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If being technically correct sky is atmosphere and it's colourless on its own and gets a colour from scattering suns white/colourless light and position of sun plays a huge role and most of time sky has purple colour

but Redditors of course are uneducated children


This is far more Reddit than the screenshot you're replying to

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*old Reddit :marseycry:

When there was no foids around because that was considered nerd and gay shit

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Snappy quote potential :marseyxd:

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Technically :marseynerd2: you could say the color of the sky is anything and not be wrong. White? Contains every color. Black? At night.

Trumpy knows whatever answer he gives could be backed up by at least one anecdotal case so he could say whatever the frick he wanted. If Biden had just told him "will you just shut the frick up, man" like last time, he would be fine. Actually, he could have even gained a few points.

All he had to do was not bumble or fumble or speak like he had 20 tequila shots just minutes before.

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  • If Biden had just told him "will you just shut the frick up, man" like last time,

Literally Biden team fault. I didn't watched any of their debates but before the 2024 debate I read the reviews of 2020 debate and main thing people didn't liked about Trump was that he was non stop interrupting Biden and acting like a monkey. This time dems asked to turn off Trump mic when it's not his turn :marseyxd:

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the sky isn't actually blue

You commies really are fricking r-slurred.

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Neighbor but I am not commie

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denies being a commie

Classic commie

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Sorry but you should go back to Reddit. :marseybacktoreddit:

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It's not too late to delete your comment.

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But that will make me more Reddit

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i guess orange man treats his friends like shit








i doubt DDR even knows that belarus exists :marseyshrug:

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Iran, north korea, putin and belarus = evil

Evil = trump

Trump = Iran, north korea, putin and belarus

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Don't forget DDD dropping Nordstream sanctions as soon as he got into office (wouldn't want to be mean to :marseyzwei:)

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Wasn't pulling out of the Iran nuclear deal unironically pretty r-slurred tho?

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the Iran nuclear deal was r-slurred, it had no effective enforcement mechanisms, so it was essentially giving Iran money for pinky promise they won't enrich Uranium anymore. All the while they used that money to fund proxy forces all over Middle East, the effects of which we now feel in Yemen among others.

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Depends if you think you can trust Muzzies to not stab you in the back.

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i guess orange man treats his friends like shit

Well, Pence nearly got hanged because of him... :hanging2:

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that definitely happened

they built a gallows and detained him and everything

it was so close :marseypearlclutch2:

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Oh God and somebody there said this:

I'm old enough to remember when Biden said he would be a one term president.

So I'm not crazy. I remember this too, he promised he wouldn't go for reelection. But the media have just completely wiped this memory out. It's like fricking 1984 where you remember things from the past but you can't be sure because the entire goddarn society pretends it never happened.

I wouldn't have noticed this one except that this is why I voted for him. I was worried about his age but I thought (incorrectly) that he had 4 good years left in him. And then he promised he would gracefully step down and back a younger candidate. I have no fricking clue why none of his rivals brought this up in the primary.

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It's like fricking 1984 where you remember things from the past but you can't be sure because the entire goddarn society pretends it never happened.

We were always using the word gaslighting

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I saw someone in /r/politics mention this too if helps you with anything :marseyshrug:

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It was never a public statement, just anonymous quotes from "high ranking Democrats". Biden himself refuted the idea publicly soon after

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I seen video him pooping on black, women and gays

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and lying about his education

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The problem is he didn't say it explicitly, he said it in a way you had to infer. So as soon as he got in they just claimed it was a misunderstanding. Of course at the time everyone agreed that "bridge to the next generation" meant one term.

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i don't remember him actually saying that

i remember it being a quote from some guy named "anonymous sources"

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only some? :marseyxd:




unfortunately for you there's at least one more coming up :taycelebrate:


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>and any undecided voters are unintelligent


Why wont these people vote for us?


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When the average /r/europe poster is more in touch with American politics than the tards leading the Democratic Party, you know we're fricked.


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Yuropoors as a bunch of vassal states need to care about their lord and master.

At least they can finally seriously start chipping in towards NATO now.

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Yeah. As much as I hate Trump, there's a lot of shit we do because of bureaucratic inertia that really needs to be swept away. The cornerstone of our foreign policy is NATO... because we decided that in 1990. And the only reason we decided that in 1990 was because we were just keeping the decisions made in the 1950s. For the last 3 decades the real competition between nations has been economic but we're still treating Germany like its this wounded little ally that needs our love and support.

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Nah EU is treated like Japan with plaza accord

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17196480607183387.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17196480609100177.webp

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Would be funnier if you overlaid the US there

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>bureaucratic inertia

We had arguably the biggest win against that with chevron being overturned. We'll look back at that in 50 years as one of the major turning points in world history imo

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On the one hand, I'm no fan of Trump at all. On the other hand Europoor investing more in defense bodes well for my career.

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R-slurs at /r/aznidentity love to yap about how Japan, Korea, and Taiwan are vessel states of US, but little do they know about Germany, France, UK, and Sweden.

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Average /r/france Redditors 97% didn't voted for Le Pen.

