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Commies to r-slurred to understand repercussions of crushing their high-end tax base. :marseytrotsky: :marseytrotsky: :marseytrotsky: :marseytrotsky:



totally isn't what would happen, but that's A GOOD THING!




I'm surprised counter jerk threads actually pops out against the neurodivergent anti-west commies of anime_tits


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It's always incredible when policies like these are made by leftwingers because they ostensibly are against mega-corporations,

yet often in such crushing bureaucracy and stifling taxes, it is often ONLY mega-corporations and national chain companies capable of operating under such duress, with only the highest end organizations able to afford the legal representation and back channeling to overcome such soul crushing red tape

Often in places like the Free State, small businesses face hostile policies, and can't even get Rezoning rights for their properties into a business Town Planning application, while mega internaational corporations can more easily afford the legal framework or bribing to push through

I might be wrong in this, but i feel i have seen similar shortsighted leftwing aggrandizement

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What you're describing is not a bug but a feature of commie economic programs, crushing the so called "petite bourgeoisie" and then nationalize large corpos. Suffocating small businesses is intentional. It's not that they're "misguided but well intentioned", their end-goals are awful, always were and always will be.

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Petit Bourgeoisie (small business owners) are considered the vanguards of fascism and reactionary politics in leftist spaces so punishing them is the goal.

Western Leftists will unironically side with corporations to crush them because they think corporations can be more easily regulated by them and the government to provide benefits and gibs.

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Oh no... my next door mom and pop :marseychingchong: grocery store owners are :marseyauthright: and are going to heckin kill all the :marseytrain2: heckin wholsome people.

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Time for me to go shop more at mom and pop stores

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>sell off the corp and fire everyone

>burn the employee list

>flee country with wealth and let nationalization happen

>gov has no idea who they have to hire now, fricking them over on your way out

Problem, commies? :marseytroll:

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More like:

>bribe authorities to look away when you break the law

>infiltrate parliment to have a high ranking supporter to push policies that favor you

>rule the parliment from the shadows while 90% of the politicians are part of or own shares in your company

>make laws as you will... or whatever, you can do whatever you want at this point

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You always provide some of the best arguments against left-wing economical policies. :marseykneel:

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What a lifetime of existence in commie !macacos land does to a mf

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Small business owners are without exception the worst scum of the earth. They will get what they deserve.

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Big nosed small business owners even mroe so

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One of the weirdest quirks of the redditor mindset is their inability to understand regulatory capture. The economy is a battle between good (government) and evil (markets), and more regulations = more government = gooder.

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This is a core !neolibs principle. As much as !commies complain that no one understands communism, they understand neoliberalism even less. Neoliberals hate special interests and unearned privileges, and see the free market as generally the best way to oppose them. The average person will not notice if a TV megacorp rigs regulation in their favor, but will notice if they're being sold a shit TV. The common people have more voice in the marketplace than in the ballot box.

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Neolibralism is a meaningless term made up by academics to describe something that they have issues with but are not knowledgeable enough to describe.

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Its hard to fight a corporation, like what are you going to do? Constantly stand out boycott, unabomber or protest government for change? Its easier to give be a heckin cute twink giving bad reviews on social ((controlled)) media of your subpar product.

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What you forget is that your average leftists who supports these policies motivated by envy and greed.

To your average communist, a national chain is almost an ungraspable concept. Sure, sure, he knows those are 'evil' too, but he viscerally hates the successful business owner who parks his Porsche Macan everyday across the street while he has to take the bus and stuttrs when someone asks him on a first date what he does for a living. A big slap in the face reminding him everyday of his own inadequacy.

They don't even care if these policies work, the primary goal is hurting people who are better than them.

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Imagine what leftoids could achieve if they let go of being butthurt at anyone successful in the current system and focused on helping those that need it rather than punishing le ebil bourgeoisie :marseythinkorino:

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yet often in such crushing bureaucracy and stifling taxes, it is often ONLY mega-corporations and national chain companies capable of operating

In America this is obvious with the meat-packing industry. Now there's extremely strict rules about keeping animals away from even getting diseases and how you slaughter them. We rarely get outbreaks of bad food now, and you can even do stuff that your parents would go insane over, like not cooking pork till it's white all the way through because trichinosis has been wiped out.

On the other hand, there's only a few huge mega-slaughter facilities in the country run by huge corporations that can sell you meat now. This became really obviously a problem during covid when one of their plants shut down and it meant basically no pork for anyone in America.

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Should be a merchant monkey considering !macacos corpos like JBS own meat factories and slaughter houses in the US

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I don't think Brazilians are famous for hating pork

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it feels :marseyvapecrying: like every latin :marseydayofthedead: american :marseyburger: politician is either ☭ or 卍

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Yeah I very much doubt that LVMH Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton execs will be paying these taxes.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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So you're starting too understand what communism is now. It's Neo feudalism always has been. The best way too oppress a people is too make those people the mechanism of their own oppression.

