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:marseyagreefast: My kid just said: "It's sad to watch a pack of lies beat a good person just because the good person can't speak."
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even wolves


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They say the key to a convincing lie is to add in some truthful elements.

The truthful element in this (that 3 year olds are a lot smarter than her) couldn't even mask that weapons-grade bullshit.

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man can anyone link the original video of spice girl? cant find it :marseysadge:

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gotta get the keywords right; search for "seasoning police"

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:marseythanks: I forgot and kept getting results for spice girls

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:#marseynotes: Chud SEO on the case

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I'll take a president stuttering the truth over one who clearly states lies.

You are not winning a debate when you are pathologically lying in every breath.

You're only winning the optics for the uninformed.

Media, it is your job to inform the people. Otherwise, it's a tit-for-tat of he said, he said. Clearly and demonstratively, 99% of everything Trump said was a blatant lie.

CNN, by not calling out Trump's lies, your network is complicit in Trump's deceit to this nation.

b-b-but what about drumpf!!1!

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also it isn't true. Biden lied way more and said way harder lies than Trump lol

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when I check my paystub Medicare is still stealing my hard-earned money, I can't believe my neighbor John Biden would deceive me like this

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Trump would just say stupid shit like the "we had the safest border in history" which, I guess, is more unprovable than a lie.

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This is unapproved messaging, citizen. Prepare to have bussy inspected by officer Cletus. :sneedchad:

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CNN, by not calling out Trump's lies, your network is complicit in Trump's deceit to this nation.

I hate these cute twinks that think it's the moderators job to push back at Trump. They aren't the one debating Trump

They gave Biden plenty of chances. He is just an old frick.

Even if what Biden was saying was true, how can anyone trust him in high leverage situations when he can't finish a thought

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Media, it is your job to inform the people.

It's supposed to be, isn't it...

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I'll take a president stuttering

Not a stutter

You are not winning a debate

Yes he is

You're only winning the optics for the uninformed.

The uninformed elect people in this country

99% of everything Trump said was a blatant lie.

CNN, by not calling out Trump's lies, your network is complicit in Trump's deceit to this nation.

Nobody cares the guy's mentally gone

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Her kid's name? Albert Einstein.

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Elie Mystal is a dude.

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I had to look it up, I genuinely thought this was a woman posting, too. It's precisely the kind of "my kid said" political messaging that stupid women like to lie about online.

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Lefties just can't help themselves can they

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They believe everything children say and oddly also take orders from them.

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Libs not leftists

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Same thing cute twink and you cannot argue back cause I won't read

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I had to look up who this person was. There's another "my kid said" on his Twitter and it's a doozy:

"My 7yo is doing a math worksheet and it's telling him that the eraser (37 cents) costs more than the pencil (18 cents) and he's OUTRAGED.

"If you're poor and you can't afford the eraser, you can't correct your mistakes. BUT IF YOU'RE RICH you can erase ALL your mistakes."

Son, your dad is a rich guy (allegedly); he's a lawyer, NYT best seller author and thinks he's all that. You're not making the kind of social criticism you think you are. Or rather, that your dad thinks he is making, because I 'm darn sure no seven year old said anything like this. What, did he do the Ruthkanda pose afterwards, too?

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Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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None of my pencils have erasers because I don't make mistakes.

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that's just a cuckold pen then

Give me your money and I'll annoy people with it :space:

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The irony of saying this and being a Biden shill is lost on the guy isnt it?

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Ruthkanda forever

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My son said Biden touched him on his wiener :marseysad:

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His bio:

Str:12 Dex:8 Con:15 Int:13 Wis:10 Char:14

I unironically advise this man to seek Canadian healthcare. :marseyrake:

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That just happened.

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It's crazy they're pretending Biden only told the truth. He tried to take credit for cheaper insulin which I know is a lie off the top of my head. That was a Trump thing.

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I noticed the current thing is "biden bad but trumps a liar". I have yet to see anyone state what specifically Trump was lying about and im to lazy to watch this reality tv political trash.

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All politicians lie. The irony is calling Genocide Joe a good person to try to get pity votes

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Lmaoooooo Bidens gonna get crushed. This is more than "cant speak", this is "cant run the country because hes r-slurred"

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Have you considered not making a person that cannot speak your candidate? :#marseyshrug:

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This is what you do to the kid

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