White house correspondences start fighting with the press secretary after asking why a Parkinson's doctor has been visiting the white house regualrly. Biden fans continue coping.

This dude with the most transparent "we gotta find the hotdog that did this" act so far.

Here they are seething on Twitter.


My God.

I'm not like @YALLAHblessYoTraplord, so I'm not gonna just spam a bunch of Twitter screenshots to dupe the algorithm. But I promise you it's all galactic cope (because she's black, MAGA news outlets, p-do r*pe allegations, whatever you can dream up they'll say).


Let's move on over to reddit for a more balanced perspective:


This is ridiculous. Biden wasn't even at the White House on most of these visits.

His team was consulting for this: https://www.parkinson.org/blog/awareness/national-plan


He's supposed to give a live press conference on Thursday. For his sake, I hope this doesn't happen then because it's his last chance.

Ain't no frickin' way. Mark your calendars boys.

This thread perfectly encapsulates the "everything is burning down" feeling that you get with this administration. There's a lot of good ones in there. Post your favorite!


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As I type this, she is an hour late for her own press conference (BPT) and this Stacy is clowning around on her podium getting pics taken:


Live comments state "She's not using it XD"

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A journ*list just asked why Biden was looking for a congresswoman who was dead, and she said it was because she was top of mind for him at the time. They'd be better off claiming he could talk to ghosts.

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She just mentioned that AOC fully supports Biden. What a sellout. I'm deleting my feet folder.

She's saying his voice was hoarse due to his cold. Earlier I saw this quadruple πŸ‘ certified πŸ‘ neurologist feller say it's so blatantly Parkinson's that he could diagnose him from across the mall.

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I just wanna say I'm a democrat. But this guy is not a hard case lol.


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If a med student couldn't instantly identify him as a Parkinson, I would call him a fricking r-slur and scissor kick him through the drywall

What did he mean by this?

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Med students deserve to be bullied.

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Gotta humble their egos early so they don't end up like lasering their initials into the organs they transplant. Also so they learn they aren't rockstars, just little nerdy goobers no matter how much coke they do and how heavy they lift.

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M. Bison recently came out in Street Fighter 6 and has a busted scissor kick, he's probably a Bison main :marseyhesfluffyyouknow:

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OR, he once saw Bill Braskey scissor kick Angela Lansbury.

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@GaryBussy next think like a doctor writing prompt?

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She just mentioned that AOC fully supports Biden. What a sellout.

!nooticers Did anyone fail to notice this during her very first term when she lost a bunch of talking points unpopualr with the establishment and started voting along party lines?

She's a cog in the machine riding 10 year old #HipNewGirlBoss energy

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Lol bro she literally cried when she found out she's not allowed to defy israel. She got legitimately buckbroken and now she's just coasting on innocuous progshit

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Lol bro she literally cried when she found out she's not allowed to defy israel.

LMFAO do you have a link?

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She knows she'll have a comfortable life as a career politician if she plays the game as a fundraising magnet for the DNC.

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Casting couch victim

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looks eager to me


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AOC is the most principled representative we've ever had. I refuse to believe she sold out.


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all the experts say biden is sharp as a tack, so...

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She just publicly pledged her big soft luscious support to him. AOC is officially to the right of James Carville.

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:marseypikac#hu2: US politics? A sharade? No! No.


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She's probably on stage so all the cameras can get their lens focus correct and do test shots

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She's such an unconvincing liar lol, how can they not find someone better at it?

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"Muh black lesbian" hire role which is funny that she has been the legit worst rep of all time. Even Paki was better, which once again is a grave warning for any admin thinking about hiring a black cute butch to do anything except if they need a department lead who's sole mission is to be obnoxious as possible:

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please dont be a racist and capitalize the "b" in Black

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Ni gg er

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nickel good game emergency room?

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I miss scaramoochi or however it's spelled

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The guy who hid from reporters in bushes? Gotta give it to him, that was an unconventional approach to press secretarying.

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I think he was only press secretary for a week. IIRC it destroyed his life, wife left him, etc.

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Even more reason to bring him back, he has nothing left to lose now.

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Yeah, somebody recorded a phone call with him and he got fired for it. He was just being the Mooch, complaining about somebody else in the White House "cockblocking" him. I try to pattern my own speech after him.

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I heard him on some podcast and the guy is actually really smart. He was talking about American history in the 1800s or something and he had all these great insights that I'd never thought of before. He wasn't the Mooch I expected.

I unironically think he probably got fired because he was too smart and the other Trump cronies were afraid of him.

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So literally Putin?

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If Trump wins again, he's going to bring a bunch of goons like that guy back with him again, only there won't be a John Kelly to make him fire any of them this time around.

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The Mooch is fricking awesome and I mean that completely seriously. He may not have been the best press secretary but he actually knows a lot about politics. Way more than 95% of the tards you see on tv.

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don't call me a racist but shes a dei hire




>married to white woman

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you're forgetting

Awful at her job

@PermaChudRanch love sucking peepee less than carp and his alts

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just say the N word

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Why didn't you leave the I out

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because its the n-word not the ni-word :marseyindignant:

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:marseythinkorino: The Knights Who Say BIPOC would fly in 70's Britain.

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She is a BIPOC

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This is the 3rd or 4th person they've put in this job, so they're not sending their best. Also, when you decide beforehand that it has to be a black lesbian, you cut out a lot of the talent pool.

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DC is a town awash in inveterate liars, it's sad this was the best they could do.

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Please understand, she's never actually been challenged on her bullshit so she thinks she's a much better liar than she is and can't understand why she'd get pushback in a partisan role.

Unironically the racism of low expectations (but for herself).

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Being a WH press secretary for the Democratic party has gotta be the easiest gig in the world.