Trans lives matter

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>I might be wrong in this, but i feel i have seen similar shortsighted leftwing aggrandizement

Shortsighted is expecting the current status quo to produce different results without any major, systematic change. But here we are, peeing our pants at the thought of corporate swine packing their bags and leaving the county not realizing how completely captured our political system and economies are by this social class that absolutely does not have ours, or even the country's, best interests at heart.

Let's just do nothing and hope for a crumb of their increasingly larger wealth share, as wealth inequality climbs to historic highs, our social institutions crumble right before our eyes, salaries stagnate, benefits disappear, quality of life plummets, life expectancy shrinks and housing (and land) becomes increasingly unaffordable and in the hands of a few rich landlords, investment banks and private equity firms. This is totally sustainable. :marseyclueless:

Maybe all we need is just more neoliberalism, a few more regulations and financial incentives and I'm sure all of our problems will go away. Or maybe we'll just be busy choosing which warmongering, demented, octogenarian, corporate beholden politician we'll vote for while Rome burns.

In any case, I assure you, life will keep getting worse and rightoid morons like you will keep on blaming leftoids and commies for all of society's failures and problems when it's exactly your brand of politics and ideological cravenness that has brought us here, where everything is fricked and there's no hope of fixing our systemic flaws, economic inequalities and societal issues because the class of people leeches you defend on the regular has bought and paid for our politicians generations ago and have the economy and our societies by the balls. Enjoy the post-capitalist dystopia, you worked for it. :marseywink:

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>@kaamrev comments on how a tax bill and enlarging bureaucracy will harm small and medium businesses the most while only large corpos can handle them

>leftoid :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: calls him a corpo bootlicker while going on a tirade on "life expectancy and housing and le west has fallen"

!anticommunists why are commies like that?

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It's the same as any other wingcuck, they've twisted the evidence to match the conclusion they want to believe so badly. Communism with win therefore everything sucks right now and is getting worse. Commies will be literally living in the golden age and crying about it.


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>It's the same as any other wingcuck, they've twisted the evidence to match the conclusion they want to believe so badly.

>All those metrics, studies and trends are actually fake, commie! :chudsmug:


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You're the one posting doomerism all over the thread when life is better than ever. Life expectancy is at an all time high and percentage of people living in poverty is at an all time low. Same follows for nearly any other metric you could be interested in. The world is getting better and it's an evolutionary process, adopting a revolutionary process with no evidence of improving life besides vibes is asinine.


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Sorry to interrupt your r-slurred rightoid circlejerk.

>a tax bill and enlarging bureaucracy will harm small and medium businesses the most while only large corpos can handle them

God forbid having progressive taxation! Won't someone think of the upper-middle classes?! :soycry:

Besides the general poor understanding of how this particular tax would work among rightoid dramatards, and the French context of it, it would not harm small and medium businesses that much. My point still stands, however, that whenever anyone dares upset the rich, upper classes, rightoids like you will shid, fard and cry about the rich leaving the country and taking the roof over our heads with them. Every single time. They also never dare tackle the contradiction at play which is that of capital's transnational nature and why having a social class with that much power and leverage over all our societies and economies might just not be a good idea long-term.

leftoid :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: :marseylongpost: calls him a corpo bootlicker while going on a tirade on "life expectancy and housing and le west has fallen"

Yeah, how dare I point out someone's lopsided logic and poor understanding of basic progressive taxation as they make a point of how implementing a high marginal tax rate is "shortsighted leftwing aggrandizement". So yeah, frick corporate bootlickers and their sycophantic pleas for inaction as shit keeps getting worse all around us.

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things are better than they've ever been but clearly we should throw it all away to switch to the economic system that constantly fails at the behest of people that want the current system to fail.

Oh we'll get right on that.

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>things are better than they've ever been

True, I've never been able to buy as many funko pops as today.

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Yes consumerism is bad so we better make sure we're all waiting in bread lines and murder anyone industrious enough to start their own business.

Let me guess we should elevate all worthless commies into high ranking positions where they can make sure society can't function?

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Careful there, that strawman is a fire hazard.

>Let me guess we should elevate all worthless commies into high ranking positions where they can make sure society can't function?

Nah, we should first dispose of worthless bootlickers like you. Something something gommunism bad 100 gorillion dead I love corporate peepee and hate brown people. There, no need to reply anymore.

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It's not a strawman. Communism literally advocates for the violent overthrow and murder of the bourgeois. But yeah it's totally a straw man to accurately describe your ideology.

