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EFFORTPOST Gambling! Slavery! Electrocution! Find out how Alice Guo became the most hated woman in the Philippines


One quick bit of introduction first, what is a POGO? Gambling is illegal (with some exceptions) in much of Asia (China, Korea, Japan). A Philipine Offshore Gaming Operator is a company physically located in the Phillippines that meets those gamblers' needs across the internet. Some have huge compounds where their hordes of Chinese workers toil away at computers and phones all day. It's a pretty sketchy business to begin with, but POGOs attract all kinds of other vices. Those compounds supply prostitution, drugs, and obviously gambling to the local Filipino population as well. They branch out from internet gambling to scams against mainland Chinese: selling bullshit cryptocurrency or just a traditional catfishing love scam. And some of them might even violate labor regulations.

Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated

Feb 25 - A Vietnamese man tells police that he escaped from a POGO in the town of Bamban he had been forced to work in. A Malaysian also reports that fricked-up stuff is going on there, like torturing people with electricity.


Bamban, a city of 78,000 in central Luzon. The roofs are that cheap because they're just going to get blown away by a typhoon in 1-2 years anyway.

Mar 13 - The POGO compound ("Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated") is raided by law enforcement led by the Presidential Anti-Organized Crime Commission (PAOCC). Everybody shows up:

the Philippine National Police (PNP) Criminal Investigation and Detection Group (CIDG), Integrity Monitoring Enforcement Group (IMEG), Intelligence Group (IG), Women and Children Protection Center (WCPC), and the [Army's] Northern Luzon Command (NOLCOM)

Notably missing are the local Bamban police and the regional command of the National Police. It's a good thing they brought help because the place is enormous, a 10 hectare (25 acre) compound with 36 buildings, including barracks, villas with secret tunnels, and an Olympic-size swimming pool. Evidence of their crimes was all over the place, most obviously the huge number of cell phones used in their scams. There's chaos trying to sort out hundreds of people from different countries.

Around this time a very interesting comment is made on a Youtube video:

Ask the Mayor of that municipality,Shes a friend of the chinese builders of that compound,Shes a chinese also,of course someone would leak their operation,The Mayor and Chief of Police of that town are very close,also ask the Brgy.officials of Annupul,they know who built that placa,the same Chinese group who funded the Mayors campaign

I wonder if that will come up again later. :marseyhmm:


When I say "compound", this is what I'm talking about.

Mar 16 - The scale of this operation is revealed:

At least 658 foreign and Filipino workers were found... 383 Filipinos, 202 Chinese, 54 Vietnamese, 13 Malaysians, two Indonesians, two Rwandans, a Taiwanese, and a Kyrgyz. The PAOCC said at least 280 foreigners from the said list have no documents to legally stay in the country

Just finding a place to keep these people while they were sorted out would be a challenge, but fortunately another similar POGO operation had been raided earlier and had lots of empty buildings to use now.

There's also 38 vehicles parked there with switched license plates. The first arrests are made: 8 foreigners (mostly Chinese) and 1 Filipino.

Joann Manabat, who I'm stealing all my information from, at the compound raid. She randomly speaks English 20% of the time so you can basically tell what's going on.

Mar 26 - The mayor Alice Guo seems to keep popping up in the investigation. A Ford Expedition registered to her was among the vehicles found in the compound. Her name is on an application for "Hongsheng Gaming Technology Incorporated", a company that just happens to be located at the very same compound. By now the Senate has begun investigating what the heck is going on. :marseydetective:


Well, isn't she chipper?

Apr 6 - It turns out that 6 of the Chinese found in the compound are wanted back on the mainland for various crimes.

fraud, illegally crossing the national border, running a gambling house, aiding information network criminal activities, and creating disturbances.

Apr 9 - Cops using acetylene torches break into 11 safes found on the property. They still have 16 left to go. It's difficult work as they keep running into unexpected problems. All of the welders in the area were busy "attending a seminar" every angle grinder had vanished.

By now a serious investigation of the local officials in Bamban has begun. Mayor Guo insists she has nothing to hide:

Guo said the allegations are unfounded as the crimes of human trafficking, torture, and illegal detention are intolerable. She said she has been "unfairly persecuted" without real investigation.

