers living in fear of the terminally online redditor even tho they are sleeping more soundly than their own subjects because they have 24/7 protection not just from government but also private security firms and a hotline to the police

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That means you would only get deranged people who are willing to risk all that for a chance at power

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every senator having their own private security army would be pretty funny

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-person who owns zero guns and wants the government to police wrongthink but believes a reddit comment complaining about politicians will get them to surrender the institutional power they wield over him

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Did Obamas daughters do anything that bad to deserve insane death threats?

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Politicians families are different and are supposed to be off limits. Andrew Jackson was right about some things.

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Andrew Jackson was right about some all things.

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Same shit Barron Trump had, having a Father who was PotUS, so to non-wingcucks nothing.

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nope, only thing I can remember that really caused controversy was the mexico trip where they used like 115k of tax payer money for the girls(and a bunch of their rich friends) to goto mexico.

Even then, that's her parents and friends parents fault for not footing the bill themselves considering they planned it out, not the kids.

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He's right though. For aligning political incentives with the public good, there's nothing than the threat of being killed by one psychopath.

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Truck bombs are the language of the unheard

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Well they're gonna have to wait to do that till after the FBI agents talk to em. Reported a ton of their comments as threats to em lmao

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wheres the lie? make politicians scared again

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Imagine :marseyspongebobsmug: if the rolls :marseychonker: were reversed :!marseysteer: :!marseyaaatremble:

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If it was a conservative sub? It'd have been nuked a while ago. The shit that got TD banned was mild compared to shit people normally say about cops on reddit.

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I'm not even a fan of Trump but the thought of him and the SC making WPT poster's life miserable fills me with so much joy.

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If nothing else his past court picks ensure things go pretty ok for many years. A whole lot of reigning in executive power (which you'd think redditors would like in case orange man gets elected) and forcing Congress to actually pass laws and do their job

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and forcing Congress to actually pass laws and do their job

No you don't understand things are so much better when the president makes laws by executive order and bypasses the legislature entirely.

The americans yearn for a king

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if people want to murder you, its your fault and we should just let them

Remember when that democrat representative got shot in the head and everyone seethed?

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Didn't a Bernie supporter shoot up some Republicans at a congressional baseball game?

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Yes, and the DoJ under Obama labeled it suicide by cop until they got sued by Republicans.

And some Redditor who was openly fed posting showed up outside Kavanaugh's house with a gun,

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Got one! :marseyreportmaxxer2: :marseyreportmaxxer2: :marseyreportmaxxer2: :marseyreportmaxxer2:


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Only a warning, I wonder if we can get him on a ban.

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Yeah, maybe looking through his post history will find something else.

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The guy that's saying he drives past John Bolton's house... That's a little much. Maybe someone should report max that guy to the FBI rather than just reddit mids

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That's a little much. Maybe someone should report max that guy to the FBI rather than just reddit mids

I've done it for Reddit comments before. No response sadly.

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It's real comedy that the bleeding heart redditors who say silence is violence and teen girls that need 5 medications so they don't have any bad thoughts believe in divine killing. Not even that they'd be the ones killing no, but that somebody else would be the one doing it. But whoever does it is a superhero and real great.

Leaders of the revolution


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To be honest, anyone who doesn't support murdering the other side's politicians is enabling them to continue their reign of fascism and, as such, is almost as much of a threat to democracy as those politicians themselves.

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They already killed Scalia. They'll kill again.

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!biofoids Donald Trump took this from you.


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Great work snappy!

I'm gonna make some tips and reportmaxx these guys irl :marseynotes: :marseygossip: :marseycop: :marseyglow:

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theyll have to murder brandon and everyone else who'll just step up and prevent the utopic NEET revolution

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Bomb rurals

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