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:!thinkingstatue: Sorry for the longpost, but I find it to be an intersting aspect of french politics. This shit has been actually an issue in the Rassemblement national had for over a decade, now. Despite the "clean-up" facade they've been doing.

:marseyfedora: The problem with Le Pen's party is that they're a genuine clan : They hold the secured seats warm for Marine :marseyfrozenchosen:, her niece :marseyfoidretard:, her sister :marseyfrozenchosen2:, her cousin :marseywomanmoment2:, her nephew-in-law (the current president of the party) :marseywhirlyhat:, her cat :marseywave2: etc.

Any other less strategic flyover circumscription, they don't really give a shit about it. So any loyal civilian literallywho ready to spend their own time and resource to apply in the name of the party can do it. :!marseythumbsup:

They do no background check (ending up green-lighting candidates like one that turned out to be involved in hostage crisis decades ago :marseybateman:, one that is reported as clinically insane and inapt to hold a public position :marseyschizotwitch:, and of course a shitspew of angery chuddies that wrote stacks of no-no posts on Facebook or other social media :impishchud: :impishchud:).

And more tragic, they give them no formation or training whatsoever. You surely figured out that in France, politics is a serious and fiery subject, and it is common practice for parties to make their recruits undergo hours of training, debate exercises, reading theory, learning the party's program to avoid getting destroyed in debate contests and humiliating yourself (and the party). Some left-wing parties don't let you carry the party's label on you unless you read bookloads of theory and survive mk-ultra tier simulations, where you have to you to defend your point and stay cool sitting on a table of 4 people constantly shit-talking and harassing you. :marseyunamused: :!marseyraging: :!marseyraging: :!marseyraging: :!marseyraging:

But forming people to that costs time and money. And the Le Pens are not only broke :marseybeggar:, but want to keep what little they have to themselves :marseymerchant:. So they just end up throwing these little guys with no experience in politics, laws, or even public speaking at all as cannon fodder since they have little to no stake on them in the first place. And thus safe for the few self-conscious, polished figureheads of the clan, the party's image is spotlit by amateurs at best :marseyclueless:, or borderline drooling r-slurs at worst :marseygigaretard:.

So frogs ended up with hours of footage of regional LePeepeet r-slurs getting torn apart by opponents or journos because they had absolutely no rhetoric beyond "muh immigration :marseynpc2:", and the second the subject goes to more mundane stuff like "maintenance of the railroad system", they would unironically shutdown because they genuinely have no clue what's their own party stance about it. :!marseypikachu2:

!francais how's my anal-ISIS on it?

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Sacre bleu

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>You surely figured out that in France, politics is a serious and fiery subject, and it is common practice for parties to make their recruits undergo hours of training, debate exercises, reading theory, learning the party's program to avoid getting destroyed in debate contests and humiliating yourself (and the party).

Non frogs don't get how important rethoric is to french schools, they are a nation of pedants. It's what makes them both impossibly annoying and amazingly entertaining

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that sounds kinda based though, how do frogs end up the most cucked r-slurred cute twinks on earth?

I fricking wish Brazilians would take at least one debate class or some shit at least once in their horrible lives,

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I think their school system encourages obedience to the state; their most prestigious school trains bureaucrats. They're a bit like Japan in that way (study being important + trust in the meritocracy)

>I fricking wish Brazilians would take at least one debate class or some shit at least once in their horrible lives,

Same here, I've met homeless parisians with more debate skills than my politicians

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how do the guys that argue like women :marseyextinction: all day end up cucked


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how do frogs end up the most cucked r-slurred cute twinks on earth?

Have you seen the rest of Western Europe?

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I haven't had a good debate in years.

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This is not necessarily a purely French phenomenon.

Yes, this is part of the problem but if you genuinely believe that only the far right of France has r-slurred members in its local divisions then you might also be r-slurred. If anything I'm surprised what kind of low-level politicians they could muster - compare that to the ACTUAL r-slurs the German AFD regularly unleashes and you'll realize that even the least intelligible Fr*nch man has the grandiloquence of upper tier dramatards.

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That's the thing, the AFD still manages to be popular (mostly in the east) despite the fact that half their candidates spend their afternoons on the sharty

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That's a lot of words to try to deny that the elections were stolen by Makaron who ordered them to be repeated!!! If not for his machinations, Le Pen surely would have won!!!! :marseyrage: :marseyrage: :marseyrage:

In all honesty, being a Rightoid the biggest hurdle in life is coping with the fact that you are surrounded by subhuman mongoloids with less insight than drunken, disease ridden homeless bum rolling down the stairs form the nearest booze vendor.

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I read every word and liked it!


the second the subject goes to more mundane stuff like "maintenance of the railroad system", they would unironically shutdown because they genuinely have no clue what's their own party stance about it. :!marseypikachu2:

The railroad system? I'll make it better than ever!


>does nothing but the status quo


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