Don't worry honey, you'll get a real investigation all right. :marseysmug2:


Don't you just want to wipe that smile off her face?

Apr 11 - The remaining safes are breached. Not much cash is found but there is a huge number of cell phones and crypto wallets to sift through as well as some of the slaves' documents.

A Malaysian and a Vietnamese, Dylan and Danny, were among the foreign nationals who reported torture and abuse in the facility. Dylan was bought for P300,000 to work for Zun Yuan while Danny escaped from the Baofu compound on February 25.


The beating heart of corruption in Bamban. It doesn't look so scary tbh.

May 7 - Mayor Guo appears before a Senate committee to explain herself. She denies any connection to "Zun Yuan Technology Incorporated" or "Hong Sheng Gaming Technology Incorporated" (the old name of the company). She isn't terribly convincing as there are many financial records tying her to it.

The most interesting part of her testimony has nothing to do with crime or POGOs. Guo was evasive when asked about her business dealings but she was also evasive when asked basic questions about who the heck she is and where she comes from. Through a series of coincidences she just happens to have left no paper trail while growing up. She was born at home and never bothered to get a birth certificate until she was 17. She was homeschooled all the way through high school and never went to college. She was raised by her father on the family hog farm. One day in 2022 she decided to run for mayor, with her campaign funded by the generous contributions of the friends she made while hog farming. A senator remarked on how she was truly a political outsider:

Figuratively you came out of nowhere then you became mayor? That's okay, a refreshing break from our political dynamics.



So WTF is going on here? Who is Alice Guo? Where did she come from? Why does she have to hide it? Why do Filipinos care so much about this case in the first place?

Guo is a Chinese name. There have been Filipinos of Chinese descent going back centuries, at least to the time of the Manila Galleons. There are something like a million Chinese Filipinos today and a large part of the population has some Chinese blood. They excelled in business and today are among the most prominent families, even being elected President. For the most part we're not talking about these people today, although they're probably catching some heat from this too.


Notice she's going to be the first "lady mayor" of Bamban. I guess they have "it's her turn" over there too.

We're talking about a very different group of people, the ones who have just arrived during the Duterte presidency (2016-2022). Under Duterte's corrupt China-friendly rule, visas were sold to Chinese illegal immigrants and they flooded in to work in the POGOs that were sprouting up by the hundreds. These brought with them unruly new neighbors as well as every kind of vice. They were also obviously used for Chinese intelligence operations and deeper penetration of the legitimate economy. Filipinos are tired of having a bunch of lowlife foreign criminals coming and taking over their country. At the same time they are outraged at another more traditional kind of Chinese invasion, the military occupation of their territory. With this much hostility to mainland China, the public is curious to know how she suddenly appeared in their country and who she really works for.

Will they get their answers? Can Alice Guo do anything to make herself even more hated? Who knows? I've only gotten to May so far and the investigation is still going irl. I'll try to eventually catch up to now so that we can watch events unfold in real time.


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I should've known you'd do a writeup before I got around to it. Had you heard about this before I mentioned it the other week?

Through a series of coincidences she just happens to have left no paper trail while growing up. She was born at home and never bothered to get a birth certificate until she was 17.

This actually isn't that rare here (although, they're not the people with money/connections to get into politics). We have a friend whose name got written down incorrectly by the midwife doing the paperwork after a home birth. :marseyxd: Filipinos often have 2-3 first names and the one she uses isn't one of them.

There have been Filipinos of Chinese descent going back centuries, at least to the time of the Manila Galleons.

The Chinese had been here before the Spanish ever showed up. There's pottery dating back a thousand years. The immigration was during the Manila Galleons era though.

BTW the Marcos loyalists absolutely loathe Aquino and associate the revolution and installation of a Chinita as proof that it was a communist coup. This scandal will result in approval rates for Marcos skyrocketing if the territorial encroachment is resolved...

Bongbong's sister Imee is a senator and likely to run next election cycle, and the grandchildren are in politics in Ilocos Norte. Imelda might be the shrewdest :marseygeisha: on the planet. Steals 3-5 billion USD from the country and directs her useless husband and failson to the presidency while creating a dynasty unlikely to end in our lifetimes.

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Unrelated but my filipino twink friend was trying to convince me to vacation there some time. What are the odds I get murdered and my kidneys stolen?

