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!chuds !commenters he answered all his questions, chud :taycelebrate:

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She's like a mom congratulating an 8 year old on graduating elementary school :marseydylan:

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You have to wonder her role in all this, if I am 80 my wife better not let me embarrass myself like that

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Supposedly she was the one that pushed him into continuing his run after Obama was like "Joe, you know you really don't have to do this"

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I miss obummer sometimes. Simpler times

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I miss a community organizer somehow ascending to presidency due to his relationship with the media and big donors as well. He was so presidential when he groveled to Iran, Russia, and China

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yea because you werent getting set ablaze from afar.

also, Obama caused this whole russian shitshow by cosying up to them without requiring anything from them.

also turned Mongolia into shit.

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I remember laughing at Romney when he called out Russia. Guess we were the fools.

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What happened with Mongolia?

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She really wanted to be First Lady for some fricking reason.

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And he is standing awkwardly

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Me when someone compliments me

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Nice peepee.

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His debate answers were printed out and put on the fridge.


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I love the crowd of 50 fanatics. He could shit himself loudly, and they'd still cheer.

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If he shat himself on stage I'd start cheering and celebrating because that'd be a fricking baller move.

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Clean it up, woman :marseybiden2:

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This is your brain on wingcuck, what sane person wouldn't loudly cheer that?

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thats how they teach people with cheap education degrees to talk.

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The shrill teacher is praising her favorite student again :marseydepressed:

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And another thing, Medicare is the great it's ever been. Abortion and the little girl killed that immigrant. And and and... Oh, hi, Jill. Is it over?


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:#taylaugh: :#marseyneat:

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Unbelievably embarrassing lol

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Who's a good boy!? Is Joe a good boy!? Yes he is! Oga booga booga!

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In an alternate universe, Clinton is finishing up her second term and no one is watching the debate because they're two boring, moderate politicians and there's no risk of a dictatorship. We still have RvW. Six people died of COVID. AOC is talking about running in 2028.

But we're in this universe because some people thought it was better to vote for Jill Stein

To quote Community, this is the dark timeline

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Six people died of COVID.

"Covid not real, the magats invented it to kill me"

:marseyleftoidschizo: :marseylaughbothsides: :marseyrightoidschizo:

Seriously how rock solid does your hate boner need to be to blame drumpf for every single covid death? These neighbors could straight up edge their ragemeat so long and hard they'd have a heart attack when they finally goon.

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It STILL boggles my mind everyone just forgets Trump's admin is the one that rushed the vax, Dems pretended it was RACIST to wear masks, and then seemingly overnight both parties/tribes 180'd

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They were also against him shutting down travel to and from China before covid became such a widespread problem.

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They called him sinophobic and shit for wanting to shut down travel from China where the virus was circulating. They argued he irrationally hated the Chinese because he's racist.

Now they claim he's buddy-buddy with Xi for... some reason. Not sure what the logic here is, considering both the attempted travel ban and his tough stance on China as president.

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This always got me too, I thought :marseymindblown: Trump :marseyhitler: did good on his pandemic :marseymask: response for that reason and then my rightoid :marseybootlicker2: friends :marseymeangirls: started getting mad at the vaccine. Some leading democrat :marseylibertyfireworks: commentators on twitter :marseyetika: talked about they would :marseymid: never :marseyitsover: get the trump :marseybackstabglowie: vaccine :marseyvaxmaxx: started talking about the stupid :marseydunce: chuds who wouldn't take it.

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I think the expectation was there wouldn't be vaccine mandates under Trump.

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Yeah all the complaints against the vaccine really come down to it being made a hard requirement, not its very existence.

Biden literally tried using OSHA to force every single employed American to get vaccinated. He was blocked from doing so but he did (imo) earnestly try. That's why they're upset about it.

I think politicians are just r-slurred. If you genuinely want to convince a group of people to get vaccinated, trying to FORCE them to do so isn't going to convince them it's a good idea or in their best interest.

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I feel like there will be another complete 180. Turns out Covid was made in a lab through gain of function research funded by dr. Fauci. And if you listen to trumps rhetoric, it seems he had a suspicion that this was the case. And yet he let the corrupt dr. Fauci continue with his esteemed position and dictate the pandemic response? Oh and it turns out the so called MRNA "vaccines" are actually experimental gene therapy, and they are killing people. Operation Warp Speed ring any bells? Was this trumps plan all along?

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Donut Trump wanted to close the borders (two weeks quarantine) before the first known cases.

If the Demon Craps hadn't fought him tooth and nail, the US might have seen far fewer covid deaths,. For a best case scenario see Taiwan.

Being separated from the disease by an ocean is a huge advantage that the libs squandered for "antiracism."

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AOC is talking about running in 2028.

