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EFFORTPOST Foid desperately seeks for attention on Threads, posts all about her baby daddy :shyyt: :turtoisebinoculars:

Good morning


Starting with a dive back into Threads, Instagram's limp attempt to revive old twitter.

I'd like to introduce you to Iggy.


I found their account when I did my first threads post on the lady who was mega-giga r*ped my NEIL GAIMAN.

Iggy is chronically online, they were actually continuously posting as I drafted this effortpost.

I think they're one of the only people who actually use Threads.

Iggy's account only went live 15 weeks ago.


Iggy's Story


Iggy is a self described fat, neurodivergent, bitter, disabled, chronically ill 46 year old trans masc "birthing person" raising two kids alone who also practices witchcraft

My favorite is "You used to be able to work. You can work. You're just being lazy." As if health doesn't change for people?

ya. I'm 46 years old with degenerative disc disease that started when I was in my late teens, arthritis in my spine, stage 3 spinal stenosis with bone spurs, arthritis with bone spurs in both knees and both like to slide out of place... i could go on... not that I owe random strangers an explanation of why i can't work, or even what makes me chronically ill.

OG post



>Oh my god. She literally checks all the boxes.


Iggy also constantly posts about their experiences with their abuser, who they name and shame almost on a daily basis.


Link to single motherhood

Trying this again cuz I noticed a glaring gap in what I was trying to communicate: I'm not brave or courageous for sharing my story. I am just screaming my trauma into the void

to encourage others to do the same

so that people know if I meet an untimely end, my abuser likely had something to do with it.

Even though it's been nearly 62 years since I escaped my relationshit with Lafayette Demel Lawrence Sr, he threatened to kill me as oftem as i felt compelled to tell him i loved him (i didn't. i was fawning.)

He held a katana (sword?) to my stomach and throat on numerous occasions. he flashed his pocket knives for fun.

Ruminating is a sign of mental illness

I'll be referring to Lafayette Demel Lawrence Sr as LDL from here, since she mentions him in almost every post.

That post was literally an hour old when I saw it for the first time. Iggy's gotten some amount of notoriety for making these posts.





Born to "young, broke Christian convert parents." Who spanked her maybe they shouldn't have spared the rod

According to Iggy, she worked hard in school and did her best. Here's a post breaking all of this and more down, called bitter


Began to date LDL, "graped" on May 3 that year.

May 3 post


Pregnant with her first child, and "reproductively abused" by LDL.

Pregnancy post

Iggy claimed to also be bullimic at this time

https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720633332866855.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720633333122169.webp


Punched LDL so hard his gold grill fell out.

This confirmed a few of my suspicions that LDL was a hoodrat


Left the church and seemingly tried to cut contact with her parents, who I'm sure loved her very much.


Iggy left LDL and he apparently responded with "who's gonna believe you"


Regarding the Allegations

I could not find any trace of this guy on the internet on the form of pictures, mugshots, court filings or anything. I really wanted to know if my other assumptions were correct.

Iggy claims that he has sired multiple children.


Link to irresponsible ejaculations

My thought process was even if Iggy is too r-slurred to call the cops, surely another baby mama would have. Apparently one did, once, but according to Iggy, nothing came of it.

I'm not going to release it.. That's it and that's all. There has not been enough long term accountability. It is my life's mission to make sure people who are willing to listen know what my kids' biological father has done and is capable of, as well as things that are serious cause for concern and suspicion.

My sense of justice is not satisfied if he stays comfortable abusing people and using people, and unwilling to admit what he's done.

Lafayette Demel Lawrence, Sr committed crimes against femmes, children, and animals. I will never let it go. How can I while he's still walking around, free to hurt others?

I don't think prison is a solution, either. (F*ck 12.)

Anyone who still is friends with him or lets him around them or their kids is either like him or he's deceived them into thinking THREE of his bm's and an ex girlfriend are just cr*zy and vindictive.

