The Democrats know what they have to do

He can still win!

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>At 81, Joe Biden is too old to be President.

>The only logical solution is Bernie Sanders, 82.

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We can go older.

It takes a truly mature mind to overcome senility.

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William Shatner. He's 93 but he's still going strong. I'm sure he'll make it to 97 with no problems. :marseythumbsup:

Seriously though, it's amazing how good of shape he's in. It shows that age isn't everything. Some exceptional people really can stay active several years longer than normal. Unfortunately we've got Biden who seems to be getting senile even faster than average.

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Holy shit I wasn't aware he just stopped aging at 60.

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The only bad part of this is Star Trek II (his best movie and I would dare say one of the world's best movies) was made in 1982 and it's all about growing old.

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Star Trek V (the one he directed) is bad but people give it too much shit, it's a fun cheesy Star Trek movie even if it's not The Wrath of Khan.

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I'll always like it because when I first saw it I was too young to notice it sucked.

I agree it's gotten too much hate. A lot of it makes more sense after I found out that the company they hired for the special effects totally fricked up. They switched from ILM to some cheaper company and they completely fricked up everything, so there's entire scenes that are missing (on the god's planet for one). So I think it was a movie that had potential but actually making it and putting it together everything fell apart.

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Yeah, I'd still probably rather watch it than any of the Next Generation movies. I don't know what happened with those besides Stewart just wanting to do more action stuff, but they just kind of suck in my opinion, even First Contact. I think part of it might be that the original Star Trek was already a cheesy fun action-scifi show so the original ST movies just continue with that, whereas The Next Generation was heavy on diplomacy and moral lessons so the movies just seemed like lame cash grabs in comparison.

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Picard was doing stuff in the movies that he should have done in season 4 of TNG, like having PTSD about the borg thing. And guilt at being part of the hive mind that killed all those Federation people. But it's hard to do 4 seasons of him being this emotionless stoic who goes out of his way to let the borg live and then he suddenly breaks down in the movie.

Now that I think about it, Picard really has less emotion than Data. Data is always getting into situations where he might get emotions and trying to have them. He's got all the body language and facial expressions of somebody who really cares about stuff. Picard just sits on his butt pontificating and telling people that they're not wise enough.

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Black don't crack

White don't... rewrite?

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Yeah it depends on the person. My grandpa is 93 and scarily intelligent still; there's no cognitive degradation at all.

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Biden never did theater or professional acting. Dude is a husk because of this.

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Quick! Dig up Reagens corpse!

He could even re-establish insane asylums for max seethe :marseylaying:

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Bernie is still pretty sharp on the public stage though, from what I can tell.

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Tbf Bernie hasn't exhibited dementia yet

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I definitely won't take all your money and betray you this time!

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I think people give Sanders too much shit for that, I mean what was he going to do, keep running and thus help Trump win?

I'm not a Sanders supporter, but if I was I don't think I would see it as a betrayal, because him supporting the other Dem after dropping out is consistent with the ideological principles that he regularly espouses.

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Nobody with a brain is upset when a politician doesn't return their donations.

But nobody with a brain (that isn't obscenely wealthy) is donating to politicians either.

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Smash Bernouts. Break Bernouts. Molest Bernouts. Tie up Bernouts. Force Bernouts to eat thumbtacks. Pull on Bernouts ears. Eat Bernouts fingers. Sterilize Bernouts.

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>this geriatric corpse is too infirm to lead the country

>quick, roll out the other geriatric corpse that is also out of touch and unpresentable to a large section of undecided


Actually... sounds about right for the democrat party in current year.

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>Once again I'm asking you

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!slots1000 for bernie

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:#marseyhillarybackstab: rigged

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They should nominate Noam Chompsky

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Holy frick that was hilarious! I cannot stop laughing! Take my upvote! Take another from my second account! Heck, take a silver, why not? Scratch that, a gold! Scratch that, a platinum even! God, just come to my house and plunge your 2-incher into my gaping butthole already! You can have my wallet afterwards too! Take the credit cards too, I'll even give you the PIN numbers! Heck, you can take the whole darn house while you're at it! You can even have my wife and kids if you want! I'm willing to go into poverty just because your post on was that funny! I think there's only one thing that would have made your post even funnier, though:

If it wasn't a goddarn repost

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