St. George, Louisiana :boomer: :chudsmug: VS :!blacksoyjak: :!marseybipocmerchant:

2013 - Residents of south east Baton Rouge, Louisiana attempt to gather 20,000 signatures which would enable it to put the independence vote on the ballot and form a breakaway city named St. George.

The key reasons cited for this is to create a new school district, as well as to have more control over their tax money.

Let me spell it out: North BR is poor and black, south BR is mostly white and much more well off. You fill in the blanks. :marseysoycry:

Additional context from redditor:

As a bit of background:

St. George is 'underseated', there are roughly 10k public school students in the area, but only 4k spots in the schools. Presently, this works out okay enough, because the remaining 6k students either go to magnet schools in mid-city, or they go to schools that are just inside the city limits (like the Mayfairs or the Broadmoors).

A number of times in the past two years, this was brought up. Originally, the St. George organizers said that they were going to be fine with the original 7 schools outside of the city limits.

Then they said that they're need to build 5-7 new schools. They were asked how they'd afford to do so. They said that they'd be able to do so without any new taxes (which would be quite the accomplishment).

I think they realized the folly of that, and are now trying to go back and say that St. George will have two separate school districts, one of which will take a portion of the incorporated city of Baton Rouge with it - the rationale here is to grab four schools just inside the city limits to relieve pressure on the schools outside of the city limits.

I think that at present, it's becoming evident that the St. George movement leaders basically have a lot of anger and fear, but not much in the way of administrative chops or political forethought. (The omission of magnet/gifted programs in the St. George school district being another prime example of this)

2014 - Not everyone is onboard. The Mall of Louisiana and two of Baton Rouge's biggest hospitals ask to be annexed into the City of Baton Rouge.

Literally who journoid does an early victory lap :soysnoo:

And this, I believe, is the takeaway from the attempted breakaway: The folks behind this campaign aren't good citizens; they never fully understood their own privilege; they never considered that, ultimately, what they were asking was for their neighbors to put the City of Baton Rouge on the brink of bankruptcy and financial collapse in order to allow them to create a new majority white school district. It was outrageous. It was myopic.

The campaign relied heavily on disseminating stories about fights, drug use, and the confiscation of guns at public schools as a way of arguing that the system itself was institutionally flawed and beyond repair. I've followed these folks on social media for months. They have no interest in actually solving the problems. That's not why they call attention to stories that are common in almost every urban public school district in America. No, this is about scaring people; specifically, it's about scaring white people.

2015 - The petition is submitted, however falls short by 71 signatures. An appeal to recount is thrown out.

Crime rates will continue to increase in the next few years, while the schools continue to decline.

2018 - A second petition is submitted, with a smaller city proposed

2019 - The East Baton Rouge Parish Registrar of Voters declares that the petition has enough valid signatures (at least 12,996 required; 14,585 accepted) to meet the requirements for eligibility. In March, Louisiana Gov. John Edwards authorizes adding the petition to the October 12, 2019, ballot.

Does us all a favor and stfu, or walk out into traffic. Your line of thinking is what's wrong with this state. Rich get richer and poor have no choice but to stay poor. The state has repeatedly fricked over the African American community 1000x Times over. Oh we need to build an interstate, build it right In the middle of the black communities with no shielding or sound abatement or anything.

A thousand frick you's to you and yours


Of the more than 54,000 registered voters living in the St. George area, approximately 32,293 (60%) cast ballots, with 17,422 (54%) voting in favor of incorporation.

Welcome to St George. City motto: "I'm not racist, but..." :seethejak:

If I am going to have to change my address to say St. George instead of Baton Rouge, I am going to be sick to my stomach. :seethejak:

I think the only thing this did was confirm that our state has uneducated shitholes for residents. :seethejak:

No. It confirms our state has racist shitholes for residents.

Access to white people is not a human right.

| Being surrounded by white people affords a better opportunity than being surrounded by black people.

Please defend this sentiment.

Uhhh what? Get out of here with that straw man.

| They're racist for making their own city!