It now became more better for khohols to present them self as Russian then khohols because of bad reputation of khohols

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:marseysaluteusa: :marseysaluteusa: :marseysaluteusa:

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I hope the frogs absolutely colonize all their cuck neighbors after them, Poland and Finland somehow end up saving Europe in some sort of unholy alliance

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As bad as France has gotten, they've at least still got a national identity. Not like the countries that are fake (Belgium), too high to know what's going on (Netherlands), or still trying to forget how evil they are (Germany).

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If Belgium is not real, then what happened with Congo at the end of 19th century? Checkmate Atheists.

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I don't think you know how bad the frog military's situation is lol

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Its literally just the French Foreign Legion, a handful of shiny SOF teams and their 6 nuke subs :marseylaugh:

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It's not so much an issue of personnel than equipment. Pretty much half of their vehicles are out of comission and their ammo stock is laughably small. IIRC at the start of the Ukie war they said at the rythm things are going they wouldn't last a month with frogland's entire stock.

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Doesn't France practically still own a lot of its former African colonies by controlling their currency?

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Yeah, but they've been gradually losing them. Like the coup in Niger this year(?) brought in an anti-France junta. Which is a problem because the French have a huge uranium mine out in the desert and the native people might start asking for a share of the billions of dollars.

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1. If France agrees to do both decouple CFA from the western african nations and give them their share of profits from U mining it would actually benefit France. These countries have no currency of their own and corruption and monetary instability as soon as France leaves will skyrocket inflation and crash the economy. They will become even more dependent on the CFA as their major reserve currency and without any trade with the US. This will give France all the leverage of negotiating uranium export they need.

2. If France chooses either/or they are fricked. One, (decouple currency, don't hand over extraordinary demand of U mining share) no way you are coming out of the mess of mining and shipping while negotiating in dual currencies. It'd lead to a peg or band at the very least and the French would be stuck dealing with central bank of another country. Two, if they let the CFA be the defacto currency but start settling mining shares, that's like handing over the keys of the federal reserve to some other nation. They (Africans) have no basket of reserves. They would only have the CFA. Which, then, if the Africans determine the price of U is falling, would start liquidating. Buying treasury bonds or just plain importing, thus increasing the liquidity of the CFA and increasing the price of U again.

Frogs are too kitty to do 1 & too eurostrag (re: colonialist) to do 2. Hence the contempt so many people around the world have for them. Take simple things and make it complicated is the French motto.

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Yeah these huge mining/oil projects work better if you've got the whole world invested in it. But the French would never allow that.

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Based winged hussars to the rescue again :marseypolandflag:

Sadly nothing that cool ever happens in this timeline

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Should try if intermarium would work out this time.

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One one hand frick the Europoors, on the other if we leave them alone they'll start another world war and it's nice to frick with Russia...

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if we leave them alone they'll start another world war

It's only a world war when big daddy America participates. If we leave them alone darwinism will sort those fricks out.

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Yeah but if they start an inter Europe conflict where are Americans gonna vacation?

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Hawaii like always, you dumb cute twink.

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Hawaii is cool and all but Europe is cheap and has old buildings and strange locals to look at.

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I guessssss you're right.

Only technically tho.

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Germany v everyone but America was a surprisingly even fight. I could see it

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Germany already conquered Europe. What do you think the EU is? :marseyangelamerkel: :marseyflageu:


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Who in Europe has the military might of germany in the 40's?

The bongs?


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I mean, yeah. They were roughly equal. The British were building vast numbers of planes and ships. It's only after the war that they forgot how to make things.

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I'm saying currently tho. Who in europe (we dont count russians) is capable of kicking shit off like germoids did?

The bongs being allied with us probably have the best military but even that pales in comparison to the big moves the shit fetishists were pulling off in the 40's

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Yeah, it takes like 10 goddarn fricking years to start a new plant making artillery shells now. Pretty sure they used to do it faster. :marseygiveup:

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they used to do it faster

There's tons of red tape around any construction, mostly because of eco cucks.

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10 years when you implement osha as opposed to a seething hatred of your geographic neighbors 😁

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Today probably Poland can beat Germany

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>you can have good military or affordable healthcare but not both


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>euroleeches when told to stop being leeches


Instead of throwing money into the black hole of economic migrants, maybe start paying your dues :marseypatriot:

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How about throwing economic migrants overboard? :marseypepe:

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frick eurorats

There are multiple regulars on /r/Europe I so want to make a topic on they're so needy and annoying. 20k+ comment karma on a 4 month old account you're a LOSER bro smh

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Trump is the best thing that could happen for Europe. Maybe it'll get the Germans off their leash and get us our military efforts working again. Also less funding of DEI and eco garbage.

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He'll build a wall in the Mediterranean

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If they'd just stop funding the NGOs that help them come across I'd be satisfied.

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Europe, as a collective, already pays more than the US anyway. What would really happen is the US-sized hole in the Ukrainian budget would go unpaid.

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Hahahahahahahaha How The Frick Is Cyber Bullying Real Hahahaha Neighbor Just Walk Away From The Screen Like Neighbor Close Your Eyes Haha



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