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Near zero, there is very little crime here especially considering how impoverished the country is. Don't walk around Tondo or other sketchy parts of Metro Manila alone at night and the worst you'd risk is getting mugged in a jeepney holdup.

If you're just hitting up the vacation spots like Palawan and Boracay the only criminal elements are drugs/gambling/prostitution.

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Tbh I was too drunk at the time to remember where he wanted to go but it was supposed to be tourist-y, doesnt sound any worse than most of South America so ill probably do it

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You should go. I never felt unsafe, even in the sketchier parts of Metro Manila.

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I should've known you'd do a writeup before I got around to it.

I was gonna ask you before I did it, but then I didn't have time, then I suddenly did have time... I meant to.

Had you heard about this before I mentioned it the other week?

I remember you mentioning the general problem with POGOs and thinking maybe that's something I could write about someday. That's probably why I paid attention to this. But the immediate reason is I have a bunch of foreign news sites where I just glance at the headlines every morning, and one was Rappler. I noticed that day after day they're constantly talking about this Alice Guo who is just the mayor of a small city. So finally I just searched for the earliest mention of her.

the Marcos loyalists absolutely loathe Aquino

As fricked up as it is to have these family feuds dominate politics, it's not worse than a two-party system.

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I mentioned Alice Guo when you were talking about the West Philippine Sea stuff last week. Are you drinking again? :marseysad:

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I've had weird sleep problems that caused memory issues before so I wanted to find out wtf happened.

I think I got it now. You talked about Alice Guo and gave me a link to something about her. When I read that link I must have associated it with Rappler not you. So later I think it's Rappler where I originally got the idea.

So it's not too bad but I used to have a really good memory for stuff like that. Must be sleep deprivation... or I'm already getting old.

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No, so it honestly makes me worried that I don't remember this. :marseyscared: I was trying to make sure to remember it so I could use it later.

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The midwife births at home used to happen in rural Texas all the time, it was actually was a bone of contention for a lot of people who couldn't prove they were born until it was regulated in the 80s and midwifes where required by the state to meet the same requirements as hospitals.

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What do the pinxys think of Biden?

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Most of them don't think about American elections at all, I've heard negative comments about his age/mental state but that's it.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719871107149416.webp bvilt for the Northernmost Aryan Nordic-Germanic V̈bermensch VVestern Evropean BWC from the Cold Arctic lands of Hyperborea, the way how she can recover her reputation is for her to get spitroasted by VVHITE BVLLS to get creampied by an Aryan BWC, knowing her place as a chingchong oriental svlt for the VVHITE ARYAN EVROPEAN MAN :gigachud: !coomers

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Strags will complain about Pride Month and then post nonsense like this 365 days a year :marseydisagree:

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I'm pinning a different post. My God, if I invited my family and this is the first comment they saw...


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!metashit this nibba shows rDrama.net COMMENTS (not funny pics and highlights) to his family! :gigachad2:

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!gaystapo, I know Pride Month is over, but come on. This obscene display of straggotry is a bridge too far, time of year be darned! :marseysjw:

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I just think she is a lil cute

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>scams against mainland Chinese

based. hope she becomes president

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I just wish it was Indians. It's about time we retaliated.

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send some chinese textbooks to sector 5 kolkata

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kolkata is already commie central ask @Sasanka_of_Gauda

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The biggest victims of a Chinese scam operation has always been other ethnic Chinese.

My mother was wise to move to a place far away from other Chinese. I had never encountered any bullshits pulled by them.

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>Most hated woman in the Philippines

That title used to belong to /ourgirl/, Imelda. This b-word is nothing compared to the most magnificent girlboss of the 20th century. :marseyyass:

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She's only hated by the :bobateagirl: diaspora, actual Filipinos here continued to love her. After the People's Power Revolution the first president elected was a :marseychingchong: Chinita and the Marcos legacy has been defined primarily as being seen as an ally of the US against the commies so it was pretty easy to spin. Reagan granting them immunity has been a very long lasting disaster.

Bongbong is currently polling upwards of 80% approval and his sister Imee is a somewhat realistic future president, with the grandkids already dominating the political scene in Ilocos Norte.