So they're racist becuase they are separating themselves?

| That's a strawman argument!

Go ahead sport. Explain how they're racist. Once you do that, we can readdress my "strawman." Because we both know that I read your sentiment perfectly and addressed it appropriately.

But still... explain how they're racist.

Jesus dude. Just because you try to spin my words in arguments that aren't being made, doesn't make your comments what I said.

The whites are separating themselves from the blacks. Racist. The end.

Also, attempting to insult by calling someone sport is pretty telling on how your argument holds no weight. But keep telling yourself you're not the bad guy, sport.

| The whites are separating themselves from the blacks. Racist. The end.

Exactly. So not a strawman at all, turns out.


I'm not a bad guy. You're the angry one. Because a community wanted to support themselves doesn't make them racist.

| "Sport" is an insult!

Ha ha. Ok.

What holds no weight? What makes it racist? Because black people are involved?

Why is it racist, champ? Please, explain.

Argument continues for awhile:

It's amazing that not all of BR was allowed to vote on this. It affects them as well!

What's worse is that it affects the entire parish but only the incorporated area was allowed to vote. I see lengthy lawsuits in the future because of this.

>nooo you're not allowed to leave :seethejak:

The City of Baton Rouge immediately begins legal action to contest the incorporation, before the Governor can appoint an interim mayor and interim city council. (Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broom, Lewis O. Unglesby, and M.E. Cormier vs. Chris Rials and Norman Browning, Organizers of the Petition to Incorporate St. George)

2022 - The 19th Judicial District Court rules against the incorporation of St. George

Citing state law governing "Legal action contesting an incorporation":

If the district court determines that the provisions of this Subpart have not been complied with, that the proposed municipality will not be able to provide the public services proposed in the petition within a reasonable period of time, or that the incorporation is unreasonable, the district court shall enter an order denying the incorporation. La. R.S. 33:4(E)(2)(a)

Council Pro Tem LaMont Cole, who along with Mayor-President Sharon Weston Broome sued in 2019 to block the incorporation, celebrated the ruling Tuesday and called on both parties to work together to address the problems that prompted the push for incorporation.

"We need to work diligently to work through the issues that we have to improve the quality of life in Baton Rouge," Cole said. "We can best do that if we remain together. For now, I'm proud of where we are and the opportunity we have to move forward as one Baton Rouge." :marseybipocmerchant:

The plaintiffs argued that St. George's organizers discriminated against Black residents by intentionally excluding the majority-Black and low-income areas of Gardere and Belaire from the 2018 incorporation petition boundaries. Those areas were included in a 2014 attempt to incorporate that voters denied.

Coady rejected that argument, writing that the plaintiffs failed to provide compelling evidence that the boundaries were purposely drawn to exclude minority communities. St. George's organizers argued during the trial that the areas were only omitted because they had a low signature count during the first campaign in 2013 to incorporate St. George.

The judge said a perception of a racial motive might exist, "but the incorporators have provided a racially neutral reason why certain areas were excluded and not purposely drawn in a racially discriminatory fashion," Coady wrote.

Murrell (spokesman for St. George) said he wasn't surprised by that aspect of the ruling because Cole and Broome did not "provide one shred of evidence to the contrary."

Cole called it "obvious" :blacksoyjak: that the boundaries were at least drawn to exclude low-income communities, which also include a higher percentage of minorities. But he said it mattered little because of the broader ruling.

"I understand that it may not have been racially motivated based off the evidence the judge saw, but some financial levels were certainly left out," Cole said.