Peak delusion.

A successful Hillary presidency could mean AOC and squad dems never being elected (they were fueled by the 2016 defeat and anger against moderates). Even so, no way AOC would become a 2028 favorite, it would probably be Tim Kaine or someone on Hillary's cabinet.


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Hillary winning would be catastrophe for female politicans. Imagine hillary if there had been female president before her. And woman in politics card wouldnt be as strong.

Just look at UK female politicans struggle quite bit there. Becouse there is no its her turn card

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Just look at UK female politicans struggle quite bit there

The UK had 3 female PMs, among the recent ones May was an average PM (kind of like John Major) governing during an extraordinary time (Brexit), her downfall could have happened to anyone. Truss was a legit shitty politician, quitted after 6 weeks lmao.

Thatcher wasn't a feminist and would probably be disgusted at the "It's her Turn" slogans Hillary's campaign used. Hillary would have had a better chance if she didn't campaign so much on the grounds of being a foid.

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Hillary would have been destroyed if not for first woman president card

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The most insane thing about that screed is thinking Clinton could handle COVID-19. The Obama admin completely bungled swine flu, leading to the most children deaths anywhere in the world. That pandemic was obviously much less serious than COVID: https://www.politico.com/news/2020/05/04/joe-biden-contain-h1n1-virus-232992

Democrats all across the country were against the Chinese travel ban. They put COVID patients inside nursing homes. They were happy to lockdown healthy citizens and shutdown schools. Complete insanity

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Asking clinton wing to do something that would have major effect on private corporations would be like asking voters to vote communist

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mmt of when !familyman imagines that Bush lost in 2000


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because some people thought it was better to vote for Jill Stein


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But we're in this universe because some people thought it was better to vote for Jill Stein

this shit bugs me SO GOD DARN MUCH. they say :quote: well a vote for third party is a vote for trump! :quote:. doesn't that logic also mean :quote: a vote for third party is a vote for hillary :quote:? if not voting for X is a vote for X, then i actually voted hillary by not voting for her!


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You never see anyone say this shit about Gary Johnson. It's like these people think Democrats are just by default entitled to all third-party votes and they are "stealing" from them.


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These r-slurs seriously just don't get it, Trump took advantage of a power vacuum and unaddressed collective anger in the country that's been brewing for years. Had Trump lost and launched TrumpTV it arguably would have gotten worse. Half of the country wasn't just going to sit back and be chill with a president they legitimately believed was sacrificing babies and assassinating people.

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vote biden or hitler will be resurrected

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That would be selling point for lot of voters

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We really have come full circle with the "much both sides" cope.


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God help us if China or Russia attacks and we have to respond quickly. Our commander in chief literally can't even walk 20 feet without a handler.

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Well, then I guess it's a good thing that he gave Hunter the launch codes.

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US cybercommand has been ordered to hack putler's phone and spam it with Hunter's peepeepics.

When asked how to respond to an incoming nuclear attack Hunter responded by smoking crack and eating a Russian and Ukrainian hooker's butt simultaneously.


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And an era of world peace ensues.

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Crazy part is. Trump is old and its showing. He is no where near what he was in 2016. Both brain stuff and body stuff.

You should have conversation should old fart in that shape be president for 4 years.

But you cant. Becouse he is fit and sharp one.

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tRUMP is obese, Biden isn't. Nuff said

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So you be sain' Joe is getting mogged even by a fat guy :marseyhmm:

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When Trump dies there is gonna be a grease fire in heck.

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He's hopped up on adderall and Olympic like Lana Del Ray but Lana could fight the urge Trump still probably ordered a double cheeseburger and a Diet Coke after this

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fellas, it's so bad even imgur, the absolute pinnacle of libtard propaganda these days is barely mentioning it outside of a few posts basically saying we're gigafricked. While it's true plenty of people could have done much better if not outright destroyed trump in the debate, Kamala is not one of them. She's stupider than dirt. I still don't think this debate will ultimately move the needle, people are already kinda locked but I could be wrong. idk

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It's gotta be different this time though, right?

-awoo for the 27th time


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Dems asking Brandon to resign in order to beat drunf lmfao get fricked leftoids

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Donald Trump broke the FactCheck (tm) machine

Oh no :marseypearlclutch: How will Trump recover?

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Software patch deployed successfully.

- Any talk of Biden's cognitive decline is misinformation, a conspiracy theory straight out the Kremlin playbook
+ Jesus Christ he's too old get this poor bastard out
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So, who expected that to go any better exactly? Was CNN optimistic?

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God the seethe is palpable. It's nearly as tasty as the 2016 vintage. VERY good election cycle :#boomerportrait:

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but... that's not how tiedrich said it would go :marseycry:

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>Game changing debate :marseystrawman:

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