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None of these words are in the Bible

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It's funny when they say "it's only 1% of people". Like the 1% is 39% of the tax base. You can't afford to lose them.

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It doesn't matter how often policies like this fail, or how much richer the US is, because ultimately it boils down to ressentiment.

Just look at all the replies in this thread that boil down to "frick em". A lot of people would rather be materially worse off if it hurts someone above them even more, than wealthier if it means somebody else will benefit more. It's an ugly aspect of human nature, unfortunately.


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Commies don't love the poor, they hate the rich. Or rather, they hate those richer than them, since commies themselves tend to be very well off.

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I still think a lot of the cultural left originated from how much commies hate the ideology of the poorcels.

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why are commies so r-slurred? !anticommunists

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I'm going to be a poetry writer on days I feel like working in the glorious communist utopia


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If they were intelligent they wouldn't be poor.


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This is the type of people tell you we need class war over culture war so we can let them run the economy down completely.

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Lmao, it will never pass. They won a plurality but they're far from having a majority in the National Assembly.

!anticommunists !neolibs

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Not only that, but a third of the leftoids who were elected are socialists and will most likely never support ridiculous shit like this. If you're looking at commies, it's 120 people out of nearly 600. Even the chuds outnumber them.

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>20% of your government is literally r-slurred

>this is not a big deal


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Actually, if you add rightoids too, it's well over a third.


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It's actually 100%, all French parties are hilariously r-slurred. Most other nations I can see 1-2 parties I can reasonably see voting for, but in France they are all absolutely terrible. It's even worse due to the fact that their government controls most of the GDP of the country, so these r-slurs have a ton of power at their disposal.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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It's why they desperately try to cling on to there colonies and hate Russia for getting them kicked out of Africa.

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They're gonna be almost systematically opposed by the other 80% so yeah, it legit isn't a problem in itself.

The real problem is that they're taking seats other people could have.

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Guys we barely avoided losing to the rightoids. Lets double down on our r-sluration.

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This is why I ignore the common advice that I should invest in a diverse mixture of international equities and instead just go all in on US equities.

Frogs are r-slurred lol

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America is one of the few places set up for long-term growth. People talk about "emerging markets" when they were all 105IQ east Asian countries with a long history of success. Right now the best we have is Eastern Europe, but they're bogged down by EU r-sluration, everything else is hoping Indians discover indoor plumbing and expecting a bunch of literal unga bunga mud hut dwellers to develop a domestic tech industry.

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!kurwa is Eastern Europe the future? :marseysmug:

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Not unless poles start following Shinzo Abe's plea.


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105IQ east Asian countries with a long history of success

Not true. Japan, Korea, Taiwan, and Vietnam were bumfrick nowhere before any contact with Western civilizations. China had Chinkcide every 200~300 years which destroyed a lot of the legacy from the old dynasty. How East Asia has risen to it's current status is merely a result of Western investment on their economy.

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So what you're saying is we're only a few generations out from another self-inflicted chinkcide

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No, we are just a few decades out from a self-inflicted Chinkcide.

My mom literally saw her grandfather public humiliated and almost killed, a lot more had a much worse fate, however.


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>he isn't all in on investing in Somaliland


They will have independence within a decade and will control important waters in international shipping.

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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And then they can compete with Yemen to see who can extract the most bribes economic aid from shipping companies

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And then the 5 people who live in Djibouti will demand their cut too.

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Plus the Somalian and Ethiopian Islamists will regularly blow themselves up next to Somaliland buildings so endless growth if you invest in their construction industries.

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Your president can't speak.

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Isn't your typical French citizen already paying like >60% taxes ? Lol

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How long until taxes are measured against the state? As in, the percentage of the state's income from your labor you're allowed to keep

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France is a wild card in the European Union because they have obscene levels of income inequality and wage gap among their society (compared to their neighbours), which is only countered by the insane tax rates among the richest and wealth redistribution into their welfare state establishment.

This summersault from one extreme to the other springboards the country's rank up in the top 20 country index in social equality somewhere between Ireland and Poland, instead of several dozens of places down, between latamerican banana republics and some balkan mobocracy.

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Yes, in a global economy, if one nation taxes the wealthy they will simply move their liquid wealth elsewhere. Capital is outgrowing what was once it's principal tool, the nation state, to reign supreme over the world. No one predicted this over a century ago, and it just proves capitalism is truly natural and good.

If any of the somewhat serious !commies are left maybe they have the time to expound on this.

What's really funny is that I've seen lemmings online call the Davos set communist, because everyone knows that if a global force expects masses of people to own nothing and be happy that's what communism is.