Thread to OG post

I did find a few obituaries of men with similar names and ages, but:

A. Iggy just posts this man's name in its entirety, why would they have changed it?

B. If he died, I'm sure Iggy would have posted about it, maybe they would have even pissed on his grave and uploaded a selfie.

In short, if any amount of this is true, it's completely on Iggy (and the other baby mamas) if this peice of garbage continues to hurt women and children.

It's blatantly obvious that they're only divulging all this now, because they want attention.


neurosurgeon encounter

Iggy recently saw a neurosurgeon, hopefully to remove all those brain worms.

I've had time to process my encounter... appointment ... with the neurosurgeon and honestly after reading his notes

SHE, WOMAN, HER.. DURING PRIDE MONTH, when my gender and pronouns are in my chart, and the claim that i denied imbalance, when what i said was "I don't really know"

i wonder if he picked up on my anger and sarcasm when I said "Well it feels really great to finally be listened to"

Furthermore when i told him i believe I'm neurodivergent, his knee jerk response was to be dismissive. like.

why? he was talking to me for all of five minutes by then.

I am really tired. If one of you could help my kids sue Rochester Regional Health if whatever is wrong with me takes me out before I can get diagnoses, I would appreciate it.

also, he called me "dear"

πŸ˜‘ 😠🀒


You're hysterical


Iggy's most Memorable Posts

So, I came across these gems while going through their threads. Enjoy.

https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206333336096866.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206333337553895.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206333339115434.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206333341365552.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720633334274581.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720633334428138.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206333346630979.webp


My Take Away

I initially felt bad for Iggy, I really did, it's overwhelminglt obvious that this... Woman... went through something. My sympathy melted away when I found out she never reported what happened to her or her minor children, for whomst it never even began.


ALSO 62 years since she left LDL?????

I caught that after I scrolled through the post.

What do y'all think?

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Iggy's posts from the last hour:








It takes a lot to make every single conversation about abuse about you.

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zamn...is she, like, one of the only few real people who still sperg out on use Threads?

I know that that site got a lot of activity when it first launched, mostly because it was during that time where so many leftoids/soys/Hollywood people/etc were doing their mass :quote: "exodus" :quote: from Xitter because Tesla man bad (and anti-democratic and evil and so on and so forth) or something...

...nowadays I don't even hear much from Threads at all, and Xitter is still a pretty active and heavily-used site, especially since many of the people who said they were gonna leave...ultimately did not lol.

Well, good on this foid to keep some Meta interns preoccupied whenever she whines about her (self-inflicted) personal problems lol

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there :marseycheerup: are a bunch of taiwanese leftists sperging out on threads constantly.

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A lot of people read Threads (myself included), but the amount of people actually posting on it is very small.

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u made it

trans lives matter

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We made it!!!

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Could you imagine your 46 year old mother looking and acting like this?


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You can call yourself cute until you believe it, but you can't call yourself cute until I believe it

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206787689018025.webp lookadat cutie I bet she would be really good at ruining old improv or game shows

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PLEASE submit that as a sidebar

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For some reason that picture reminds me of when I was buying my house, looking for furniture on Craigslist.

Found a couch/loveseat set, asked them if it was super heavy. "No, we're two women and were able to lift it just fine"

She neglected to include that she and her partner were both butch lesbians

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BulldyΔ·e Moving Co.

:#marseychonkerbutch: :!#marseychonkerfoidindignant:

"Forget your man and we'll move you in with Jan!"

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if only uhaul lesbians weren't allergic to capitalism

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Lilmarsey is 6'3. Most men can still out lift her, albeit barely. Those lesbians were far more self aware than average

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I'd rather encounter the butch lesbians than Iggy.

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cute for a bullfrog maybe

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That's an insult to bullfrogs


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how long until she will train out

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She's already started.

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She's doing a very good job at making bigots (everyone who isn't a terminally online :marseyidio3: libtard) uncomfortable. She even made me nauseous!


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She looks like she has Fraggle hair

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I literally gagged


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hi i'm cute

if you say so

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46 years old pooner holy frick :marseyitneverbegan:

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Possible wigger witch, too, judging by her choice in men

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She has never grown past 16. I can't think of other explanations.

