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[๐Ÿค“๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜] Antifa swarm a Christian worship event in Portland, Oregon, and are attacking participants and pepper spraying the event's security guards.


Most Based Comments

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜

Lol these people are truly disgusting. (29)

The religious LOONIES ARE DISGUSTING. When right thinking folks confronted them in pioneer square because of their support for worship of horny toads, religious LOONIES began masturbating and moaning and flinging tampons at worshippers. It was quite the sight and immediately publicized by Marjorie Taylor Greene in her bid to prove God exists. (-46)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Lol these people are truly disgusting. (29)

The religious LOONIES ARE DISGUSTING. When right thinking folks confronted them in pioneer square because of their support for worship of horny toads, religious LOONIES began masturbating and moaning and flinging tampons at worshippers. It was quite the sight and immediately publicized by Marjorie Taylor Greene in her bid to prove God exists. (-37)

Basedness: ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”ฅ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Interesting that the Usual Suspects consider Christianity on its own as white supremacy, Nazism, "Proud Boy"-ism, etc. I can only hope that the new DA actually follows up and puts these losers in prison where they belong once his term starts.If you want to be "progressive" and enact social change go volunteer at Sisters of the Road, the Oregon Food Bank, H4H or a soup kitchen. Don't protest a bunch of Christians having a peaceful event and yell insults at them. It's not productive and it literally does nothing except add to the total amount of suffering and negative energy occurring at any given time. (30)

Nope, frick those buttholes, they are not welcome here. We don't need to hear about their imaginary friend nor why that allows them to take away our liberty (-30)

Angriest Comments

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Well, they might actually be "Antifa" since we are walking the road towards Christian Nationalism. (-11)

They're antifa because they're a violent mob, and that's what antifa has always been. skinheads and the black bloc have been attacking each other in streets of Europe for decades, because that's what they do. But a christian event isn't a fascist mob. They're not storming the fricking beaches of normandy, they're smashing up store fronts and beating people for their opinions.You don't have to pick between one violent mob and the other. They're both terrorists who use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals. (16)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

Nope, frick those buttholes, they are not welcome here. We don't need to hear about their imaginary friend nor why that allows them to take away our liberty (-30)

Too stupid to see he is the same by violently removing their liberty.Edit: since Apparently this comment got me shadowbanned or something.. just wanted to point out that no one has posted links of how THIS group has acted violently or aggressively. Instead only one side in this video is visibly using terrorism to silence others. Also don't give me shit about Christians being violent when you are cheering a group that is wearing the colors of a known terrorist group. (9)

Angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก

The German version of Nazi (the Nazis actually didn't call them selves that, that was a name made up by the Allies) is Nationalsozialistische deutsche Arbeiterpartei which translates to "National Socialist Germany Workers Party". Hitler spoke about being a Socialist in his speeches often, but he wasn't referring to Socialism in a Communism Light sense that many Americans have coined it as. The NSDAP was very against Communists, as where incidentally The Anti Fascist movement where as well. That's actually one of the three down arrows in their symbol. (Monarchy, Fascism, and Communism) (5)

I will not link to "Mein Kampf" here, but I have skimmed it because my family lived through the war and immigrated here, and there is actually an interesting section where Hitler is clearly laying out his positions on Unions, social democrats, and communists - which he is all negative on. But he is also negative on pure capitalism for mistreating workers too. Basically, he says unions are run by self-important people who like to order the rank and file around. He says he can briefly sympathize with people who want to support social democrats except he considers them misguided, and he totally dislikes communists. He criticizes ruthless industry leaders who keep the working class in marginal conditions. But then Hitler offers an even worse program - he essentially blames the problems of capitalism on owners from certain ethnic groups such as jews or old royalty, and he says that what we really need is an outbreak of patriotism and nationalism which will result in company owners volun... (1)

Biggest Lolcow: /u/StumpyJoe-

Score: ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿฎ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Number of comments: 8

Average angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

Maximum angriness: ๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ˜ก๐Ÿ”˜

Minimum angriness: ๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜๐Ÿ”˜

NEW: Subscribe to /h/miners to see untapped drama veins, ripe for mining! :marseyminer:

:marppy: autodrama: automating away the jobs of dramneurodivergents. :marseycapitalistmanlet: Ping HeyMoon if there are any problems or you have a suggestion :marseyjamming:

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I'd think these people were gigabased if they did the same shtick at an Islamic gathering but there is no universe in which that happens so they remain cringe and unbased :marseysigh:

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The prospect of a defensive suicide bomb vest detonation against an antifa incursion into a mosque would be the ultimate drama news event

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I don't think that would really be feasible because you'd have to... wait... you aren't being serious, are you?

