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:!platyaboriginal: Voiceposting :platyaboriginal: - the Greens and Voice activists want to do "truth-telling", Reddit reacts


CONTEXT- remember the Statement from the Heart that spawned the Voice (and established all the stupid names for things) in the first place? Well its formula was Voice, Treaty, Truth, with "truth" being a commission that would go around collecting evidence of how colonialism was bad. With the Voice dead the activists are now trying to do the other steps, but the government isn't interested anymore so now it's the Greens doing it.

Anyway, some are sceptical of this.

:marseychud: The question I have is, do we get to tell the truth of the historical and contemporary brutality of Aboriginal culture? Or is this just an exercise of "white man bad."

The only thing holding some Aboriginals back in 2024 is Aboriginals. As long as they keep holding on to the 18th century, they'll keep living in the 18th century.

Some progressives also think this'll fail-

:marseyitsover: Australia rejected the bare minimum which was The Voice. I have little hope for the other, more ambitious parts of the Uluru Statement.

Others think Aboriginals should just make their own country-

:marseybrainlet: It doesn't need to go down this route at all. Since native title has been acknowledged by governments, all they need to do is seek to become a different nation under the UN.

The reason the Voice was ideal was because it was done through Australia and with the people.


There's a lot of arguing in the thread, unfortunately it's all massive walls of text so look at your own risk.

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I have little hope for the other, more ambitious parts of the Uluru Statement.

Wait a minute. Weren't they assuring people it's just The Voiceβ„’ and not a slippery slope?

Bit off topic. I've been looking at taking my startup from free-time to part-time or even full-time as things are now getting serious. I was looking around at loans and other financing means to cover me leaving my full-time job in the pilot run phase. I came across this "Start-up Finance Package" from ol' Mr Government.


But when I click on the link, I see this:



Up to $100,000

30% doesn't need to be paid back

of Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander descent

Are you actually pooping me?

At few months ago I found out which neighbour was stealing petrol from my ute... Guess the demographic.

I once was pro-abo, too.

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Lol just tell them you're abo they aren't gonna check :marseywink:

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Uh oh. I feel the urge. The urge to seriouspost. I can't help myself. The Voice shit makes me seethe.

>"Nothing has changed since October 14. Change is needed. Change is urgent."


Fire anyone who is paid with public money that works in identity politics. Divert those resources to the only three categories that we as a country owe any extra shits to: the poor, the mentally ill and the disabled. Not Aborigines. Not Asians. Not Whites. Not men (except male-only health issues, obv). Not women (except maternity nonsense and female-only health issues, obv).

>"What the [referendum defeat] told us is the absolute need for truth-telling in this country," he said.

Agreed. I'll start. I hate you c*nts. All of you.

I have roughly the same opinion of anyone who has a career in identity politics as I do of child molesters. I find you morally reprehensible.

If you think that the identity group that someone is born into is the primary attribute that they should be judged by, you're human garbage*. If you have a university degree and you believe this, you're even lower.

I could go on, but I don't want to over-seethe. I've got stuff to get done today.

*The only exception to this rule is orphans, who are the Devil's children and should be shunned accordingly.

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Frick you, longpostbot. I deserve TWO stars at least.

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Isn't the average IQ of an Abbo such that your program of owing extra shit to the disabled would inherently give them all money anyway?

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How is this still happening? Well...the Greens, but still.

Honestly all of the architects of the Voice showed what they really wanted and would do if empowered because they were so confident they'd win. Thank God their arrogance stopped them from doing the smart thing and shutting up before it was too late.

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They appear to have taken the referendum defeat as more reason to push forward with everything else lmao. From the article-

"What the [referendum defeat] told us is the absolute need for truth-telling in this country," he said.

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"Campaigning will increase until truth telling improves."

These people NEVER consider WHY people were against this. They lack the introspection or empathy / theory of mind to consider someone's view without defaulting to 'Oh it's because they're racist'. Rather than, 'you people are tyrants and I don't trust you not to abuse any power you get as you have so clearly stated you intend to'.

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Theory of mind is for someone who isn't on the right side of history

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Well the Greens aren't getting my vote this year if they're still shiting on about this abbo nonsense

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Maybe the best way to address Indigenous disadvantage is through broader based welfare programs to help all Australians rather than specific initiatives for Indigenous people which attract less political support?

That's what we're doing already and it's failing miserably to hit any of the closing the gap targets. If the current programs aren't hitting the mark surely a more nuanced and targeted approach is needed.

Or maybe we need more ambitious and far reaching welfare programs? I hardly think the social security system we have at present is fit for purpose and any advocate would tell you as much.

These people need to understand that there is a significant amount of people that no matter how much help you give them, you can't save them

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Welfare isn't going to "close the gap" for people living in a <1000 population village 500 kilometres from the nearest city. It is inherently difficult, expensive, and even wasteful to extend certain kinds of infrastructure to bumfrick nowhere, and obviously it's hard to get teachers/doctors/etc. to go live in a shithole and serve the local populace. That's not to mention that much of said populace outright refuses to accept the benefits of civilisation, like law and order, and have "traditional values" that run contrary to prosperity. The only way you'll ever uplift the aboriginal population of remote rural Australia is to basically Stolen Generation them, but nobody callous enough to do that actually gives a frick about them.

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I admire their tenacity, they got embarrassed on the referendum but are still fully committed to the grift.

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