Oh noes, the racists didn't think shit through. What are the odds? :soyjakanimeglasses:

2023 - The Louisiana First Circuit Court of Appeals upholds the decision to deny the incorporation of St. George

"We affirm the June 13, 2022 judgment of the trial court denying the incorporation," the First Circuit Court said, "because the petition failed to comply with the requirements of La. R.S. 33:1(A)(4)." (p. 25) This section includes the following requirement: A listing of the public services the municipal corporation proposes to render to the area and a plan for the provision of these services. The court said that "although the petition listed the services that would be provided, the petition did not provide ... a plan for the provision of those services." (p. 25) The court also held that a statement in the petition that "services will be provided subject to the availability of funds derived from taxes, license fees, permits, and other revenue which becomes available to the municipality and are authorized by state law' does not constitute a plan for the provision of those services as required by La. R.S. 33:1." (p. 25)

Racists seething

Must be hard going through life thinking everyone is out to get you

Dude so dumb to comment. StGeorge is racist, no matter what you tell yourself. It's also shitty to do to your home.

How is it racist?

Look at the property lines they drew up. It excludes very particular areas

The original map included all of Gardere, and very clear drew around the unincorporated areas of BR. Gardere asked to not be included in the second attempt. The second map again drew around the unincorporated areas, which this time were reduced due to some areas petitioning to be annexed by BR after round 1. It's all geographical, you're the ones applying race to it

Lol you try to defend the map? You aren't commenting in good faith. You cannot believe any of your comment right? If you know anything about BR and look at the map, You know it's racist and hurts Baton Rouge, only reason you support it so you can sell your house for more money.

:m#arseysoycry: BAD FAITH

Your racist whites only "utopia" will have to wait. :soyjakanimeglasses: (12 months ago)

They didn't wait long huh? :chudsmug: (2 months ago)

April 26, 2024 - The Louisiana State Supreme Court affirms the incorporation of the City of St. George in a 4-3 decision

Does incorporation affect an existing city within three miles? "Also, the statute does not limit the adverse impact factor to economics. Evidence shows that Baton Rouge can actually be positively affected by St. George's growing population. Those people and their money will stay in the parish. This increases revenues and improves quality of life across the parish. This factor favors incorporation."

Will incorporation affect the interest of landowners in the affected area? "Landowners and residents of St. George will benefit by their sales tax revenue being used on needs specific to St. George. Again, because of the nature of the consolidated City-Parish government, Baton Rouge has arguably experienced a windfall by collecting taxes in St. George without returning proportionate money and services. Incorporation will allow the money paid by St. George citizens to stay in St. George. This factor favors incorporation."

Is the cost of operating the municipality prohibitive? "This factor is previously analyzed under the ability to provide public services within a reasonable period of time. We find St. George's revenue will cover its operating costs. This factor favors incorporation."

"Cole has the statutory right to challenge the incorporation of St. George. However, his real and actual interest is limited to the adverse impact incorporation will have on Baton Rouge, a municipality in the vicinity, and whether St. George can timely provide services. Despite the challenge, we conclude St. George can provide public services within a reasonable period of time. Applying objective factors to determine reasonableness, we hold incorporation is reasonable. We reverse the lower courts' denial of incorporation and render judgment in favor of Proponents."

:#soysnooseethe: :#soysnooseethe: :#soysnooseethe: :#chudjakdancing: :#chudjakdancing: :#chudjakdancing:

Still crazy how they carved out two majority black neighborhoods located almost in the center of their "City of St. George" map, basically making them an island surrounded by a different city. Like, I understand leaving out the section behind them where Topgolf and Lowe's are, but what was the point of leaving out those two neighborhoods?

The point was those neighborhoods overwhelmingly voted against incorporation the first attempt, they were included, and they opted out.

Oh I think you know. :marseycope:

Oh I do know. I think it just hasn't truly sunk in yet lol :marseycope:

They didn't want to be included. That information is out there but crying racism seems to be easier. Feelings not facts!

Glad you support segregation :seethejak:

how is this segregation?? there are still many black and latinx ppl in st george. no one is being forced to move. no one is being shunned.

most of my neighbors are black. how come we werent cut out?? oh yea.. because we voted YES to incorporate.

st george has behaved more like a community with mixed demographics than BR ever did iny 30yrs there

70% white . . . Sorry if I doubt your "many black and Latinx" comment. :marseygigaretard:

a city being mostly white doesnt mean all the neighborhoods are mostly white 🙄🤦‍♀️💁‍♀️ thats like saying there are no mostly white neighborhoods in BR because its a mostly black city 😂




Did some digging, because everyone was talking about the "majority black communities that were left out of st george."