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But 30 years ago pooners were incredibly rare. Maybe she kept the mindset of 16 but still goes for new trends :marseyhmmm:

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16 year old foids chasing r-slurred trends isn't some surprising development

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I feel like a majority of plebbitors are like this. It explains all of their simplistic and child-brained takes on things

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I watched an episode of Iron Man that says you're wrong

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206342988545098.webp :#marseyitneverbegan:

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This picture could be used as a campaign ad for Project 2025

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That's the one thing Iggy seemingly hasn't posted about lol

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This is just a huge !foidmoment


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Doctors say FAT FAAAAAT YOU'RE FAT DID YOU KNOW THAT YOU'RE FAT? instead of looking for causes, such as PCOS.

Reproductive disturbances are more common in obese women regardless of the diagnosis of PCOS. Obese women are more likely too have menstrual irregularity and anvolatory infertility than normal-weight women. In reproductive-age women, the relative risk of anovulatory infertility increases at a BMI of 24 kg/m2 and continues too rise with increasing BMI. Consistent with a pathophysiologic role for obesity, weight reduction can restore regular menstrual cycles in these women.

Despite the higher frequency of reproductive abnormalities in obese women, the majority of obese women do not develop hyperandrogenemia and do not have PCOS.

B-word is just fat and wants to deflect from it but the stats don't back her up :marseynoooticer:

Source? Source? You got a source for that, chud? :soyjakanimeglasses: :sciencejak:

Yes, cited by 300+ people :#marseydealwithitsoy:



@ObamaBinLaden love sucking peepee

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17207082304783955.webp https://i.rdrama.net/images/1720708230717607.webp


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I might have to make another Iggy post sooner than expected



I was having trouble visualizing that so I put those numbers into a BMI visualizer...


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why do so many tards grow so big? why is "lennie" a phenotype? how do we isolate the super r-slur strength gene and splice it into embryos with unbroken brains? :marseyhmm:

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Tard gene too strong, it would override the unbroken brain

Also the Lennie is a phenotype because lower IQs don't have impulse control

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phenotypes are collections of outwardly noticable physical traits

lennie was strong not just because of impulse control, but also because a lot of r-slurs are giants

i want their giant gene


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Also the Lennie is a phenotype tards are fat because lower IQs don't have impulse control

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is it the impulse control that puts the lennies in the 97-99th percentile for height, too?


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Ok ok ok fine you can splice tard strength and giant genes so you can be more than a manlet


I won't stop you, but don't blame me when playing God backfires


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I like how they included the man tits in the visualizer lol

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They remind me of this ^

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:siren:BARD BOT ALERT!:siren:Current streak was: 0 days 00 hours 48 minutes and 15 seconds

Record is 1 days 13 hours 09 minutes and 59 seconds by TheDunceonFlorist

We've got Bardy fever! today we have mentioned our favorite mod 49 more times than usual!

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>this man r*ped, abused, and tried to murder me multiple times and I believe he will do it again to many more people.

>prison isn't the answer for him though because ACAB and what if he gets like hurt or something during the arrest :(


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>practices witchcraft

We'll see about that.


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Bishes always be like "teehee I practice witchcraft" until I show her the pyre I built

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!transphobes predictable attention seeking behavior by a :marseytrain: in this thread.

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Given how active Iggy is online, would y'all like me to do periodic check ins?

!effortposters !poll_voters

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Imagine if you got her too join here

Trans lives matter to @Awoo

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You don't need to notify me every time you affirm trans rights. I already know you're an ally.


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But @tempest wouldn't want you too miss out on any "trans lives matter" affirmations. They're really important!

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Hey listen, I'm not gonna tell you you can't. I just don't want you to be giving any unnecessary work to yourself. But feel free to copy me if it makes you happy.