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It's actually pretty hard if you do it right. I used to watch the State Department press briefings. Every question was from some foreign journo who is trying to get them to say too much so they can write a headline "Shocking important new US policy on relations with us!" in the Bujumbura Times. So the press secretary has to find a way to dodge all these questions and not say anything substantive.

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It would be an awful job

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DEI hire

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She is about as dumb as a brick. To be fair, most WH press correspondents are, but she really is on a special level of her own. :marseygigaretard:

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To be fair, most WH press correspondents are

all PR people are*

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how can they not find someone better at it?

they could but muh DEI so they didn't.

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her voice is pleasant

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I find it so grating because of how vacuous and unsure it seems. That infuriating, level, robotic HR tone that serves to amplify any paper shuffle or mouth sound she makes.

Like, speak with authority and confidence even if it's blatant bullshit. Lady you are in THE top propaganda positon - convince or intimidate me that Biden has tiger blood.

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Biden's Strongest Soldiers on Twitter are THIIIIIIIISSSSSSSS :marseythissmall: close to labeling journos :marseyjourno: :marseyreportercnn: as the "Enemy of the People" like Trump did lmao.

"Folks, I'm not kidding, here's the deal, fat, these journ*lists are the enemy of the people, Jack. I'm not joking. PERIOD. They are spreading fake news, jack." :marseybiden:

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I'm starting to agree with Trump on one thing, that the media really is the enemy of the people. These folks are going to walk us right into a right wing dictatorship. πŸ€¦πŸΌβ€β™‚οΈ

They already did on reddit lmao


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In a certain sense, Democrats were always EXTREMELY jealous that Orange Father had a base of screeching tards who could turn their brains off, get whipped up into a frenzy, and believe that their leader could only be failed by vast conspiracies plotting against him.

Well now the Dems finally have their OWN Donald Trump, and his name is JOSEPH ROBINETTE BIDEN :gigabiden: :darkbidenblast:

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But isn't Robinette a woman's name ?


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Democrats had that since 2016.

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There wasn't anyone who was actually willing to die for hillary, nobody's ever prayed to Biden while getting arrested on meth

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They kicked and screamed at their propaganda like russiagate which is good enough.

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:ma#rseyfsjal: journocaust closer every day

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The difference is no one's going to deny that the journocaust happened

They're just going to ask why we waited so long

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>im tired of the elites

>im tired of these polls

Biden could rip his mask off reveal he is Trump and i would still vote for him over orange man bad. Why every celebrity and jounralists is against somehow reinforces my feelings

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Every day some new leftoid is telling us "AKSHUALLY one time drumph r*ped a baby." They'll just say anything at this point; it's so pathetic. :marseysneed:

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I would believe Trump molested his daughter, I'd believe the same thing about Biden. But Trumps kid never came out and said he used to watch them shower.

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I would :marseywood: molest :marseygroomer: trump's daughter

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Im old but i remember the Glenn Beck r*ped a girl in 1993 meme that started. It was "just asking questions". At the time he was a really toned down version of Alex Jones

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Especially when the question isn't Biden vs. Trump, it's Biden vs. any other goddarn person in this country who might run as a Democrat. You would have to be literally r-slurred to not understand that, but millions of people are pretending they don't.

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You are not like me because you are a lazy cute twink.


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Jeebro, you disappoint me :marseysad:

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https://media.giphy.com/media/OrIA09Ue7r6EUOrMqm/giphy.webp ya win sum ya lose sum


disappointment towards me is not a valid reason to forego your eternal duty (upvoting me) :#hmph:

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Stfu you newsorting BIPOC

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OH NO did my superior newsorting ways disturb your dramaviewing habits?


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When you think of something witty to say, you deserve to go to the top, you pol-posting heathen!



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In this house we believe in equality for all unfunny neurodivergents YOU EUGENICS SUPPORTING NAZI.

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And @LilMarseyontheprairie don't you think for a second that I didn't catch your newsorting bullshit recently

Knock it off

or else

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NO. JOIN US @LilMarseyontheprairie. We are like a new religion sprouting up from gaysus' sneeding.


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I am so confused

I've never had my attention fought for before

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WITH US YOU WILL BE A PIONEER. You will see sneed you wouldn't even believe.


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Frick I'm sold


There be Sneed in them hills

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:#doomer: :#marseytabletired2:

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Hey! Rude!


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Healthcare is so fricked that the president can only afford to see a doctor once a year and even that is too much for pundits.

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afford to see a doctor once a year

Those are only for his official yearly physicals.

He's seeing doctors way more often than that, but in private.

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3 times



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What an absolute disaster. Like plenty of other conspiracy-oriented people online, I assumed at the time of the debate that this was all a calculated ploy by the DNC to get rid of Biden, but every day since then everything has been so chaotic and insane, and the level of unmitigated panic in the media is SO HIGH that there is no way anyone is planning any of this shit at all.

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There's definitely no plan. The Democrats have been caught with their pants down in the most embarrassing way possible and have no idea what to do now. There are rumors that people outside the White House had no access to the president for awhile now and had no idea how bad Biden got recently. His debate performance was just as much of a shock to them as it was to your average leftist.

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It's just like with Hillary. There's a cabal of tards running the Democratic Party who think they're smart. But really they're only smart enough to get their candidate nominated, not to pick someone who will actually win.

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Which is even funnier than aome grand conspiracy

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The general panic is definitely delicious :marseypopcorn:

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>a little respect here

Really? When she looks like that? :carpjynx:

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I dont respect any person that refuses to take a good peepee :marseys#jw:

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Even nuns?


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"Mr. Trump, have you stopped beating your wife?" :marseyreportercnn:

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