Looks like they were originally included, but voted no, and were removed. They literally opted out.

That is not opting out. The SG lost because it didn't have the votes. So, the losers changed the rules and gerrymandered the "No" votes out. Saying they opted out is not the story. The story is losers lost so they changed the rules to win. Actually that's pretty typical Louisiana behavior, no? Ignoring the will of the majority for the will of the elite!?!? :soyjaktantrum:

thats not gerrymandering. by cutting those areas out, they WERE respecting the majority vote of the black areas that voted no for their being incorporated.

so how in tf were they ignoring the will of the majority??

they just followed how the system of democracy works. no rules were changed. the rules were simply followed. you cannot force areas to incorporate in their majority vote was no.

Why didn't they respect the 46% of areas that didn't vote for St George?

Was it convenient to annex swaths of locations where supporters of St George knew that those swaths voted no?


Frick em! I'd be mad but they are going to belly flop so hard it's really gonna be fun. :marseycope: :marseycope: :marseycope:

you mean like central and zachary?

No I mean like a bunch of idiots who thought they could keep their tax dollars from North BR, whilst forgetting that the political power in St Georgie mostly rests with people who use private school and can contract garbage pickup through their nice butt neighbor assoc.

Most of the rubes that voted for this dumb shit just became the poor people in their new city and they honestly believe that's going to work out for them.... "He look over there those rich people are also white I'm sure they'll vote for our collective interest and help improve ma schools and make sure my garbage is picked up..."

you seem so bitter, to the point where it seems you'd be more upset to see st george succeed, than fail

Frick em the most charitable interpretation is they wanted to keep all the tax dollars they earn in baton rouge for themselves while the city falls to shit. A more accurate interpretation is they want to keep their tax dollars out of North Baton Rouge because they're racist pricks.

Am I bitter with the racist politics and pricks in St Georgie...sure would be if they had any chance of success even if the bar of success is cough central...

Real quick…how many tax dollars does NBR contribute compared to SBR? Exactly. Why should one half have to subsidize the other? SBR has been subsidizing EBRPSS for decades now. STG asked for more investment in schools in their half of the parish and they were laughed at and told to go form their own city and then maybe they would. So they did just as they were told. SBR doesn't owe NBR shit.

No worries I'll give you some teaching. Clearly you missed high school civics, and I sympathize that you're highest level of education is the Joe Rogan Evacuation. So when you pay your taxes they go to your society and it spends them on things like educations for people who can't afford private education (you know like your kids because you wouldn't give a shit otherwise).

So here is the deal you live in baton rouge, I bet you work in baton rouge, your favorite bars and restaurants are in baton rouge you have all the benefits of living in an actual city with 221,453 people. But instead of contributing to things like the public school system you guys want to leach off the city while making sure every cent of your tax dollars gets spent on your kids, roads, and cops (cluch ur pearls poor people are soo scary).

Don't lie when people ask you tell them you are from Baton Rouge, but when you pay your taxes you want to be from St. Georgie (St. Georgie proud what a ring to it). You think you should get more tax dollars per kid then the other kids in the public school system. But thats not how its works.

The sad facts are you jackasses don't have the money to swing your peepees at private school so you think you can just leach off those tax dollars from the BRCC but news flash you got your own city now, and its not NBR that are the poor folks its YOU and BRCC and all the other nice subs that can afford private trash pick up, private schools, private road resurfacing, and private security are going to railroad you, your public schools, your trash pickup, and your (formerly privileged) rug rats so hard your going to wish you could afford a public school in NBR.

Real quick…how many tax dollars does NBR contribute compared to SBR? Exactly.

You want the doesnt matter we don't decide how much to spend on a child's education by how much their neighborhood pays in taxes for reasons even your kids could explain to least until your new neighbors cut their educations funding. Nurture...or clearly nature your crotch goblins are screwed.