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Own nothing and be happy, except rather than the (((state))) owning everything it's (((corporations)))

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This won't ever pass lol but people on here need to learn what marginal tax is it seems

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educate us

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Marginal tax is the amount payed for the excess income after reaching a determined tax bracket.

Let's asume a 20% for a bracket between 100k and 200k. Asume you earn 150k per year you'll have to pay ((150k-100k)x20)/100 = 10k dollars in tax.

!math !mathematics @Tonberry

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What? You'd pay 44k at 280k earnings, or 24% of your taxable income. You left off the tax on the first 100k.

You make less than double the other guy but pay more than four times the amount in taxes.

Talk about paying more than your fair share!

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You left off the tax on the first 100k.

I was giving a simplified example assuming no tax before 100k

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I know. But your math doesn't add up. The 280k earner would pay 100 x 0.2 + 80 x 0.3 = 44, or 24.44444%, not 24k.

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You're right, I'm going to cut the second 200k plus bracket from my example

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This is technically true but doesn't answer the question at all and is the worst possible way to explain tax brackets.


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If you earn 280k then you must pay ((280k-200k)x30)/100 = 24k dollars.

In addition to your (200k-100k)x.2 = 20k from the prior bracket, right? (and any other prior brackets)

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Yes, I simplified it. I'm editing my example

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I was 5 mins faster but you explained it better :marseykneel:

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It means taxing the value of income that exceeds the corresponding tax bracket, not their total income. Say a person is in a ≤600k$ bracket and they earned 700k$, only the 100k$ will be taxed 90% not the entire earnings. A 90% tax will still scare off rich people and end up doing more harm than anything but it's not as radical as it may seem at first

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90% marginal tax is essentially a price ceiling on high-value labour.

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All the high value labor was leaving to America anyway.

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It's only on income so this won't even affect the truly wealthy who don't make their money from income, it just punishes the already-punished middle class. Honhon Devereaux III will be totally unaffected on his generational wealth, but if Joe Froggs dares to work hard and be the first in his family to get a decent tech job this is a big hammer to ensure it's impossible to move between social classes.

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!germs looks like Straßburg will speak German :marseyauthrightill: soon again

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Classic germ proud of slaughtering French children.

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Basiert :marseykaise!r:

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something other than the proper Strasbourg


Don't make me create a francophile ping group.

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the redditor assumes that every single person making more money than them in their part time dog walking job is their enemy and must subsidize their funco pop obsession and constant use of doordash.

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This is good for the UK, I hope they do it.

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that's fine, less incentive to demand compensation packages over that amount which frees up budget to raise the floor salaries of everyone else below them

"Erm actually its a good thing if people cant get compensation"

Excuse me, we're being alarmist and reactionary over here

Alright if everyone wants to stay under a certain wealth level wouldnt that make a million the new billion?

Also hilarious that america gets mentioned first, eurocucks seething at THE economy that drives the world

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America should encourage this and also open borders.

For France, not us. We could brain drain the frogs so fast. Then when France is a 90% low-skilled Arab population after their Great Depression, we can open factories there for cheap labor.

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Believing that high taxes will disincentivize high earners to negotiate for higher tier salaries is the most r-slurredly minimum-wage-brained concept I've heard in a LONG time

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>random French guy making $200k after tax, $500k or whatever before tax

>new tax added, now makes $100k after tax

>"hey pay me more so i still make $200k"

>now makes $1 million, everyone else does the same, now company spends twice as much on salary

10/10 plan im sure France will continue to be super competitive

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In burgerland maybe but this is france where taxes are already sky high for the poors.

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@Bartendercel my brother in tips, what are you implying? That the French national tithe is so onerous to all earning brackets that our hypothetical high-wage-earning Parisian would just, dare I say, surrender, rather than negotiate a TC package that accounts for or circumvents all these known costs that are inherent to being a rich C-level in any developed nation?

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Taxes are the price of civilization, chudster. Tax season is my favourite time of year! :marseyembrace:

(Yes, I know I spell "civilization" like a Yank, and "favourite" like a Bong. That's just how we roll up here. At least we know the difference between "to" and "too", though...)

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"civilization" like a Yank, and "favourite" like a Bong


I can accept this.

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For people who constantly harp about how the mega-rich can just move base to exploit people elsewhere, they have given surprisingly little thought into what high tax would entice the mega-rich to do.

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:#marseyangelamerkel: how do they keep getting away with it?

https://i.postimg.cc/dVgyQgj2/image.png https://i.postimg.cc/d3Whbf0T/image.png

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Just heavily tax land and capital gains while reducing income tax a bit, that's all you need to do.

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I like the idea of an inverse tax. The lower income bracket get taxed higher and the billionaires get taxed 0% or close enough.

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This is taxes on commodities like milk and mentholated cigarillos

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