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Yes, Iggy is fat


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oh im a jartycuck

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Look, I like Soytan and Ongezellig as much as anyone else and at first I thought the jartypedo thing was just a joke, but no, I browsed there a bit and they are completely obsessed with sexualizing soylita, 'zellig and 'oytan. They deserve all the slopjak posting and much more.

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Obsessed with jartychads award

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This lady has such a clear case of arrested :marseywrongthonk: development. Also I share your frustration in someone apparently being abused :marseyinjured: so badly that it's the only thing they can talk about 24/7 but then also saying "frick 12 I ain't callin no popo". Ultimate tard moment :marseypooner:

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The fact she implies her kids were hurt, too made me wanna


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Ugly people are wrong.

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Iggy is a self described faT

Finally someone gets a self-diagnosis correct

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:marseyxd: :marseyxd:

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In December 2006, I knocked the gold fronts out of my abuser's mouth the second time I snuck him with a right hook, when he landed himself in the hospital because he had a panic attack. He was in the midst of going to court about when he threatened his other gf earlier that year, when she was pregnant with the twins... I had my baby that February. She had the twins in the late spring.

This one is incredible. It's like another car adds to the pile up every clause

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>degenerative disc disease that started when I was in my late teens, arthritis in my spine, stage 3 spinal stenosis with bone spurs, arthritis with bone spurs in both knees and both like to slide out of place... i could go on... not that I owe random strangers an explanation of why i can't work, or even what makes me chronically ill.

I go to physical therapy 3x/week for my back and still work 50 hours. It's called not being a fricking hamplanet. :tayaaa:

>Even though it's been nearly 62 years since I escaped


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This lady seems crazy enough that these are all actually delusions.

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https://i.rdrama.net/images/17206535744835372.webp The binging is a huge problem :marseytrolley: but she's obv not purging afterwards.

What she really :marseythinkorino2: needs :marseyspecial: is a coach, not 5,000 views

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What she really needs is a coach handler

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:#marseyweeb: :!#marseychonkerfoid:

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He held a katana (sword?) to my stomach and throat on numerous occasions

alright, who was this?


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Furthermore when i told him i believe I'm neurodivergent, his knee jerk response was to be dismissive.

Because he's a fricking surgeon and your r-slurred self-diagnosis is not his problem lol. Let the poor guy do his job and then go bother your primary doc about it

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Surely no one is actually still on threads right?


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Bigmarsey found a FTM "intersex" fujoshi who still posts several dozen times a day on threads. The people who are left on threads are really weird.

Said fujo has so much potential content for our drama that it will require several posts to even begin dissecting the craziness.

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Hi friends, ER doc here.

You and your family should really think about masking up this holiday season.

If you don't, here is what is currently store for you:

  • completely backed up urgent care centers

  • Emergency Departments with 6 hour wait times

  • Pediatric Emergency Departments with 9 hour wait times

  • 72 hour boarding times in the Emergency department for patients admitted to the hospital. And no, I can't make a call and get your loved one upstairs faster, I've been haggling with bed control all day and they can't do shit.

  • if you are admitted, a strong chance you are going to a "hallway room", meaning a bed that is in a hallway

  • if you scream at myself or my team to try to get things done faster we will probably just scream at you back at this point. Do you realize everyone is screaming at us about the conditions in the hospital? Literally every patient? The exception is family visitorsβ€”there is no debate, no discussion: if you scream at us at this point I am just having hospital security remove you

  • your kid need high flow nasal cannula for their acute respiratory distress for their bronchiolitis? I'm working on it as best as I can but…well there is no easy way to tell you this…but we are kinda running low on those things. And RT is helping intubate a 4th kid this morning in the PICU so they aren't showing for a while anyway

You and your family should really think about wearing a mask this holiday season.


OG post:

Link to single motherhood:

Ruminating is a sign of mental illness:


May 3 post:

Pregnancy post:

This confirmed a few of my suspicions that LDL was a hoodrat:

"who's gonna believe you":

Link to irresponsible ejaculations:

Thread to OG post:

recently saw a neurosurgeon:

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GEEEEG, do nusoicacas really??

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