Imelda truly is the biggest :marseygeisha: :seasoningpolicequeen: for pulling her family back into a dynasty after stealing $3-5 billion. Her children have shown zero initiative or drive their entire lives (Bongbong dropped out of college)... she is absolutely the one pulling the strings. !asians !pinoypride

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She's only hated by the :bobateagirl: diaspora, actual Filipinos here continued to love her.

That's what makes her such a girlboss. She was simultaneously the most hated and most loved woman in the country. Only a select handful of queens have ever managed that. :marseynails:

Maggie and Lizzie sure as Heck didn't. They had to split things up. :marseythatchergenocide: :marseyqueenlove::marseyqueenlove::marseyqueenlove:

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Maggie is quite beloved outside of Reddit. Britons consistently rate her one of the greatest PMs.

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You know who steals 5 billion dollars?


You steal 100 bucks and get caught, it's your problem.

You steal 5 billion bucks and get caught? That's their problem.

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Hi @Redactor0 can you shorten your post to 30 words (or less)?

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She's most definitely a Chinese spy, but I can fix her (with my peepee and balls)

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I'm happy :marseypinkcat: to see these horrific slave operations covered more. I've been researching KK Park in Mayanmar and it's one of the most depressing :marseydoomer: things I have come across in years. Great :marseyfingergoodjob: job writing :marseychudnotes: this up.

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Thx fam. :marseyblowkiss:

KK Park in Mayanmar and it's one of the most depressing :marseydoomer: things I have come across in years

I don't know anything about Myanmar and maybe I shouldn't.

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Essentially the same kind of deal. Asian :marseychingchongpearlclutch: foreigners are lured there :marseycheerup: with the promise of good tech jobs and then are kidnapped and tortured until they submit and operate "pig butchering" scams all day. Rumors of organ :marseybrain: harvesting as well. It's extremely dark and depressing.

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It was widely reported in Taiwanese news media last year. Apparently a lot of r-slurs went there despite being warned by the custom officials.

There was even a story of a girl who went there with her boyfriend, got rescued out because some people in Taiwan pulled some strings, and went back because she decided she wanted to be with her boyfriend.

Apparently these kind of thing has been going on in SEA for many many years now.

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You should do a write up on it one day. I really enjoy your posts :marseyfluffy:

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Thank you. :marseybow:

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Great writeup. I saw this story just a while ago. I grew up hearing a lot of shits going down there, but this is just on another level.

This lady is definitely guilty. Eventually all of the ethnic Chinese around the world will have to make their allegiance clear, that whether they are with the commies or not.

Not going to be pretty.

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They've had it bad enough already even without any external problems.

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Eventually all of the ethnic Chinese around the world will have to make their allegiance clear, that whether they are with the commies or not.

The Act of Killing but starring a Black Oakland gangbanger

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>Dylan was bought for P300,000


:marseythinkorino2: @Redactor0 How much to buy you bb?

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Frick it man, I'm free if you can get me out of Portland. I'm a cripple so I know you can't make me do really hard work. Maybe seduce lonely middle-aged Chinese women all day. And who's to say I don't already do that? :marseyshrug:

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I'll buy you a one way plane ticket once I buy my house, maybe we can fit these on your chair: https://i.rdrama.net/images/1719886566289984.webp

Not a lot of Chinese women around though tbh, they mostly hang in Paris and I can't afford a house there.

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Redactor why is rdrama so zogged?

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I don't know. Maybe it's contrarianism and caring about the Palestinians they see as the mainstream now.

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Ya that's it, Redditors support the Palestinians so they went over to team Israel. I'm definitely a contrarian, but even I don't have the stomach for that tbh

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!pinoypride tell me if I got this right bros. :marseyembrace:

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POGO of Bamban

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I saw her and immediately knew she was mainland Chinese. It's just kinda obvious she just tacked on a Christian name and rolled with it.

She's kinda cute in a mousey way

Stop calling her "Alice Guo" she's Guo Hua Ping and she's a pure blooded Chekwa that needs to be punished to the full extents of our law.

:#marseychingchong:Lumaki po ako ss farm. Lumaki po ako sa farm ma'am Karen 12 years old ko po nalaman na

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Hey, you're not Mexican

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Eh I spent time in the PI and had a girlfriend from there (like a real one I met when I was in HS and was with through college). I'm not Pinoy as far as I know

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Garten of Bamban

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