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!christians !catholics is this a normal :marseychartgaussian: Christian :marseyghostweedjesus: group :marseymarseyloveorgy: or some Portland craziness?

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Seems like a well organized public demonstration that went off in portland in 2023 with little issue.

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When I had to go there, there was a guy who would be across the street (obviously banned from stepping on foot) Portland Courthouse Square. His face was spray-painted blue and he ranted about Iraq. It was totally nonsensical.

Having untreated schizos wandering around is just part of the "Keeping Portland Weird" experience.

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one of the guys there was a neonazi so probably mixed

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@HeyMoon it added the same comment twice and rated both differently. Out of curiosity, is basedness based (hehe) on downmarseys?


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They are both different comments, guy is some combination of schizo or using poorcel Internet :marseystinky: . Guy also posted a third, shorter rage comment to the same guy, supporting the poorcel Internet theory. (Some of the Redditors think it's a bot.)


EDIT: Looks like basedness is based off of negative comment karma (lower = based) AND number of replies to the comment (assuming it hasn't been updated)

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Thank you for answering my question :marseyfluffy:

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Kill your local commies

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>The religious LOONIES ARE DISGUSTING. When right thinking folks confronted them in pioneer square because of their support for worship of horny toads, religious LOONIES began masturbating and moaning and flinging tampons at worshippers. It was quite the sight and immediately publicized by Marjorie Taylor Greene in her bid to prove God exists.

I've been an atheist longer than 90% of Progressives have been alive, but they somehow make me want to round up & gas atheists :marseycrusader2:


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lemme guess the perps are white?

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Christ deniers will have their day when they face St Peter, until then if they continue to deny and refuse Him, they are evil

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Is this the chuddy portland sub or the main one?

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That's the chud one, but it's like dirtbag left. They still get mad about no-no words and love corporate surveillance cameras on the roads.

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>Christians minding their own business

>Automatically assume that, not only are they a political group, but a far-right "Christian Nationalist" one at that

Amerimutt Commies explained in one incident

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Trump memes on my social media feeds. Biden pumping out hilarious gaffes. Antifa r-slurs being r-slurs. America is back, baby!

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It's not pedophilia though. If you jerk of to drawings of children, you're probably sexually attracted to them :marseypuke:. But being a p-do's got nothing to do with being sexually attracted to kids. The pedophilia's all in the raping :marseyhomofascist: I strongly dislike the linguistic expansion of p-dophile from meaning child male feminist :marseywoodchipper2: to meaning attracted to children, which is unfortunately a literal thoughtcrime :marsey1984:



The religious LOONIES ARE DISGUSTING. When right thinking folks confronted them in pioneer square because of their support for worship of horny toads, religious LOONIES began masturbating and moaning and flinging tampons at worshippers. It was quite the sight and immediately publicized by Marjorie Taylor Greene in her bid to prove God exists.:

The religious LOONIES ARE DISGUSTING. When right thinking folks confronted them in pioneer square because of their support for worship of horny toads, religious LOONIES began masturbating and moaning and flinging tampons at worshippers. It was quite the sight and immediately publicized by Marjorie Taylor Greene in her bid to prove God exists.:

Nope, frick those buttholes, they are not welcome here. We don't need to hear about their imaginary friend nor why that allows them to take away our liberty:

They're antifa because they're a violent mob, and that's what antifa has always been. skinheads and the black bloc have been attacking each other in streets of Europe for decades, because that's what they do. But a christian event isn't a fascist mob. They're not storming the fricking beaches of normandy, they're smashing up store fronts and beating people for their opinions.You don't have to pick between one violent mob and the other. They're both terrorists who use violence and intimidation to achieve their goals.:

Too stupid to see he is the same by violently removing their liberty.Edit: since Apparently this comment got me shadowbanned or something.. just wanted to point out that no one has posted links of how THIS group has acted violently or aggressively. Instead only one side in this video is visibly using terrorism to silence others. Also don't give me shit about Christians being violent when you are cheering a group that is wearing the colors of a known terrorist group.:

I will not link to "Mein Kampf" here, but I have skimmed it because my family lived through the war and immigrated here, and there is actually an interesting section where Hitler is clearly laying out his positions on Unions, social democrats, and communists - which he is all negative on. But he is also negative on pure capitalism for mistreating workers too. Basically, he says unions are run by self-important people who like to order the rank and file around. He says he can briefly sympathize with people who want to support social democrats except he considers them misguided, and he totally dislikes communists. He criticizes ruthless industry leaders who keep the working class in marginal conditions. But then Hitler offers an even worse program - he essentially blames the problems of capitalism on owners from certain ethnic groups such as jews or old royalty, and he says that what we really need is an outbreak of patriotism and nationalism which will result in company owners volun...:



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