Leech off the city huh…STG has propped up the city, in particularly NBR, for decades. Stop being mad at white folks for subsidizing black folks. Get off your butt and go work to make your community better instead of blaming others for what you don't have.

You are so delusional it's almost concerning. Keep thinking NBR is worth a frick. BR is about to crumble unless your community gets their shit together…don't worry, I'll wait.

>w-we didn't need your tax money anyways! :m#arseyseethe:

That meme is wrong because the St George area was designed to exclude African Americans. My brother used to live in that area and fought hard against an incorporation because of lack of diversity.

False. The predominantly black neighborhoods did not want to be included in STG so they drew the lines around those neighborhoods per THEIR wants.

Not according to Maxine Crump and Dialog on Race in Louisiana.

The facts are out there. The first STG map had those neighborhoods included. When it failed the first time, they went back and excluded the neighborhoods that overwhelmingly voted against it and redrew the map. Of course this doesn't fit the narrative but it's straight facts.

Wouldn't St George become majority black anyways in a few decades due to white flight?

In a perfect world.

Power to your people, brother 💪🏿


Congratulations! I'm Swedish in Sweden, but for some reason I've been following this whole thing.


Gonna say the quiet part out loud. Sounds like they wanted to get out the ghetto. Black, white, racism call it what you want. 13:50. But it's more like 6:50


Entitled White People At Work.

Democracy and voting at work*

Democracy and voting have absolutely nothing to do with segregation and white supremacists. Pretending to be a patriot and not even knowing the definition is sad.


Like a lot of politics inside the Republican party, it's all about race.

People voted, democracy won. Cry more

Coming from the party pushing dei and unfair admissions standards at universities lol


They didn't want to be part of the black people's city, right? If I remember correctly the white people's neighborhood just tried to make itself a mostly white city for voting reasons…

St. George was part of unincorporated EBR, not the city. My understanding was that this all started because the city-parish government would not build a new high school in their area, so they wanted to form their own city so they could have an Independent School District (ISD).

That's their "official" reason. The actual reason is racism.

St George has a higher percentage of minorities than the rest of unincorporated EBR. They have nearly the same racial makeup as the overall parish.

In what way does St George coming into existence change the City of BR or even EBR schools? City of BR is totally separate from anything incorporated into St George.

So ignorant of the situation you likely can't even explain how an area with the same racial makeup of the Parish it resides in is racially excluding a particular group. Just yelling racism because you were told to.


More cope:

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Away down South in the land of !dixie,

Lunchtime rowdies acting tricksy,

Fly away, run away, get away, come away.

Where crime runs free but there's a savin',

St. George town will be your haven,

Fly away, run away, get away, come away.

We'll all go down to St. George,

Away, away,

Each St. George boy must understand

That laws protect a secure land,

Away, away,

We'll all go down to St. George.

Away, away,

We'll all go down to St. George.

!chuds someone sing this

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Yes yes okay

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But sing it to the tune of Barbie Girl

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How about a cox who can't sing, has no rhythm, and is tone deaf? :marseymespecial:

@ACA :marseysoutherner:

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I've never listened to anyone sing before and now I know why.

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If this was a movie, I wouldn't believe it so you're gonna have to film it for me. We're still gonna need a cast. I have an idea. I'll email my agent.

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Oh an amateur film?


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And who's gonna be the director?

I'll have you know, I have a degree in film studies from Oxford.


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Well good god darn, boy!


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:marseygolden: :marseysoypoint: :marseywerebackyall:

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this was fantastic

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Dixie's a dear tune to my heart


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Hey whoa doncha be negging my McCoxyuge

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Reread my comment with context clues :marseycheerupretard:

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He's already been summoned, I thought you were riffing on that.

If anything, I was using even more context

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ur voice is so deep

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Not my finest work

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We are a total Lenin-McCartney pair now.

@ENGLANDSHILL pls pin this thread

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I can hear how gay you are.

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St george who tho :marseyhmm:


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